Presbyacusis ICD-10: symptoms, treatment, audiograms, analyzes, prognosis

With age, many people face different hearing impairments. In medicine, this phenomenon is commonly called presbybiacosis. This process develops under the influence of different factors and in most cases is irreversible. To stop the rate of hearing loss, you should call the doctor in time.

Presbyacusis code ICD-10

Presbyacusis is a gradual loss of hearing as the body ages. According to the ICD-10, this violation is coded under the cipher H91.1 Presbyacusis. This phenomenon is considered very common. According to statistics, about 25% of people aged 55-64 years are hearing less. After 65 years, this indicator is 50%.

Reasons for

The main reasons for this problem include the following:

  • changes in the nerve endings of the hearing organ;
  • gradual disruption of the structure of the inner ear or tympanic membrane due to age-related changes;
  • hereditary factors;
  • effect of loud sounds that are capable of provoking damage to hair cells present in the inner ear.
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The risk of occurrence of presbybacosis is increased by the influence of such factors:

  • use of certain categories of medications - it can be separate groups of antibacterial or anticancer agents, aspirin;
  • , the proximity of relatives has similar problems;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • increase in pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Causes of hearing loss in the elderly:

Symptoms of

For age-related hearing impairment, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  1. A significant decrease in the audibility of high sounds can be female voices or birdsong.
  2. Reduces sharpness and sharpness of perceived sounds.
  3. Difficulties with an understanding of the interlocutor - this is especially evident in noisy places or during conversations by phone.
  4. Ringing and noise in the ears.
  5. High intensity of background sounds.


First of all, with age-related hearing impairment, you need to contact an otolaryngologist who will analyze the complaints and conduct the examination. Usually in such a situation, the otoscopy is performed. Thanks to this, it is possible to diagnose and distinguish it from other pathologies.

Degrees of hearing loss

Analyzes of

The main methods of detecting a disease are considered to be tests. The most informative include the following:

  1. Test Rinne - allows you to identify the main cause of hearing loss. To carry it out, the vibrating tuning fork is placed on the mastoid process, after which it is held in the air.
  2. Weber analysis - usually allows one-sided hearing loss to be detected. It is also carried out by means of a vibrating tuning fork, placing it on the forehead.
  3. Audiometry - for her conduct special headphones are used. They help to listen to different tones, which have changes in loudness and altitude.

Additional studies of

Other research methods may be used to differentiate the diagnosis. Usually presbyacusis requires differentiation from such disorders as:

  • neurinoma of the auditory nerve;
  • chronic form of middle purulent otitis media;
  • ototoxic hearing loss.

Treatment of

To stop hearing impairment, a physician should choose a complex therapy. Usually the treatment includes medications, physiotherapy. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct surgical intervention and selection of a hearing aid.


Drug therapy is aimed at stopping the processes of disintegration of the basic elements of the hearing analyzer.

Usually, they use drugs that generally improve cognitive function. Most often, doctors choose drugs that have a broad spectrum of activity and a minimum of contraindications.

The main drugs that contribute to the improvement of the prognosis include:

  1. Tanakan - this remedy is used to improve blood circulation in the brain. Usually you need to take 1 tablet or 1 ml of solution three times a day. The course of therapy should be at least 3-6 months.
  2. Cinnarizine - this drug also improves blood circulation in the brain. Specialists prescribe 25-30 mg of medication three times a day. The therapy lasts for several months.

Folk remedies

The use of folk methods gives good results only in the early stages of the disease. Usually they use such means:

  1. A warm decoction of hops helps to cope with noise in the ears.
  2. Lemon - it is recommended every day to eat a quarter of the fruit with the skin. It can be mixed with a spoonful of honey.
  3. Almond oil - this substance should be used in the amount of 3 drops. Each day, the ears need to alternate.
  4. Garlic - this product should be crushed and mixed with 2 drops of camphor oil. The resulting mass is wrapped in gauze and placed in the ears. After the appearance of a small burning, the composition must be pulled out.


When an auditory analyzer is damaged and tinnitus is present, electrical effects, mechanotherapy procedures and phototherapy are usually used.

Of the methods of non-hardware physiotherapy, such means as paraffin and mud therapy are most effective. Also improve the hearing helps with acupuncture.

Operative methods

Surgical intervention may be performed with traumatic ear damage or permanent ear infections requiring drainage.

In some cases, there is a need for the use of cochlear or cochlear implants. Such drugs contribute to compensation of the affected elements of the inner ear.

Popular video on the topic of age-related hearing loss:


Most often, hearing loss is irreversible. However, due to the timely initiation of therapy, this process can be significantly slowed down. To improve the patient's quality of life, the doctor can recommend the use of a hearing aid or a surgical procedure.

Prevention of

To avoid age-related hearing impairment, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Protect your ears from loud noise. Today, there are many effective protective measures that help to solve these problems.
  2. Regularly check your hearing. This is especially true for people who are forced to work in noisy conditions.
  3. Avoid rest, which can adversely affect hearing. This refers to a systematic visit to rock concerts, snowmobiling, hunting. It is also recommended to reduce the volume of the music you are listening to.

Presbyacusis is considered a fairly common disorder, which can lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life. To stop the abnormal process, you need to turn in time to the otolaryngologist and go through all the necessary examinations.

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