Biochemistry of pancreatic blood in pancreatitis, and liver, enzymes, hormones

Biochemistry of blood is a kind of laboratory diagnostics that shows how all organs and systems function in the human body, including the pancreas. That's why, when there is a suspicion of pancreatitis, the patient is asked to pass an analysis on biochemistry, which results can reveal which micronutrients are in excess and which are not enough. And already, knowing the mechanisms that lead to fluctuations in the chemical state of the body, draw conclusions that indicate a particular disease.

One of the indicators of blood that is being studied in biochemistry is ALT( alias ALAT / alanine aminotransferase), which is produced in the liver and participates in the exchange process of amino acids. The norm is the indicator of ALT not more than 41 U / L for a man and not more than 31 U / L for a woman. And if the results of the study, ALT exceeds these indicators, then this, along with other diseases, can indicate pancreatitis.

When analyzing biochemistry, attention is drawn to cholesterol and cholesterol. These two organic compounds are very significant and necessary components in the structure of fat metabolism, actively involved in the creation of the cell membrane, the synthesis of vitamin D and sex hormones. People who do not pay proper attention to pancreatitis, and do not start to cure the pancreas, admit in their blood a persistent rise in cholesterol.

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With such pancreatic ailments as acute and chronic pancreatitis, the patient's biochemistry results in a low magnesium index in the blood, which is inherent in many enzymes of the human body. In addition, magnesium is an active intracellular organism that is part of the liver, muscles, red blood cells and other tissues and organs, and also releases insulin by regulating the volume of sugar in the blood.

Another substance, which draws attention to biochemistry - the index of pancreatic alpha-amylase. Normally, these values ​​are 0-50 U / L and 20-104 U / L, respectively. Alpha-amylase ripens in the pancreas and salivary glands, and pancreatic - only in the pancreas. This enzyme helps to break down carbons and starch in the duodenum. If the amount of enzyme is significantly overestimated in the analysis of biochemistry, it indicates such diseases of the gland as the cyst, pancreatitis, tumor or stone in the pancreatic ducts.

Biochemistry of pancreatic hormones

The main hormones of the pancreas are insulin and glucagon. Glucagon is a polypeptide whose mass is 3.5 cd, the half-life lasts from three to six minutes, contains 29 amino acids. The formation of glucagon takes place in the cells of the small intestine and pancreas. The final effect of glucagon is to reduce the hormone. The decrease in the index occurs when the concentration of fatty acids and glucose in the blood increases.

Insulin - a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 5.7kD, contains 51 amino acids, consists of two chains A and B, connected by disulfide bridges. The formation of insulin occurs in the pancreas in the form of proinsulin, which is transformed into secretory granules, forming a C-peptide and insulin. The final effect of the action of insulin is a decrease in blood glucose. The decrease in the amount of insulin occurs due to the transport of glucose inside the myocytes and adipocytes and activation of intracellular reactions.

Biochemistry of the pancreas and liver

The biochemical composition of the liver includes proteins, glycogen, lipids and minerals. The liver plays a huge role in the metabolism. Its cells contain thousands of enzymes that promote the acceleration of the reaction of numerous metabolic pathways. The main and most important functions of the liver are: biosynthesis of substances such as glucose, blood plasma proteins, lipids, etc.; biosynthesis of bile acids, the formation and secretion of bile, involved in the digestive process;biosynthesis of final products - urea;biotransformation of drugs, poisons, etc.

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