Conductive hearing loss of 1, 2, 3 degrees: treatment of bilateral form in children

Hearing loss - persistent hearing loss. It is accompanied by a difficulty in perceiving sounds, understanding speech. With a conductive variety, we are talking about a mechanical violation of the sound-conducting function of the hearing organ. According to ICD-10, the code depends on the characteristics of the disease:

  • N90.0 - bilateral lesion,
  • H90.1 - unilateral hearing loss with normal hearing on the opposite side,
  • H90.2 Conductive hearing loss, unspecified.

Specificity of this type of hearing loss

The disease is due to the insufficient conduct of waves responsible for the transmission of sounds. Sometimes on the way from the outer to the inner ear breakages occur, which lead to violations.

The sound wave does not reach the hair cells of the Corti's organ associated with the auditory nerve. This is due to obstacles in the zone of the outer and middle ear.

Area of ​​involvement with conductive hearing loss

Causes of

Various factors can lead to the disease, but the most common is the sulfur plug that covers the auditory meatus. After its removal, the symptoms disappear. The causes include:

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  • auditory canal defect,
  • tumor,
  • foreign body,
  • scar,
  • inflammation,
  • otitis media,
  • rupture and eardrum deformation,
  • wound ear cavity.

In children, the disease develops more often as a result of otitis media. This inflammation in the middle ear, which occurs due to the penetration of viruses, bacteria, fungi.

Often the prerequisites are diseases of the nose and nasopharynx. They are associated with the inflammation of the Eustachian tube, which is directly related to the ear.

In children, the problem often becomes apparent after adenoid sprouting near the pharyngeal mouth of the Eustachian tube.


One of the main mechanisms of impact is speech audiometry. It is aimed at identifying the ability of a person to perceive whispers and conversational speech. The research is carried out in specialized soundproofing cabinets using special devices that give signals of different intensity and frequency.

The doctor must conduct an examination using an otoscope. During such a study it is easy to detect a foreign body, damage to the membrane, inflammation.

The following differential methods are used:

  1. Weber test. With a conductive version of the disease, sound is directed toward the ear that hears worse.
  2. Test Rinne. The audiogram allows you to determine that the bony conduct of sounds exceeds the air.
  3. Children use digital audiometry and acoustic impedance measurement.


Depending on the results obtained, the physician puts the degree of the disease:

1 degree .It is considered to be the easiest, well treatable. A person hears a whisper at a distance of up to 3 meters, and a normal conversation at a distance of 4 m. Distorted speech or conversation with extraneous sounds is not perceived.

2 degree .It is found in people who can hear whispers, but at a distance of not more than 0.5 m. Conversation speech differs at a distance of 2-4 meters. A person does not take all the words well, even in normal conditions.

3 degree .The heaviest. It is characterized by the inability to distinguish between whispers at any distance, and speech is audible at a distance of up to 2 meters. At this stage, serious communication problems arise, therefore, a hearing aid is used.

4 degree corresponds to complete deafness. A person does not hear at all without special devices.

In rare cases, bilateral deafness develops. Usually, the cause is inflammatory diseases in the nasopharynx, which outgrew acute otitis of the long course.

Treatment of

The main goal is to remove an obstacle that hinders the passage of sound waves. Therefore, remove sulfur plugs, puffiness. If blood circulation in the ear is insufficient, special medications are prescribed.


Usually, vasodilator drugs are prescribed, for example, "Papaverin", "Dibazol", antihistamine and anticholinesterase drugs, B vitamins and anticoagulants. If the disease is detected at an early stage, medication is prescribed in conjunction with the physiotherapeutic methods of exposure. If the cause lies in the inflammation, the disease is treated with antibiotics.


Topical for improving blood circulation. Acupuncture and laser puncture proved to be good. If there were barotrauma, then to equalize the difference in pressure in the cavity of the middle and outer ear, blowing through the Politzer is carried out.

Operative intervention

Topical for violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane. Mingoplasty, tympanoplasty, prosthetics of the auditory ossicles are performed. However, many problems help to solve hearing aids.

The choice of this technique is carried out in clinics taking into account the technical characteristics of the device and individual characteristics. The type of operation depends on the nature of the damage to the sound-conducting system. In some cases, full restoration of hearing is possible even with deafness.

Folk remedies

The most popular methods of treating hearing loss are garlic and propolis. The tincture of the latter is mixed with olive oil. The composition is impregnated with a gauze tourniquet, which is inserted into the ear canals. Garlic juice is dismounted with oil 1: 3.Used in the same way. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.

Irrespective of the chosen tactics of treatment, special breathing exercises help. The technique is to perform an exhalation of air through the nose. The abdomen is retracted. When you inhale, your belly is inflated. Exercise is best done outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Watch the video on how hearing loss is diagnosed in young children:

Prevention, complications, consequences

The main preventive measure is the examination, after which a patient's auditory passport is created. They are obligatory given to people working in noisy industries, as well as to those who are at risk.

Among the main complications and consequences is hearing loss. To avoid this, it is necessary at the first suspicion of the problem to see a doctor and refuse from cigarettes and alcohol, to follow a special diet, to avoid stress.

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