Sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home

Pain in the legs and buttock is called sciatica. It is associated with chronic osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia. The material examines the main symptoms, exercises and treatment of the sciatic nerve in the home, which will help cope with the pathology.

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Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of pinching that lead to its inflammation: the sciatic nerve hurts, symptoms can also be:

  • pain syndrome in berriesIt becomes stronger if you stand or sit for a long time without changing your position;
  • burning and tingling in the buttocks, at the foot;
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  • muscles are tense, weakness is felt, there may be a feeling of numbness;
  • when walking or other foot movements there is a sharp piercing pain;
  • initially the pain is often felt only in the lower back, but gradually passes into the buttock, and through it is transmitted to the hip, then to the foot.

If the sciatic nerve is touched with a stab, the consequences for a person can be expressed in such symptoms:

  • a person can begin to limp. Because of severe pain, the body, when moving, turns away in the direction where the pain is absent;
  • on the side of the body where there is a jam, sensitivity may be lost. In some cases, the sensitivity of this part of the body does not decrease, but increases;
  • possible a general increase in body temperature, but only against the background of other symptoms.

It should be noted that these symptoms can be observed when the nerve is caught in both women and men.

Shocked with sciatic nerve injection -

symptoms If the sciatic nerve is affected by a prick, then one-sided pain in the buttock, waist and leg is also evident, and tingling and numbness may also occur. Inflammatory process manifests itself in different versions, this is affected by the degree of damage to the site. Clinical disorders can be expressed in different forms. And dragging on for a long time.

Important! The doctor will tell you the right treatment if the nerve is stabbed. In this case, do not self-medicate.

Symptoms of pinch during pregnancy

The main signs of pinching are manifested in painful sensations when walking, when a woman stands, in the waist area begins to shoot, the pains can interfere with sitting and sleeping. These symptoms negatively affect not only the physical condition of the future mother, but also the psychological one.

Important! There are complaints of women in childbirth that have touched the sciatic nerve with caesarean section. Address to the attending physician!

Treatment at home

The process of home curing of a pinch is long, it requires patience in fulfilling all the prescriptions and attention to one's health. The main methods of treatment include massage, the use of special ointments, physiotherapy( effective heating of the affected area with red light).

Massage should be performed by a specialist, at least 30 minutes every day or every other day. If you pass the necessary course of therapeutic massage does not work, you can put dry jars.

Important! If the pain is severe, then hot baths will help them. They need to be taken two times during the day.

That it is important to observe, if the sedative nerve has touched a prick, how to treat at home:

  • try not to sit more than two hours in a row;
  • set feet when walking smoothly;
  • keep your back straight, keep an eye out to avoid stooping;
  • knees to lower;
  • at night, the back should rest, which means that you need to sleep on your side, bending your knees;
  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • eat foods high in B vitamins;
  • refuse to constantly wear shoes with high heels.

Gymnastics for the treatment of

Considering the symptoms, exercises and treatment of the sciatic nerve at home, you need to pay attention to therapeutic gymnastics. Particular emphasis is placed on stretch exercises for the sciatic zone, which allows the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve to relax.

What exercises are recommended:

  1. In the supine position on the back, grasp the knee with your hands, pull it up. Translate to the shoulder opposite and linger for a few seconds. Lower the leg, and repeat the same action with the second leg.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees, putting your feet on the floor. Hands cross on the chest and lift the trunk so that the shoulders come off the floor. Repeat 15 times in a row, try not to rest.
  3. Any exercises for stretching the legs that are done in a prone position will do.

What folk remedies will help

You can anesthetize the nerve at home with the help of folk remedies. We give the most effective recipes.


In the old days, the pinch of the sciatic nerve was treated with cabbage. It is an extremely useful product that creates favorable conditions in the intestine for the development of beneficial bacteria. A high content of lactic acid in sauerkraut will also help.

Brewing bean leaves

Peeled green bean leaves used, such as welding for tea. This drug has a good diuretic effect.

Decoction of aspen leaves

Brew in 1 liter of boiling water a large spoonful of aspen leaves. To drink broth for four times during the day, it is better to do it before eating.

Calendula infusion

During the day, you need to drink 250 g of infusion. A tablespoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water. Then boil for an additional 5 minutes and strain. Drink for two meals, each time before the main meal.

Natural wax

If natural beeswax is melt, then in home treatment it can be used for compresses. First, it is recommended to rub the sore spot, and then apply a hot wax on it, distributing it evenly over the entire surface. Next, wrap a warm scarf and leave until the wax is completely cool.

Warming baths

Grind the horseradish root and roll in several layers of gauze. Then lower the gauze in the water for baths. You can brew a kilo of pine shoots in three liters of water, filter and pour into a bath. Take a bath every day for 10 days before bedtime.

Treatment with medications

It is not possible to cure a sedation nerve by prayer or conspiracy, you will only delay the time and you can aggravate the situation. For treatment, use traditional medications: ointments, injections.


What ointments will help to treat a jammed nerve:

  • "Finalgon".Use for rubbing problem areas. Relieves pain, has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Viprosal. As part of the remedy there is a bee venom. Apply to a preheated area to relieve pain;
  • Betalgon. In addition to an anesthetic effect, this ointment improves the blood supply to the skin in the problem area;
  • "Carmolis".The drug, created on the basis of plant components. The composition contains menthol and mint, Chinese magnolia vine, cloves, anise oil and thyme. Has a wonderful analgesic effect.


To cure a sore nerve, use drugs with anti-inflammatory properties. Some of them can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Naproksen.

Drugs have contra-indications and side effects, it is not necessary to apply independently, not to do much harm to health.

Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, are used not only by mouth, but also by intramuscular injection.

This is the minimum information you need to know about the symptoms, exercises and treatment of the sciatic nerve at home. Before the beginning of home treatment it will be necessary to undergo a detailed consultation course with a specialist. Only such an integrated approach will help in a short time to get rid of pathology.

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