Where to treat a stomach ulcer - in a hospital or outpatient? Hospitalization in the hospital and resuscitation.

Until recently, the question of where to treat gastric ulcer, was a clear answer to the generally accepted provision on hospitalization of patients with erosive defects in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. However, recent studies confirm the fact that treatment of an ulcer in a hospital or in an outpatient regime does not affect the recovery period in any way, unless it is a question of severe complications with bleeding and perforation. However, with a seasonal exacerbation of the disease without a complicated form, the doctor will most likely offer intermittent hospitalization.

How is the ulcer treated in a hospital with intermittent regimen?

The placement of the patient in a hospital is designed for 1-2 weeks, that is until the moment when complete localization of the pain syndrome is achieved and necessary instrumental examinations are completed. As soon as a positive course to scarring of inflammatory foci is seen, the patient can be in a home environment and observed outpatiently. At home, the patient continues to undergo the necessary therapy, which implies compliance with technical recommendations for taking medication and organizing a balanced diet.

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Patients who have complicated gastric ulcer fall under compulsory planned hospitalization. Treatment in the hospital is performed by patients with a frequently recurring disease or a newly diagnosed pathology with deep and large foci and in the presence of severe co-morbidities in the anamnesis.

Gastric ulcer - hospitalization for surgical treatment of

In case of complications that are unavoidable with a perforated ulcer of the stomach, resuscitation will be an integral stage of treatment. Since erosive foci can perforate the walls of the digestive organ through, the patient develops peritonitis and bleeding opens through the larynx. This category of patients falls under the competence of surgeons. In the course of surgical intervention, the perforation of the perforated ulcer is performed, or a decision is made to remove part of the affected stomach, restore the physiological continuity of the digestive tract. Such manipulations are called resection.

Surgical treatment of gastric ulcer in the hospital is indicated and with a long absence of a positive result under conditions of intensive pharmacological therapy. However, without the therapist's testimony, surgery is not performed. The attending physician-gastroenterologist must prescribe the type of operation - a resection or an organ-preserving technique. As practice shows, if stationary medical methods do not provide stable remission in several stages, then selective proximal vagotomy is performed. Rehabilitation of patients after surgical treatment is also carried out in the hospital.

Sanatorium and peptic ulcer

Sanatoriums are another option for the fixing phase of therapy. Treatment of stomach ulcers after hospital plays an important role in the prevention of relapses. Sanatorium rehabilitation involves the following medical factors:

  • motion behavior
  • diet
  • climatotherapy
  • mineral water use
  • physiotherapy

Food should be balanced. You must refrain from eating at night. Excluded foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. To adhere to the 4-5 one-time ration, at the same time, you can get used only in the sanatorium-resort conditions, and in the future adhere to the rules of the house. Calm environment, elimination of negative emotions provide perspective of low frequency of relapse of the disease.

Some patients may be contraindicated referral to a sanatorium, as peptic ulcer is very rare, but degenerates from an erosive defect into a malignant tumor. If there is a suspicion of malignancy, sanatorium-resort rehabilitation will only go to the detriment, so the assumptions require further study.

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