Types and treatment of residual brain encephalopathy in children

1 Medical indications

Residual encephalopathy in children develops in the perinatal period as a result of intrauterine hypoxia, congenital heart disease, sepsis. In young children, encephalopathy of the brain occurs due to rubella, traumatic brain injury, toxins. Forms of residual encephalopathy:

  1. Perinatal.
  2. Purchased.

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The congenital form of the disease develops in the child during the 28th week of pregnancy and until the 7th day of life after birth. Given the reasons, acquired residual encephalopathy is divided into the following types:

  • metabolic;
  • beam;
  • is anoxic;
  • is bilirubin;
  • is a diabetic.

Pediatric neurologists distinguish the following degrees of the disease:

  1. 1 degree - the tissue of the brain changes. The child is examined by instrumental methods. Clinical signs are absent.
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  2. 2 degree - clinical symptoms are mild or hidden.
  3. 3 degree - marked neurological disorders lead to disability of the child.

For each type of encephalopathy, there are various and specific signs, among which doctors distinguish common symptoms of the disease. The following signs are observed in newborn babies:

  • weak and late cry after birth;
  • there is no sucking reflex;
  • heartbeat impaired.

The following general symptoms of pathology are noted in infants:

  • disturbed sleep;
  • lethargy;
  • jerk reflex;
  • long crying.

The above signs can be observed periodically. In 50% of cases, the symptoms of pathology do not appear in the future. In other cases, doctors diagnose residual encephalopathy, the symptoms of which are repeated periodically or a relapse occurs several years after the defeat of the nervous system.

2 Clinical picture of the disease

Specialists identify the following factors contributing to the development of pathology:

  • infection;
  • injury.

In children over 2 years, thinking is upset, apathy develops, a tendency to depression appears, fatigue and irritability are observed, appetite is reduced, hearing loss and coordination of movements are disturbed. Vascular ischemia can provoke eczema or streptoderma.

To make an accurate diagnosis, neuropathologists conduct instrumental( CT, ultrasound, REG) and a laboratory examination of the child. A general urine and blood test, a blood test for toxins, show a complete clinical picture of the pathology.

With the help of electroencephalography the doctor determines the degree of functioning of the GM and its cells. To study the condition of internal organs, CT is assigned. To study the biochemical processes occurring inside cells and tissues, nuclear magnetic resonance is shown.

3 Treatment methods

Treatment is prescribed by a neurologist after consultation with a speech therapist, psychologist and ophthalmologist. If the symptoms of the disease are mild, then the treatment is done at home.

Severe damage to the central nervous system is treated in the hospital.

Drug therapy is prescribed taking into account the severity of the pathology and the symptoms manifested.

If encephalopathy is detected in a newborn, then the treatment is performed in the maternity hospital. When complications arise( hydrocephalic syndrome, early convulsive alertness) intensive therapy is shown in a special medical center. Treatment of any form of residual encephalopathy includes the use of non-steroidal and hormonal drugs. If the child's body is weakened, then minerals and vitamins are prescribed.

Hypoxic residual encephalopathy is treated medically. The reception:

  • preparations, which improve the cerebral circulation( Piracetam, Actovegin);
  • anticonvulsant and diuretics.

Regardless of the genesis of encephalopathy, newborn children are prescribed manual therapy, homeopathic medicines, phytotherapy. With the help of manual therapy, a flow of blood to the brain is provided. Reflexotherapy is the impact on the body of a child from the outside through acupuncture and acupuncture.

To improve muscle tone, improve blood circulation and blood flow, exercise is performed. Moderate exercise exert a significant burden on the child's body, "awakening" reflexes and protective functions. If a child undergoes a hypoxic or ischemic pathology, including hydrocephalus, then a continuous monitoring of the neurosurgeon is required.


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4 Additional methods of treatment

To correct bilirubin encephalopathy, take drugs that quickly remove bilirubin from the child's body. If residual encephalopathy is accompanied by bilirubinemia, edema, jaundice, then:

  • to bind free bilirubin with blood proteins, plasma is injected( using a dropper);
  • is phototherapy.

If the above methods are ineffective, a complete blood transfusion is performed. If necessary, requires artificial ventilation and hemodialysis. Residual encephalopathy requires long-term therapy:

  • infusion - glucose solution, calcium, ascorbic acid;
  • nootropics - Actovegin, Vinpocetine;
  • Baclofen( with hypertension);
  • Dibazol( if motor dysfunction is detected);
  • from seizures take Diazepam.
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Drugs are administered enterally, intramuscularly, intravenously, or by electrophoresis. In the severe course of the pathology, surgical intervention is indicated. The operation is appointed to improve the circulation of the brain. To do this, doctors use different methods. When carrying out an endovascular operation, the integrity of the tissue is not impaired.

To the additional methods of treatment, experts include massage and exercise therapy. With residual encephalopathy, folk remedies are taken after consultation with a treating neurologist. At home, you can prepare herbal balms that improve blood circulation, reducing dizziness.

For this use 3 tinctures:

  • red clover - for 500 ml of alcohol use 45 g of clover;
  • of the Caucasian Dioscorea - for 500 ml of alcohol 55 g of the plant root will be required;
  • propolis - 1 liter of alcohol will require 100 g of the plant.

The obtained tinctures are mixed in equal proportions. Before taking the product diluted with water. The course of treatment lasts 2 months.

5 Consequences and complications of the disease

Upon completion of the course of therapy, the child is shown swimming, osteopathy, exercise therapy. More often the disease prognosis is positive. The negative consequences of residual encephalopathy in children include speech, mental, motor and physical retardation in development.

The consequences of the disease in newborns include epilepsy and neurologic disorder. Because of organic damage to GM, dementia develops, minor motor skills are disrupted, ophthalmic pathologies, early osteochondrosis arise.

With minimal brain dysfunction, symptoms of asthenia appear. Untimely or incorrect treatment of residual encephalopathy in a child can provoke serious damage to the GM and CNS( cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy, epileptic syndrome).Prevention of the disease is aimed at preventing birth trauma, timely treatment of infections, protecting the child from the effects of toxins.

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