Occupational eczema: treatment, symptoms and disease prognosis

Occupational eczema is an inflammatory pathology of the skin that lasts for a long time, with rare exacerbations. The mechanism of its appearance is associated with irritating chemicals, and most of all it affects people with allergic dermatitis. What is the peculiarity, treatment, causes and symptoms of occupational eczema on the hands and other areas of the body, how does it look, how to get rid of it forever?

Features of the disease

People suffering from occupational eczema, whose work is directly related to the effects of various substances, suffer from occupational eczema. Especially often it appears in the work of clinics, pharmacists, chemists, people in the field of engineering production.

People with diseases such as

  • periodontitis, otitis, tonsillitis and those with foci with chronic infection are often more prone to occupational eczema;
  • cirrhosis, ulcer, hepatitis, cholecystitis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • obesity, diabetes;
  • instagram viewer
  • rhinitis of an allergic nature, asthma, hay fever and other allergic diseases;
  • VSD.

Professional and other types of eczema on the hands( photo)

Classification of

The professional eczema is subdivided into 3 types:

  1. Acute form. The peak of all symptoms. It takes not just complex therapy, but also the supervision of a doctor to shorten the period of the acute phase.
  2. Subacute form. Symptoms become less pronounced, but with the wrong treatment it is possible to return to the acute phase.
  3. Chronic course. Characterized by the attenuation of specific symptoms. In the future there is a risk of exacerbation, but it can be successfully avoided with observance of advice and recommendations.

In the video below, the expert tells in detail about occupational and other types of eczema:

Causes of

The development of the disease can provoke various chemical components, especially formaldehydes, salts of nickel and chromium, turpentine, bakelite glue, epoxy synthetic resins, cement, dyes. Against the background of the influence of bacteriological or chemical factors, sensitization occurs and a specific reaction arises to the allergen.

The dynamics of the development of the disease is usually slow, but it increases with a number of provoking factors. These include not only the diseases listed above, but also low immune status, genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of

The development of occupational eczema occurs usually against the background of the spread contact dermatitis. Clinical symptoms are identical with true eczema:

  • puffiness,
  • redness,
  • appearance of papules and vesicles,
  • pruritus.

After a while, the vesicles begin to open themselves, which causes the formation of foci with a wet surface on the skin.

  • In the initial manifestation of occupational eczema appears only in those areas that are directly in contact with the irritant. Even after relapse, other areas of the skin are involved. Sometimes rashes become more extensive because of the constant exposure to the allergen.
  • On the foci, suffering from eczema, the skin pattern gradually changes, it thickens and changes the shade, acquiring cyanotic color. At this stage, the formation of cracks, peeling, dry skin.
  • Itching does not recede, accompanied by burning. Although erosions are no longer present, but due to severe itching, it is very likely that infection will attach, which can cause pyoderma or streptococcal impetigo.
  • Sleep disturbance and emotional imbalance appear with a long-term illness.


Diagnostic methods are based on examination and collection of anamnesis, allergic tests and dermatoscopy. The survey helps restore the connection between the symptoms of eczema and the main cause of its appearance. A number of allergic tests are performed to determine the exact allergen.

In case of detection of infectious foci, sanation not exposed, consultations may be required:

  1. of Gastroenterologist;
  2. of the Dentist;
  3. of the Otolaryngologist;
  4. Endocrinologist.

If predisposing factors are identified, diagnostic techniques are supplemented with gastroscopy, ultrasound and other studies. Differentiation is carried out from streptococcal and mycotic forms of eczema.

Treatment of occupational eczema

Therapeutic method

In acute and subacute stages, various types of ointments and lotions that have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and weak-knee effects should be used. All these effects are possessed by the following means:

  • resorcinol solution,
  • Burov liquid,
  • copper sulfate,
  • lead water,
  • zinc sulfate,
  • tannin solution,
  • silver nitrate.

All lotions need to be applied several times a day, and their course is not limited to a specific period, so they are used until the disappearance of the wetness and edema.

After the acute stage has subside, use is made of the agents that promote healing:

  1. Salicylic acid.
  2. Zinc oil.
  3. Naftalan.
  4. Ichthyol.
  5. Tar.
  6. Sulfur.

Ointments are often prepared independently on the basis of several components at once.

Itching is one of the important directions of therapy, as it is often painful, and through combing, the risk of infection is high. This will greatly complicate the process of recovery. To get rid of itching help such ointments and remedies:

  • Podofillinovaya paste.
  • The solution of the acid is lemon.
  • Dimedrol Ointment.
  • Menthol or phenol solutions.

Diet is prescribed only if there are individual indications. Ointments and other medicines for the treatment of occupational eczema on the skin of the hands and other parts of the body will be described later.

Drug therapy

Extensive vitamin therapy is carried out, and vitamins are prescribed not only inside or in the form of injections, but also as a fluid for lubricating the areas. For example, use oily liquid retinol.

  • For better healing and maintenance of the body, folic acid, tocopherol acetate, ascorbic and nicotinic acids must be taken. The course is injected with vitamins of group B.
  • With individual indications, it is possible to use hormonal means. Particular attention in the therapy of eczema is occupied by corticosteroids, which are prescribed in tablets or ointments. But the dosage of such drugs should always be moderate, and the course - limited( no more than 15 days).
  • The use of hormonal preparations and creams is considered an extreme measure, therefore they are used only if other methods of treatment are ineffective.

If the stage of eczema is started, then use other medications:

  1. Antihistamines that help to remove sensitivity to the allergen.
  2. Sedatives, if symptoms occur deprive sleep, provoke nervousness.
  3. Antibiotics. Are necessary for prolonged eczema or the occurrence of pustular lesions.

Chronic occupational eczema should be treated by autohemotherapy. In addition, a therapy is performed to reduce the sensitivity of the immune system( for example, injections of calcium chloride).

About the treatment of occupational eczema on the hands and other parts of the body by folk remedies read further.

Folk methods

If professional eczema is localized on the limbs, then you can make baths. Put your hands better in warm water, and beforehand add a solution of tannin, oak or chamomile broth, eucalyptus, birch buds. It is useful to add potassium permanganate.

It will be useful to apply other recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Leaves of geranium boil on a water bath and attach to the areas of eczema.
  • Take sunflower oil( 200 ml) and add aloe juice, rosin, beeswax and laundry soap( 50 g each) to it. On low heat bring the ingredients to a homogeneous mass and after cooling, they spread on the plots.
  • Honey is heated on a water bath, add 20 ml of aloe juice and a little propolis. Finished tool lubricate the areas. This helps to remove the itching and simultaneously promote healing.
  • Sites of eczema oiled with sea buckthorn oil.
  • It is useful to make compresses based on birch sap.

About some methods of folk treatment of eczema on the hands will tell this video:

Prevention of the disease

An important measure to prevent a re-wave of occupational eczema is the elimination of the impact factor itself, which previously became the cause of the disease. In the future, it will also be necessary to conduct anti-relapse treatment, which includes hyposensitizing agents, vitamins and individually recommended medications.

Maintaining a diet as a measure of prevention with occupational eczema is a strictly individual measure. In the presence of predisposing factors to eczema( for example, in case of allergies) it is advisable to observe certain nutrition. The diet implies the exclusion of allergens, alcohol, sausages, chocolate, fatty foods.

Complications of

As a complication of occupational eczema are

  1. Pyodermia , and sometimes impetigo( is its variety).This is the appearance of purulent inflammation, which appears as a result of getting into bacteria that have opened up vesicles. Often, the temperature increases, the affected areas produce an unpleasant odor. Therapy is carried out in a hospital.
  2. Erythrodermia is an inflammation that affects large areas on the body. Due to the serious danger that it poses, further treatment is taken under control and hospitalization is also often required.


Occupational eczema, unlike other types of such a disease, can be completely cured. This outcome is possible with the exception of the allergen effect. In other cases, successful long-term remission is successful, but for this it is important that the recommendations are strictly followed.

Elena Malysheva dedicates us to the mysteries of eczema treatment in this view:

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