Cilantro - growing from seeds

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Cilantro( coriander) is a unique spicy plant that not only complements the taste of many dishes, but is healthy. Today, as never before it has become popular to grow it in suburban areas and at home. For favorable growth, you need to know several rules and features that love coriander, growing from seeds and harvesting greens.

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Coriander is grown from seeds in the open ground

Kinza -Caucasian spice, thanks to a piquant smell and taste, the plant gives a unique taste to the first and second dishes, as well as meat. Gradually, coriander began to be widely used and grown in our countries, both on an industrial scale, and simply by gardeners and truck farmers. The plant is quite unpretentious, so the technology of growing is quite simple. However, it is important to know the secrets of growing, thanks to which you will get a good harvest.

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Selecting the site for planting

Cultivation from seeds begins with the selection of a place. The plant grows well and develops in the sun and in the penumbra, so it is not difficult to choose a landing site. Growing up, coriander forms small bushes, its leaves look like parsley leaves. The scent of cilantro scares off many insect pests, which helps protect neighboring crops. Given the arguments, it is necessary to find a small place in the country to sow spices.

The best place for plant growth and development will be the soil where last year crops such as potatoes, beans and grains grew. In this soil contains many useful substances that will help favorably affect the greens.

Quality soil - a pledge of good growth

The structure and composition of the soil affects the development and productivity of the whole plant. Seeds of coriander grow well and develop on loose soil, filled with fertilizer. Before planting the soil must be loosened and fertilized. This should be done in the autumn, since during winter all useful substances are evenly distributed along the ground. Thanks to this plant will fully grow and develop.

Important! Coriander does not like acidic soil, so it is forbidden to fertilize it with peat.

Selection of variety

Fresh green coriander, grown throughout the season. For this, it is necessary to sow seeds every 2 weeks or to select plants of different varieties. Below are described several types of herbs that are selected for their summer cottage area:

  • coriander "Yantar" - distinctive feature is a rich flavor, stems appear 14 days from the date of sowing;
  • "Debut" is an average grade. From sowing to full maturation, it takes 30-50 days. The height of the bush reaches 30 cm, the plant itself is fairly spread and has well-developed leaves;
  • coriander "Borodinsky" - medium-spice type of spice, which is great for adding to different dishes and for conservation;
  • "Stimulus" - is a late variety, from shoots to the full collection of fragrant greens takes up to 120 days. The bush is compact enough, the green itself has a dark green hue;
  • Coriander "Caribe" is a medium-ripe sort of spicy herb, full maturation comes in 30 days, and a full dress is produced in 50 days;
  • "Early" is the most popular variety, as it quickly ripens, and its greenery is soft, juicy and fragrant.

When to sow coriander in open ground

Spicy bush is not afraid of colds, so the cultivation of cilantro on greens can begin in the early spring. Sow seeds in the month of April, as soon as the snow comes down from the soil. Thanks to early sowing, the first leaves of spice will please already in the beginning of summer. However, in order to get coriander before, it must be planted out of seedlings. You can grow it yourself. To do this, in February, in the cups you need to sow seeds and grow houses on the windowsill. As soon as spring comes, seedlings are transplanted into the open ground.

Important! As a rule, coriander is planted on different sites and between other crops. This plant has a strong aroma that repels pests.

How to grow cilantro? That the spicy plant has risen more quickly, seeds should be soaked in water for some days. Sowing begins with the need to dig small grooves. Their size should be no more than 2 cm, and the distance between the holes is up to 15 cm. As a rule, the soil needs to be watered and wait until the water is completely absorbed. Then sow the seeds, cover with a thin layer of soil and trample down.

What day does the coriander come up with? The first green leaves appear after 14 days, but they all sprout and immediately. During the shoots and the whole growth the plant needs abundant watering, the leaves lose their sleepiness and spice, and even completely wither. Particular attention should be paid to weeds, it is important to weed them as soon as they appear. After a rain or a few watering, the soil must be thoroughly loosened so that air can flow to the root system.

Cultivation of cilantro on the windowsill

How to sow, so that the spicy grass quickly enters? Coriander grows well and develops at home.

  1. To do this, you need to pick up the seeds of spicy grass and soak them in the head for a few days.
  2. During this time, it is necessary to prepare the soil and the sowing box. It is best to select a light substrate and a large capacity.
  3. When to plant spices? Sow the seeds better in March.
  4. The seeds themselves are large enough, therefore, the distance between them should be 2-5 cm. It is important not to deeply sow cilantro, the optimum depth is 2 cm.

Seeds should be laid in the soil evenly and covered with a thin layer of soil. Will notice a little trampling of the earth. The box is covered with a polyethylene film to create favorable conditions, as in a greenhouse. Place the boxes on the windowsill or on the balcony, if it is warm. To water a spicy plant it is necessary often enough that seedlings do not dry up. The film is removed as soon as the cotyledon leaves appear.

An important condition for indoor cilantro is additional lighting. For this purpose, use an ordinary fluorescent lamp. Observing all the rules of planting and caring for a spicy plant, the first greens on the windowsill are obtained in a month.

Collection and storage of spicy grass

Harvest of cilantro is harvested when the growth of the plant is over. However, the bushes should not yet start to bloom, it is important not to miss this period of time. For clear landmarks, experienced gardeners recommend cutting off spicy leaves when they reach a height of 20 cm.

Cut the coriander of sutra, while it is important to use a sharp knife. Then the greens should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried from excess moisture. Spicy grass is stored in several ways:

  • freezing is one of the common storage options, in which useful properties are preserved. Cilantro leaves finely chopped, and placed in a tightly closed container. This will help protect all foods in the freezer from the rich flavor;
  • drying is an effective way to store spice, so useful properties remain. Coriander leaves must be divided into small bundles and fastened together. Then hang in a dry place, which is well ventilated. It is forbidden to dry coriander under direct sunlight, as it will deprive the spice of all useful substances.

Cultivation and care for coriander is not difficult. However, the results will appeal to gardeners. Fragrant greens will always be on the table, complementing the taste of dishes. The prepared spice will please throughout the winter with its piquant taste.

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