Clinic of pancreatitis, clinical picture and treatment of the pancreas

In the clinic of chronic pancreatitis, there are no clear symptoms of the inflammatory process, since the disease manifests itself against the background of painful sensations, to which the patient has long been accustomed. As a rule, patients seek medical help for symptoms such as jaundice, loss of appetite, weight loss, severe pain attacks. The defining clinical picture for such a disease is the appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium. As the disease progresses, the pain syndrome begins to shift to the left hypochondrium, the back and the scapular region. In most cases, the cause of the pain is a violation of diet, abuse of alcoholic beverages. Initially, pain syndromes occur 3-4 times a year. Soon the frequency of attacks increases. The duration of pain may increase to thirty minutes, if the disease is in the first stages. In advanced cases, severe pain can last for several days. Typical clinical symptoms of the disease are: nausea, problems with stool, bloating. Often, patients develop jaundice. Jaundice is a consequence of the fact that the bile duct is compressed by an inductive process. Under the abdominal wall the doctor can feel for a small painful formation.

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The clinical picture of pancreatitis can be varied and depends on the severity of the disease. The pancreas itself consists of lobules, which are separated by a joint tie. The structural and functional unit of the exocrine part is the pancreatic acinus. Outwardly it looks like a bag of 100-150 microns. It consists of a secretory department and an intercalary duct. The lobules of the gland are separated from each other by a loose connective tissue layer, which is equipped with blood and lymphatic vessels. In the clinic of the pancreas, the decay of its tissues is observed.

Patients suffering from pancreatitis often complain of pain that occurs in the abdomen. The pain is regular, it can be both cutting and dull. In the course of the development of the disease, attacks of acute pancreatitis may occur, and pain may increase. Sometimes the pain is so strong that it causes painful shock. As a rule, such painful sensations arise "under the spoon", in the left or right hypochondrium. If the entire pancreas is damaged, the pain is shrouded in nature.

In pancreatitis, a complex treatment is prescribed. The doctor prescribes conservative therapy in combination with a surgical procedure. Conservative therapy involves strict adherence to a diet in which protein predominates. During an exacerbation, the use of proteolytic inhibitors is prescribed. Medical treatment of the pancreas includes a group of drugs aimed at suppressing pancreatic secretion. For the removal of the pain syndrome prescribed antispasmodics and analgesics. If there are severe intestinal disorders in the clinic, then enzyme preparations are taken. If there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the clinical picture, symptomatic therapy of diabetes mellitus is required.

If there is a mechanical jaundice in the clinic and a severe pain syndrome, surgical intervention is prescribed. During surgery, passage of pancreatic juice into the intestine and removal of pain shock is provided. With properly prescribed treatment, the prognosis of pancreatitis is favorable. For the further prophylaxis of the pancreas, it is recommended to observe the diet and to treat the ailments of the gastrointestinal tract in a timely manner.

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