Venotonics with hemorrhoids, which venotonizing drugs, tablets or suppositories are better?

Venotonics are a group of medications that provide a full blood filling of venous lumens. With venous insufficiency of any localization, they become one of the first means, appointed by a specialist in the complex treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. Venotonics with hemorrhoids provide general relief of the patient's condition due to stimulation of blood circulation in the center of formation of hemorrhoids. If you do not use venotonizing candles and tablets, then the following complications may occur:

  • increased thrombus formation;
  • probability of thromboembolism( clotting of arterial lumen by thrombus);
  • bleeding from damaged vascular walls;
  • infectious and inflammatory lesions;
  • formation of trophic ulcerative formations, which for a long time can not heal.

Tablets and venotonic candles are a means of treating hemorrhoids in the early stages of the disease. With advanced hemorrhoids with severe complications, surgical treatment is performed, but in the post-operative period, these funds are an integral component of rehabilitation, which helps prevent relapse. Venotonics should not become the only way to treat hemorrhoids, as complex therapy of this pathology is required. They are also designed to temporarily alleviate the patient's pathological condition. These funds are aimed at suppressing the following conditions:

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  • pain relief;
  • decreased edema and reduced inflammation;
  • elimination of bleeding;
  • recovery period after surgery.

However, their main effect of venotonicks is the restoration of the vascular wall of the vein. This will help prevent blood stagnation in the veins.

The mechanism of action of venotonicks can develop in two ways to create a normal tone: the tension of venous vessels as a result of contractile muscle movements or a decrease in the permeability of the capillary walls. The majority of funds are acting in a bilateral direction and are classified into two large categories:

  • venotropic substances, provoking a reduction of venous smooth muscle cells;
  • venotropic substances, normalizing blood circulation.

The main vegetable ingredients of the first variant are the prickly spike, and the second group includes the horse chestnut extract. The latter is the main active ingredient in the known drug Troxerutin or Troxevasin. Means from both groups act on hemorrhoids as follows:

  • increase the tone of the vascular walls;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • inhibits thrombogenesis;
  • reduce inflammatory activity in foci;
  • eliminates swelling.

The appointment of suppositories and venotonic tablets for hemorrhoids should be agreed with the attending physician for the correct combination with other pharmacological groups of preparations.

Venotonic preparations for hemorrhoids

Venotonics are classified according to the following main features:

  1. Medicines based on bioflavonoids( rutin, diosmin, hesperidin).Provide the best systemic effect on the problem of hemorrhoids from the inside: Flebodia, Venarus, Vasoket, ointment Detralex.
  2. Synthetic analogues of the routine perfectly correct soreness, reduce swelling and inflammation: it is better to take Ascorutin( capsules), Troxerutin( capsules, gel), Troxevasin( capsules, gel).
  3. Medicines based on pentoxifylline. Such medications are prescribed only according to the doctor's testimony, since they have a lot of contraindications and side effects. Preparations better increase the tone of the vascular walls, stimulate the recharge of tissues and significantly reduce the capillary penetration ability: Vazonite, Trental.
  4. Vegetable base. The main active substances have the character of active biological substances and are used as ointments, emulsions, gels. The composition of such funds includes ordinary horse chestnut, tea tree ethers, sage leaves, peppermint. They are suitable for complex treatment, are more often prescribed to enhance the treatment of hemorrhoids in combination with the main drug treatment.

The use of venotonics in hemorrhoids can significantly slow the progression of the disease, and for chronic forms of the disease - increase the period of persistent remission. Receiving venotonics should be carried out according to a certain scheme according to the instructions of the attending physician. Usually the duration of such treatment is from 3 to 6 months, then a break is made, after which the course treatment is repeated according to the indications. In some cases, a different therapy scheme may be used, which is selected by a proctologist or angiologist.

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