Heparin: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogs

Heparin derives its name from the Greek name of the liver - "hepar", whence it was first received. The drug is used in the practice of treatment as a coagulant, which reduces the process of blood clotting and clotting. So, let's talk today about heparin, instructions for its use, average drug prices, reviews about it and analogues.

Features of the preparation

It is used for preventive purposes in diseases and consequences of the formation of thrombi and emboli, during surgical interventions in blood vessels and heart, in hemodialysis and artificial blood flow, prevention of blood coagulation during laboratory tests.

The place of formation in the human body is the liver, the walls of the blood vessels and the pulmonary alveoli. In the structures listed there are groups of mast cells.


The substance is represented by the residues of amino acids glycine and serine, capable of binding to polysaccharide chains. Heparin molecules have several poles, infected negatively due to sulfate and carboxyl residues.

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This chemical structure allows molecules to actively join the binding complexes with cations. For this reason, the active substance of the drug is sodium heparin. In addition to the active substance, an active medium for it is created by auxiliary substances: distilled water, sodium chloride and phenylcarbinol.

Dosage forms of Heparin

Heparin is available in the form of ampoules with a solution that is administered intravenously or subcutaneously. Cardboard packs can contain 10 or 50 ampoules. Recently, pharmaceuticals began to produce packages with heparin of 100 ampoules.

Large ampoules contain 5 ml of heparin solution, small - 1 ml each. Small ampoules produce abroad on the basis of calcium salt of heparin.

Pharmacological action of

The basis of the formed thrombus is a high-molecular blood protein, which is in a soluble state - fibrin. The main role of heparin is to inhibit the synthesis of fibrin.


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

With the help of the drug heparin increases the resistance of the cerebral vessels, increases blood flow in the kidneys, the activation of the enzyme that breaks down lipoproteins, reduces the total content of lipids in the blood by destroying individual species, and the deactivation of hyaluronidase, the enzyme of brain structures, increases. Heparin normalizes the secretion of the hormone aldosterone in the cortical layer of the adrenal gland, inhibits the activity of the surfactant pulmonary substance, enhances the exchange of calcium and phosphorus by activating the parathyroid hormone, inhibits the activity of catecholamines and forms the reaction of the egg to the action of hormones.

Heparin refers to emergency aids for myocardial infarction, the prevention of relapses of heart attacks, coronary thromboembolism, ischemic heart disease and prevents the unexpectedness of a heart attack and death. After a radical method of treatment to prevent thrombosis of the pulmonary artery and in the presence of thrombi in the veins, heparin is used in a small dosage.

The process of blood coagulation with heparin will be described below:


Exogenous heparin is identical to the produced substance in the body naturally. The mechanism of action is associated with the conversion into an active form of an inhibitor of the coagulation factor thrombin-antithrombin.

Under the influence of heparin, the synthesis of the antilipid enzyme-lipoprotein lipase is enhanced.


The therapeutic effect of the drug begins as soon as the method of its introduction into the human body is chosen. After intravenous injection the effect of the drug begins 5 minutes after the end of the injection. From 15 to 20 minutes, it is required to begin the active action of the drug after injection into the muscle.

The most slowly taken up by the bloodstream is heparin with a subcutaneous injection - up to 1 hour. The inhibiting effect of thrombus formation continues for 5 hours after the administration of heparin.

Indications for use

For the prevention or therapeutic treatment of heparin occurs in the body with:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • endocarditis of infectious origin;
  • thrombosis of pulmonary, deep and renal veins, coronary arteries;
  • ischemic heart disease by type of atrial fibrillation and angina pectoris;
  • glomerulonephritis and nephritis caused by lupus;
  • heart defects( mandatory - for mitral pathology);
  • DVS and hemolyticurimic syndromes.


The drug is not prescribed for:

  • diseases with oppression of blood coagulation,
  • bleeding of all types,
  • serious hepatic and renal pathologies,
  • hemorrhagic stroke,
  • hereditary or acquired hematological syndrome with the threat of blood leakage outside or inside.

Side effects of

The action of heparin may have an adverse effect on somatic systems:

  • skin allergic reactions: urticaria, redness and itching of the skin;
  • from the side of the gastrointestinal tract, some patients experience nausea, vomiting, suppression of appetite, loose stools;
  • prolonged exposure to the drug causes sudden fractures and osteoporosis;
  • overdose of heparin increases the risk of hemorrhages in the internal organs, internal bleeding, prolonged non-clotting of blood in operations and injection site of the drug.

Special instructions

Small doses of heparin are administered in both clinical and outpatient settings. A large dose can be administered only in a clinical setting. Following injection of the drug, the patient is to be monitored and regularly blood sampled for platelet concentration analysis.

It is recommended to avoid intramuscular injection. In the presence of arterial hypertension after the administration of heparin, periodic measurement of systolic pressure is necessary. Before the introduction of the drug, it must be dissolved only in an isotonic solution of sodium chloride.


Patients who use heparin for injection in ampoules and as ointments, positively comment on the use and benefits of the drug. With the correct dose, the doctor achieved the desired therapeutic effect.

The main thing is to remember: regardless of the form of heparin release( ointment, injections in ampoules, suppositories, gel, tablets) it is important to follow the instructions for use!


The drug has many analogues, the names of which include the word "Heparin"( Heparin-Richter, Heparin Lechiva, etc.).The list of analogues also includes Lyoton 1000, Troparin and other means for suppressing thrombosis.

On the use of heparin ointment in varicose veins tells the following video:

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