Keposi's herpesformal eczema: symptoms, prognosis, treatment, diagnosis

Skin lesions are always accompanied by a decrease in their protective properties, the formation of rashes and increased sensitivity in places of localization of the pathological process. Keposi's herpetiform eczema, being one of the varieties of skin diseases, is expressed in a characteristic symptomatology with a tendency to rapid progression, which can provoke such serious complications as pneumonia, acute otitis media with the possibility of transition to a chronic form, and meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain.

Keposi's herpetiform eczema is most common in young children and infants. Infection occurs by infection in the body of a baby when it comes into contact with an infected person( this can be an adult or a child with the disease).The lesion is acute, the symptoms become visible after a few hours from the moment of infection in the body. And since in children all lesions develop at a high rate, this disease, which is dangerous with probable consequences in the absence of the necessary curative effect, requires a rapid diagnosis and the beginning of adequate treatment taking into account the age of the patient and the response to ongoing therapy.

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Features of the

  • Disease Kaposi herpetiform eczema manifestations are bright enough, the child feels serious discomfort, which changes his behavior: he becomes more irritable, crying, his sleep is disturbed.
  • More adult children can explain their condition, in infants this disease is detected only on the basis of an external examination of their skin.

In adults, this pathology is almost not found. The disease is active and has the same manifestations in both girls and boys: skin lesions are most clearly affected in places with increased sensitivity and having a thin layer of subcutaneous fat.

Classification of

Disease of Keposse's herpetiform eczema is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which allows to reveal it in time. This type of eczema has an incubation period of 3-7 days, after which areas with high sensitivity of the skin are formed on the skin, small blisters in the form of pimples with watery or purulent contents are formed on the skin.

Each pustule is surrounded on the perimeter by a roller of leather, it is more pressed into the upper layer of the skin and forms a small depression on it. This manifestation quickly spreads through the body and can be detected practically at any point.

The disease can be classified by the periods of its development:

  1. The incubation period of , lasting differently: from 3 to 7 days, at which the initial form of pathogenic microflora develops.
  2. Active stage , characterized by a rapid manifestation of the most characteristic symptoms of lesions: the formation of pustules, reddening of the skin, increasing its sensitivity.

Further development of the pathological process in the body manifests itself in the form of aggravation of the listed symptoms, which requires immediate medical treatment and stabilization of the baby's condition.

Symptoms of

The most characteristic manifestation of this kind of eczema of the skin is the appearance of puffiness of the upper layer of the epidermis, its reddening, increase in the degree of sensitivity. Mucous membranes can also be affected in a similar way: particularly often the manifestations are noted on the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips, genitals and anus.

Also with the manifestation of Keposi's herpetiform eczema are:

  • general poor health;
  • increased body temperature;
  • appearance of a significant number of pustules with purulent or serous content;
  • when there is a paste on the skin there is severe itching and burning of the skin;
  • after the disappearance of the pastures in their place remains pigmentation, in some cases - small scars on the skin.

Keposi's herpetiform eczema in adults( photo)

Reasons for

Keposi's herpetiform eczema may be due to certain causes, or when combined. The most common cause of its appearance can be called prematurity and artificial feeding, in which there is a significant decrease in the immunity of the child, high susceptibility of his body to various infections.

Hepatitis of various kinds causes skin damage in this disease. In this case, its appearance has its own peculiarities: group A hepatitis affects mainly areas of the skin near the nose, lips and mucous membranes of the mouth. In Group B hepatitis, symptoms are seen in the buttocks, genitals and anus.

Also to the reasons provoking the development of such skin lesions, as herpetiform eczema Kaposi, it is possible to attribute the following:

  • mycosis fungal lesions;
  • treatment with antibiotics and other aggressive medicines;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the baby's nutrition;
  • frequent and regular hypothermia of the body.

The above reasons stimulate the weakening of the immune system, which is the starting point in the emergence and development of Keposi's herpetiform eczema.


  • The detection of this disease can be limited to external examination of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • However, for a more accurate diagnosis, a microbiological examination of the skin sample should be carried out, and urine and blood test data should be obtained from which one can judge the presence of the current inflammatory process in the body.

After the diagnosis, the child must be hospitalized.

Treatment of herpetic nodal eczema Kaposi

The treatment technique is a complex process that consists of several types of treatment. All of them are aimed at stabilizing the functioning of the immune system, eliminating the consequences of intoxication, purification of blood and neutralization of pathogenic microflora.

Therapeutic way

The therapeutic effect is:

  • gentle mode,
  • bed rest and
  • making the most healthy menu for baby nutrition: vitamin-rich foods, exclusion of fried, spicy and canned food,
  • and the intake of vitamin preparations will sooner neutralize the pathological processand normalize the child's condition.

Also to this method of influence should be attributed frequent generous warm drink, which provokes the acceleration of the kidneys in order to remove the products of intoxication from the body.

By medicamentous method

To medicines recommended for the diagnosis of Keposi's herpetiform eczema, it is necessary to include antibacterial drugs that will stop the development of infection, stimulating the immune system, and agents that stimulate the early removal of decay products from the body - this helps prevent the possibility of intoxication.

With a progressive form of the disease, you should use antihistamines and hormones that will stop the process. Also with their help, treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out, which significantly worsen the condition of the child, and also make it difficult to cure Keposi's herpetiform eczema.

To eliminate the itching of the skin and prevent its infection, the skin is applied with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, as well as greenery. To ease the condition on dry crusts, formed on the pasture as they mature, superimposed napkins, impregnated with oily hips, sea buckthorn.

Surgery and other therapies

No surgical intervention is required if skin lesions such as Keposi's herpetiform eczema are detected.

Folk remedies will help alleviate the condition of the baby, eliminate the itching of the skin and its burning sensation.

Prevention of the disease

As a preventive measure, we can call regular hardening of the child's organism, breastfeeding during the first year of life, preventing the occurrence of diseases requiring hormonal treatment, and the lack of hypothermia.

Complications of

Complications include:

  • meningitis;
  • acute otitis media, which can pass into a chronic form;
  • pneumonia;
  • pustular skin infections.

Timely diagnosis, adequate treatment and prevention of further development of this lesion allows to minimize the likelihood of complications.


In most cases with timely diagnosis of Keposi herpetiform eczema, the outlook is positive. However, with a special weakness of the baby, insufficient functioning of its immune system, insufficient treatment, a lethal outcome is likely - it is 0.12-5.1% of all cases of the disease.

Herpes( herpetiform) eczema Kaposi in children( photo)

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