Therapeutic effects of aspirin in headache

1 Causes of the disease

In medicine, there are 4 main directions of headaches. The classification is as follows:

  1. Vascular pain in the head. Hypertensive disease is manifested by the onset of pressing pain. In the temples, neck and neck there is a ripple, the pressure due to this becomes high. The second type of vascular pain is migraines. Migraines are characterized by the development of pulsations in the region of one half of the skull. To the pain in the head can join such symptoms as gag reflex and vomiting. Migraine is usually inherited or occurs in young women.
  2. Organic diseases of the brain and liquorodynamic changes. Such pain in the head occurs due to a serious brain injury or the occurrence of any neoplasms in the brain. If a cancer develops in the brain, vomiting and fainting may be added to the headache. In addition, pain related to this direction can be caused by the inflammatory process, meningitis and encephalitis.
  3. Psychogenic pain. This direction is the most common, because in this case the pain develops due to overstrain and emotional stress and stressful situations. To the development of such pains are predisposed people with propensities to depressive states and people who have a low level of anxiety. This pain is characterized by a sip on the entire head. A person feels squeezing, and it does not depend on how active he is.
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  4. Pain outside the brain. This direction is typical for infectious diseases. Usually the pain in the head is the first symptom of ARVI.In addition, the pain develops due to disturbances in the metabolism. Appears in all sorts of diseases: eye, ear, ENT diseases. Pain can develop as a result of the use of drugs, the use of contraceptives, caffeine. Also, the use of alcohol and any chemicals can cause pain. Provocateur can often become and osteochondrosis.

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2 Contraindications and side effects of

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid from headaches will help if the cause of an unpleasant, anxiety symptom is:

  • migraine;
  • alcohol abstinence;
  • is an inflammation.

Acetylsalicylic acid has a direct effect directly on the place where the pain is localized. Influencing the focus, neutralizes pain symptoms. Aspirin can be taken without the appointment of a doctor, but with caution. The course of self-treatment with acetylsalicylic acid should not exceed two weeks, otherwise the organism will become addicted to the components of the drug, which will lead to complications and irreversible consequences. An adult in one day should not take more than the recommended dose of the drug.


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Aspirin should be taken with special rules. The rules look like this:

  1. Young children, whose age is more than 4 years old, and adults should take the recommended dose for a few tricks.
  2. Babies, whose age range from two to four years, can take the drug to anesthetize pain, but the dosage should be prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Children who are less than two years old can not take aspirin. Very rarely, babies up to two years of age can be prescribed aspirin as an aid in the treatment of the disease, but the drug should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Acetylsalicylic acid for pain in the head has a number of contraindications and side effects. It is forbidden to use the drug:

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  • to pregnant women;
  • to nursing mothers;
  • in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for bleeding;
  • if individual aspirin intolerance is diagnosed;
  • if K deficiency is diagnosed;
  • with hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • if there are diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • if hypertension is diagnosed;
  • with gout;
  • if there are liver diseases.

Aspirin, of course, can help get rid of the headache, but taking the drug and noticing that the pain in the head has become systematic, you should consult the doctor, since the pain can be a symptom of a dangerous disease. And, as is known, many diseases, which are treated at the first stages, can not be cured at the last stage. A common headache can cause a person's death. Do not be afraid of doctors and diagnoses. As soon as pain in the head has become frequent and strong, it is necessary to visit a professional specialist who will send for examination and prescribe a course of effective therapy, and then you can forget about pain in the head and about taking aspirin.

3 Intravenous use of the preparation

In America, studies have been conducted that have shown that administering aspirin BB is safe for human life. On the contrary, aspirin intravenously showed itself in the treatment of migraines and severe headaches. Intravenously, aspirin is administered in a polyclinic. This method is recognized as more efficient, economical and safe. During the study period, most people who received aspirin, noted that they suffered from chronic headaches that went through the course of treatment. Some patients experienced side effects that were manifested by heartburn, vomiting reflex, asthma attack, bleeding, skin rashes. As a result, it can be said with certainty that aspirin in tablets and in injections helps with headaches.

However, do not forget that appoint a doctor only. Self-medication may not have a positive effect.

In addition, the doctor must always understand what causes the pain in the head, and only then make a decision, be treated with aspirin or choose more effective for each individual case of medications.

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