Treatment of sigmoiditis( inflammation of the sigmoid colon), how to treat medications, microclysters, candles, can it be cured?

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Treatment of sigmoiditis will depend on what causes caused the disease. At the same time, attention is paid not only to adherence to a specialized diet, but also to medical treatment.

Treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon takes a very long time, and is difficult, as it requires considerable physical and moral strength of the patient. The treatment of sigmoiditis with improperly performed procedures and the setting of an inaccurate diagnosis is particularly difficult and costly. The principles of treatment are: proper nutrition in accordance with the strictest compliance with the diet, bed rest - that is why it will be determined whether the treatment will be properly and successfully.

How to treat sigmoiditis with medications? As medicament preparations, which are prescribed for inflammation of the sigmoid colon, are:

  • Antibacterial drugs that help get rid of the root causes of inflammatory processes. So, the use of Doxycycline, Tetracycline, fluoroquinolones and Ampicillin is prescribed.
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  • Spasmolytic drugs and various kinds of painkillers.
  • Astringents.
  • Sedatives.
  • Microclysters with chamomile broth, the presence of starch and vitamins of group A. Microclysters with methyluracil and corticosteroids may also be prescribed.

How to treat further? After the patient will lead to a stage of remission, a course of treatment with bacterial agents, for example, Bifiform or Lactobacterin, is carried out for several months. Phytotherapeutic measures can well help to remove inflammation, have astringent properties, and also have analgesic effects. In addition, thanks to them, there is a beneficial effect on intestinal motility and the level of flatulence decreases.

If there is an infectious etiology of sigmoiditis, the treatment will consist in adhering to the strictest diet, rehydration and vitamin therapy. If an acute infectious-type disease is suspected, then the use of antidiarrheal drugs is canceled.

Good efficiency have sigmoid microclysters with medicinal plants. They deliver the active substances to the inflamed areas. How to treat sigmoiditis in this way? For this, chamomiles, calendula, and yarrow are used. For treatment, the absorption of the microclystatic content is particularly important, so its temperature regime should not be lower than body temperature.

As the basic diet for inflammation of the sigmoid colon, tables # 4 are serving, where the patient is provided with a variety of useful substances. The restriction is on the consumption of salt, spicy and spicy dishes, as well as marinades. Too cold and hot dishes are excluded. Under the ban is the consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

How to cure a disease with a diet? In the diet for the treatment of sigmoiditis must necessarily be such products:

  • Carrot and beet. Dried apricots and prunes.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Juices of vegetables and fruits.
  • Cookies and bran bread.

All treatment is prescribed only by a specialist, since the inflammatory process is in a sufficiently inaccessible place. In some cases, it is permitted to use spasmolytic drugs on their own. Treatment will be considered successful and comprehensive if, in addition to taking medication, the patient will follow all the rules prescribed by the expert.

Candles for the treatment of sigmoidite

Candles with symptoms of sigmoiditis are ancillary drugs. They are agents having antibacterial components. Such drugs are prescribed with methyluracil, actovegin, sea buckthorn oil.

Candles are used to treat inflammation of the sigmoid colon. Thanks to them, the development of the opportunistic and pathogenic type of microflora is suppressed, which will contribute to recovery.

Candles are administered rectally. During the introduction of a candle into the cavity of the rectum, a microcolony of beneficial bacteria begin to colonize and multiply on the intestinal walls. When the therapeutic concentration is achieved, thanks to the content of nutrients in the body, the patient will become lighter.

How to cure sigmoiditis with such drugs? When you insert a candle into the rectal cavity, the growth of the negative microflora, which significantly increases the development of infectious inflammation of the sigmoid colon, is suppressed. In addition, due to their effect, it is possible to restore the normal state of acidity. Also, due to the destruction of negative microflora, the risk of developing a purulent septic complication is reduced. The drugs are used to normalize the stool.

The therapeutic effect and effectiveness of drugs with sigmoiditis is to stimulate the effect on the immunity of cells and tissues, helps to start the work of a large number of different kinds of structures that produce active substances. These active substances stimulate the healing process of the sigmoid colon and restore the normal state of the tissue structure. In addition, the activity of the restorative process in all organs and tissues of the body is stimulated. That is why candles with inflammation of the sigmoid colon have properties to improve the processes of ripening of erythrocytes and leukocytes, as well as the passage of the latter into the bloodstream. Due to this, many drugs are simultaneously a group of immunomodulators and leukopoiesis stimulants. Stimulation of the restoration of affected tissues with sigmoiditis can lead to the production of a variety of proteins in the body. In addition, due to the strong anti-inflammatory effect, the rate of regeneration of the intestinal walls increases with inflammation of the sigmoid colon.

Candles with sigmoid are injected into the cavity of the rectum in a dosage of 1-2 pieces several times a day. The time that is spent on treatment, such drugs is reduced from 1 week to 4 months. Before the introduction of the drug, an act of defecation is performed. A comfortable position is taken, the finger is soaked, which will serve to guide the means in the anus. One suppository is taken and is deeply injected with the help of a finger into the cavity of the rectum. After the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed. A clean laundry is put on, such that it will not be a pity to spoil it, since the preparation has a tendency to flow out a little when melting. After the suppository is introduced, a quiet rest is required for half an hour.

As a side effect of the use of suppositories with sigmoiditis, only an allergic reaction can occur. Contraindications to their use is the individual intolerance of the body and the child's age.

In any case, all medication and general treatment of sigmoiditis is prescribed by a doctor, and only if you strictly follow its instructions you can completely recover from the disease.

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