The use of a nebulizer in the treatment of sinusitis at home

1 We do inhalations

As soon as the first symptoms of sinusitis have appeared, you can safely proceed with inhalation. Do not forget that such procedures should be appointed directly by the doctor. Medicinal solutions doctor appoints individually, depending on the severity of the disease and severe symptoms.

Inhalation with maxillary sinusitis by a nebulizer can only be done after the nasal sinuses have been cleaned and the course of taking vasoconstrictive drops has been passed. Thanks to this method, the effectiveness of medicines is increased. The duration of the procedures is determined individually for each patient, but on average it is 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 8-10 days.

The choice of the device must be very carefully approached. First of all, you should pay attention to the technical features of the device, because this will determine the effect of inhalation. Perhaps the most important advantage of a nebulizer is that it can be used not only in a hospital, but also at home. Unlike all sorts of drops and sprays, the nebulizer does not lead to side effects.

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2 Types of devices and contraindications to the use of

All nebulizers can be divided into three groups:

  • compressor
  • ultrasonic
  • mesh-nebulizers.

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The main difference of all devices lies in the mechanism of converting medicinal solutions into aerosol. With the help of compressor and mesh-nebulizers, the size of the sprayed particles can be controlled independently.

The principle of the compressor apparatus is the ability to spray medicinal products into a fine-dispersed cloud by air flow. The main advantage of this nebulizer is that it allows you to use almost all medicines. In such devices, the compressor is very noisy and this is, perhaps, its only drawback.

Ultrasonic nebulizers spray the drug solution by ultrasonic waves, which create a special membrane. Such devices operate silently. But when choosing such a nebulizer it is necessary to remember that due to ultrasound some components are destroyed. In this case, unfortunately, not all medications can be used.

Mesh nebulizers spray medicinal solutions also due to ultrasonic waves, only in this case they are created by means of a grid, and due to this important components of the preparations are not destroyed. This type of device combines the functions of compressor and ultrasonic devices.

Nebulizer inhalations have no age limits and are very easy to use. But is it possible to do inhalation for everyone who has sinusitis? Of course not. There are a number of contraindications for using a nebulizer. Among which we can identify the main:

  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • high body temperature;
  • arrhythmia;
  • bullous emphysema;
  • pneumothorax;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke.

3 Based on what you can do warming up

Currently, there are special medications that are intended only for inhalations by a nebulizer. As a rule, they are issued in vials or in nebulae. The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the sinusitis, and the concomitant diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe dosage alone, this should only be done by a doctor.

All drugs designed to treat sinusitis can be divided into four main groups, each of which has unique characteristics and has its own function:

  1. Saline solutions. They clean the nasal mucosa and remove the secretions. The most common is 1% sodium chloride solution.
  2. Alkaline solutions. In other words, it is mineral medicinal water. During this procedure, the purulent masses are cleaved, and the nasal sinuses are easily released. Alkaline solutions can also be used for preventive purposes.
  3. Antibiotics. These include Tevomycin, Furacilin, Fluimucil. Such solutions can destroy the pathogen and reduce the signs of inflammation.
  4. Immunomodulators. As a rule, they are used immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. Immunomodulators strengthen and restore immunity.


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4 Rules for the treatment of

Inhalations in the genyantritis of a nebulizer can be carried out at home. To do this, you must follow several rules. Before the procedure, it is mandatory to wash hands, then you can start assembling the device. The nebulizer must be connected to the electrical network and the hermeticity of the drug solution should be checked. To do this, pour a little water into the tank. Prepare a facial mask and a cotton towel, which will be needed to wipe the face after the procedure.

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Then pour 2-3 ml of saline into the reservoir and the dose of the drug indicated by the doctor. Remember that saline should be at room temperature.

Inhalation with sinusitis should be conducted no earlier than 1-1,5 hours after ingestion. Before the procedure, it is better not to smoke. Inhalation with sinusitis is best done in comfortable clothing, which will not provide discomfort during breathing. The procedure is carried out in the sitting position. It is necessary to breathe through the nose. The exhalations must be deep and slow. If coughing or dizziness occurs during inhalation, then take a break until well-being improves. Typically, the procedure itself takes 10-15 minutes. After inhalation, refrain from a sharp temperature drop, otherwise you will not see a positive result from the procedure.

Inhalation of sinusitis can be carried out at home as an additional treatment. Such procedures will help soften the crust of mucus and pus, will facilitate their subsequent excretion. At home, you can prepare solutions for inhalation. To do this, you need to mix 2 tsp.chamomile, 1 tsp.leaves of eucalyptus and 2 tsp.yarrow. Next, pour the mixture in 2 liters of boiled water.

No less effective is tincture of chamomile( 3 tsp), turns( 1 tsp) and sage( 1 tsp).Before carrying out the inhalation, tinctures should be at room temperature.

5 What medications can not be used

If you choose the wrong medication for inhalation with a nebulizer, you can not only disable the device itself, but also damage your health. To damage the nebulizer, oils or fat-based solutions may result. Broths of herbs can sometimes cause allergies, and if the tincture is poorly strained, large particles can break the appliance. The use of hormonal drugs and antibiotics in an ultrasonic nebulizer has no effect, because under the action of ultrasound they are destroyed and enter the respiratory tract as garbage. Useless inhalation will be based on aloe juice or on such drugs as Euphyllin and Papaverin, since they do not affect the mucous membrane.

Vasodilators with inhalation relieve edema, but when they enter the lungs, they lead to a violation of blood circulation. Carrying out inhalations based on means for diluting sputum for children under 1 year can lead to bronchitis. And all because of the fact that children at this age are not yet able to clear their throat, and swollen mucus descends into the lower parts of the respiratory tract.

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