How is the correct treatment of hypothyroidism?

1 The use of medicines

There are special medications that help get rid of the disease as quickly as possible. First and foremost, medication involves the use of so-called hormone therapy. For the most effective treatment for each patient, an experienced physician should prescribe the optimal dose of the drug.

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Timely treatment of hypothyroidism will be successful if the patient is recommended such drugs:

  • L-thyroxine;
  • thyrotome;
  • T-Reocomp.

In this case, treat the disease should start with small doses. It is necessary to try to protect the heart from too high loads. At the beginning of treatment, a dose of 1/4 tablet is recommended. After the patient's condition becomes better, and the physician sees the patient's normal tolerability of the drug, the dose can be increased. It must be remembered that so-called thyroid preparations are allowed to take up to 1.5 tablets per day. The patient will very quickly begin to feel more active.

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Doctors claim that all the hormonal drugs used to successfully treat a fairly common ailment do not have the property of causing weight gain. As you know, these drugs help improve metabolism. However, without a preliminary visit to the polyclinic and consulting with the doctor, these drugs can not be used, since there is a possibility of developing very unpleasant consequences.

2 What else do I need to know?

The most important component of the treatment of an ailment is iodine. In the event that the patient has been diagnosed with iodine deficiency hypothyroidism, one should try to replenish the body with iodine. That is why proper and timely treatment should include the most up-to-date preparations that contain this element in sufficient quantity.

For the prevention and protection of thyroid gland used a drug such as Jodomarin. It includes iodine, which is necessary for normal operation of the gland. In addition, Iodomarin helps prevent the development of other ailments. Children for prevention are recommended to drink 100 mg of drug per day. But adult patients need to take 200 mg per day. If the doctors prescribe this drug to perform effective and timely treatment, then the best way for children to take 200 mg, and adults - 500 mg. Most often, Iodomarin is taken for a long time, and in some cases the doctor recommends drinking it for the rest of his life.

If desired and on the recommendation of a doctor, you can replace Iodomarin with laminaria. These are algae, which the patient can easily buy in the store. Such treatment of hypothyroidism without hormones is most acceptable. Also you can buy drugs in the pharmacy, which already have kelp. But such medicines are taken only after consultation with the doctor. Most often, kelp is a part of dietary supplements.

3 Dietary food

Before you go on a diet, you need to pay attention to exactly what causes the development of the disease. And only after the doctor clarifies all the questions with the diagnosis, you should start using dietary nutrition. For this, the patient must understand one subtlety. To use a diet does not mean that you have to limit yourself to eating and even starve.


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And if there is a question about whether it is possible to cure hypothyroidism with the help of dietary nutrition, in this case the answer is positive. It is very important to plan the day correctly, using the recommendations of a physician, to develop a diet and to use the correctly prepared food on time. In just a few days of such nutrition, the patient feels that the body has begun to make better transformations.

Doctors specially created a diet number 8. Use this diet or not - solves for themselves each patient personally. However, one should not only take pills and wait for the improvement of the condition. You need to try to eat fish, which will help gradually restore the metabolism.

Every day you should eat fresh fruits and berries. It is best to pay attention to citrus, blueberries, ginger and garnet, which perfectly satiate the body with the necessary vitamins and help to lose weight.

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To restore the health of the thyroid gland, meat is needed. That's why you should prepare fat broths and soups.

It is very useful to use boiled chicken meat. But fried meat is not worth eating.

The main component in the treatment of hypothyroidism are dairy products. And to place high hopes on iodized salt is not worth it, since this is the most common advertising move. If you want to restore metabolism, you need to eat nuts every day - no matter what, the thyroid gland will necessarily get the vitamins necessary for its health.

4 Folk remedies

On how to treat hypothyroidism at home, tell healers who practice the use of folk recipes. It is best to use a motherwort. In order to prepare a decoction, you need to take 15 g of grass and 200 ml of water. It should be taken every day for 1 spoon 3 times a day.

On the basis of the motherwort prepare medicinal tincture. It should be mixed with 100 g of alcohol with 2 tbsp.l.herbs. This tincture is taken 3 times a day for 40 drops. It is better to dilute this product with a little juice.

The disease is completely curable if you use the leaves of a medicinal litter. You need to take 2 tbsp.l.of this plant, pour 1 tbsp.boiling water, insist for an hour, drain. The received product is taken 3 times a day for 1/3 cup. Regular intake of infusions enhances immunity and improves heart function.

It is possible to take for treatment of fenugreek hay. It must be grinded to a powdery state. The received means take before meal on 1 ch. L.It is better to mix the powder with sugar, jam or a little red wine.

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