Vegeto-vascular dystonia( HPV) by hypotonic type: symptoms, signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is a disease that is characterized by dysfunction of the autonomic( autonomic) nervous system, which regulates the work of internal organs and, in particular, blood vessels, according to ICD-10.

There are two main types of VSD - hypertonic type and hypotonic. In the first case, there is a pathological increase in blood pressure, in the second - a decrease. There is also an IRR of a mixed type.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia in the hypotonic type is characterized by a decrease in pressure, a violation of the heart, a weakening of the tone of the blood vessels and, as a consequence, a decrease in the blood supply of internal organs.

Causes of the development of the disease

The autonomic nervous system, whose center is in the spinal cord, has branches, ganglia located in all parts of the body. Regulation of the organs, vessels and internal glands is carried out by means of chemicals - neurotransmitters.

The purpose of the vegetative system is to maintain internal balance in the body - homeostasis, and also to ensure the adaptability of internal organs to the conditions of the changing environment.

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Violation of balance due to any factors and causes a syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

This disease affects people of all ages.

I can influence the development of the VSD:

We recommend
For the MITIGATION of vegetative-vascular dystonia, Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on the monastery collection of Father George.

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  • Genetic predisposition. The risk of getting sick is increased if the closest relatives recorded such a diagnosis. Inheritance of the disease occurs in most cases through the female line.
  • Changes in the hormonal background. The work of endocrine glands is directly dependent on the nervous system. During puberty, menopause or pregnancy, as well as as a result of surgical removal of the thyroid gland occurs a sudden change in the hormonal level. The nervous system does not have time to reorganize, causing an imbalance between its departments - sympathetic and parasympathetic.
  • External causes. Harmful habits - alcohol abuse, smoking and taking drugs and drugs. Causing intoxication, these substances primarily affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Constant stress, overwork, non-observance of the daily routine. All these factors create areas of excitation in the brain, which in turn affects the centers of nervous regulation of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Infections and other diseases that deplete the body's resources, violating its adaptive capabilities. The immune system, which does not work at full strength, is not able to withstand external and internal factors affecting the work of nerve centers.
  • Injuries and bruises of the head, concussion.
  • Social and cultural factors.
  • Anemia is a reduced ability to express one's inner state in words.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system.

And do you know what are the symptoms of VSD for a mixed type? Causes of the disease, treatment methods and prevention of VSD.

All about the virus encephalitis of the brain can be found at this address.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms( manifestations) of the disease are diverse and nonspecific - that is, not inherent in exactly the hypotonic type of dystonia.

In this disease, patients complain of a general weakening against the background of a decrease in blood pressure to 100 mm .and less.

Other common disease symptoms:

  • Spasmodic phenomena in the vessels of the extremities, sudden pallor, a decrease in temperature, increased sweating, a constant feeling of chill even on hot days and the inability to warm up. Patients with dystonia often have a cyanotic shade of skin on the arms and legs. Wavy tides of heat and cold.
  • Irregular, but frequent aching pain in the sternum, heart rhythm disturbances in the form of tachycardia, arising after small physical exertion or completely without them.
  • Breathing disorders: a feeling of lack of air, like with asthma, lack of the opportunity to take a deep breath, rapid breathing. These manifestations can be provoked by physical activity, staying in a public place. Sometimes they arise without cause in a calm state. At more severe stages of the development of pathology, asthma attacks( asphyxia) can occur when one only thinks about it.
  • Manifestations of a neuro-psychic nature:
    1. insomnia, early awakening or late falling asleep.
    2. Depression, anxiety, fear for one's condition, fear of sudden death from suffocation in a dream.
    3. Irritability, depression, tearfulness.
    4. Panic attacks - attacks of sudden anxiety, occurring mainly at night.
  • Symptoms of dyspepsia: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, abdominal pain, stool disorders. These symptoms do not depend on the type of food consumed and are amplified during physical and mental loads. In this case, no ulcerative manifestations in the stomach or intestine can not be observed.
  • In the urinary system, urination, pain and itching in the genital area can be observed more often.
  • Frequent dizziness, fainting and fainting.
  • Sexual disorders, manifested in the absence of erection in men, decreased sensitivity and anorgasmia in women.
  • Weight reduction.

VSD can occur secretly and malosimptomno, or in the form of crises, sudden deterioration of the condition, seizures. The cause of crises can be physical stress, emotional shocks, infectious colds. The duration of seizures varies from several tens of minutes to several hours.

Diagnosis of the

For the accurate diagnosis of the disease requires a comprehensive examination of the patient from different specialists - therapists, neurologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, etc.

To confirm the diagnosis of VSD, somatic diseases should be excluded. This involves a long medical examination.

On the part of the patient it is necessary to tell in detail and clearly about your feelings. What kind of pain and manifestation does he experience, when they arise and how long they last, what precedes it.

The main sign of the disease is a persistent lowering of blood pressure, which should be confirmed by its frequent measurements under different conditions.

Patients give urine, blood tests, undergo ultrasound examinations, do cardiac ECG.Can be appointed tomography of the brain and spinal parts of the brain, endoscopy of the stomach.

Also, the doctor needs to find out the genetic predisposition of the patient to this disease.

In the case that all studies indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the doctor prescribes therapy depending on the individual characteristics of the manifestation of the disease.

Treatment of hypersensitivity VSD for

Therapy with VSD - complex. At the initial stage, non-drug treatment is prescribed, in the event that the health effect is not observed, the attending physician uses medicines.

Non-pharmacological treatment of

  • Life Mode Correction. Ensuring a full-length long sleep of at least 8 hours. The optimal temperature in the room and comfortable mattress for sleeping will help.
  • Optimizing free time. Hobby classes. Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Regular exercise, swimming pool visits, bike rides. In dystonia, it is necessary to exclude such kinds of gymnastics that require considerable effort, as well as exercises, in which the head is below the breast level. It is not recommended to engage in a competitive plan.
  • Dietotherapy. In the diet of the patient should be included rich in vitamins and minerals products and excluded heavy carbohydrates( baked goods, sweets), as well as fatty foods. Drinks containing caffeine and other stimulants should be replaced with green teas, juices and fruit drinks. Coffee in a small amount can be consumed only on the recommendation of a doctor with a drop in blood pressure.
  • Psychotherapeutic methods, designed to change the patient's relationship to the disease and relieve him of the associated fears, also help. Meditation, self-training and mastery of relaxation techniques also have a positive effect.
  • Physiotherapy in the form of salt and coniferous baths, contrasting showers will have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.
  • Massage will have a toning effect on muscles and blood vessels.
  • Phytotherapy. Treatment with decoctions of herbs and juices of fruits and vegetables.

Medical treatment

In case of ineffectiveness of the above procedures, antidepressant therapy is used, which reduces anxiety, stimulates the nervous system and restores working capacity.

Nootropic drugs( piracetam, nootropil, etc.) are also used, which improve the supply of nutrients to the brain and promote the activation of oxygen metabolism in cells. These drugs eliminate foci of excitation in different parts of the brain and normalize the activity of the vegetative system.

Serious disorders of sleep are corrected by tranquilizers( phenazepam, dysepamp).With moderate consumption and a properly calculated dosage, these remedies eliminate cardiac and respiratory manifestations of dystonia.

In case the causes of the disease were hormonal pathologies, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

VSD - a serious disease and excludes self-medication. Supervision and consultation of a doctor is necessary.


Measures to prevent this unpleasant disease are to eliminate the causes of the disease. To protect you from VSD can:

  • Healthy and measured way of life;
  • Full night's sleep;
  • Healthy and rational nutrition;
  • Physical Exercises;
  • Regular stay in the fresh air;
  • Treatment of infectious diseases and diseases of internal organs;

Remember that the best remedy for dystonia is regular rest, lack of nervous tension, positive attitude to life, harmony in family relationships and work that brings joy.

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