Symptoms and treatment of diabetic angiopathy of the vessels of the lower extremities

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1 Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the pathology are very different, depending on which organ is affected. However, it is easier to diagnose and easily determine the affected area. For example, if the vessels of the eyes are affected, then the person feels it right away. Or the affected vessels of the heart, too, show themselves quite serious symptoms - this is pain, and irregular heartbeats. Affected vessels in the urinary system are expressed by pain in the kidneys.

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However, there are also not pronounced symptoms. They should pay special attention, because this will allow the treatment of the disease to begin at the very beginning, which will avoid gangrene and amputation.

So, not pronounced symptoms are:

  1. Blood that is secreted during a cough.
  2. The appearance of the whole skin of the petechiae.
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  4. The skin of the foot begins to peel off. The touch is firm and dry.
  5. Vision is significantly impaired, and in severe cases it may even disappear.
  6. Burning and itching of the lower extremities are the main symptoms of diabetic foot angiopathy.
  7. Severe and prolonged bleeding from the nose may also be a symptom of angiopathy.
  8. The appearance of blood in the urine.
  9. During a long walk there is a lot of pain. It intensifies with the continuation of the walk and is weakened by letting the feet rest.

These are far from all the symptoms of the disease, but they will help to draw attention to the problem and force a person to undergo a more thorough and in-depth diagnosis.

2 Causal factors of the onset of

As mentioned above, the reasons for diabetic angiopathy of the lower limbs are not diabetes itself, but the absence of proper vascular treatment. After all, the vessels are affected only 3, 4 years after the appearance of a person with diabetes.

Thin vessels, which suffer in the first place, must be rescued immediately, as is diagnosed with diabetes. Thus, inattention to the pathology leads to vascular disease and, as a consequence, severe organ damage, for example, blindness or limb amputation.

3 Diagnostic measures

Treatment of angiopathy begins with proper diagnosis. First, the fact that a person is sick with diabetes mellitus is confirmed, because diabetic angiopathy does not occur without diabetes. Next, the symptoms are studied, in order to identify which organ should be rescued. This is done by several high-tech methods:

  1. The safest method for today, including the most accurate one, is the method of magnetic resonance imaging. With the help of it, it is possible to examine the smallest vessels in all the internal organs of man. In addition, the tomograph very clearly reflects the vessels of the legs and hands.
  2. With the help of computed tomography it is possible to study any human organ in all planes and to any depth.
  3. Vascular diseases are diagnosed by angiography. In this case, the patient is given a weakly radioactive isotope, which is very clearly visible on the X-ray machine. This method allows you to determine whether there are blockages in the vessels.
  4. Ultrasound of vessels is also one of the methods of examining the walls and the presence of constrictions and damages in them. With the help of this method, one can consider the speed and strength of the blood flow and draw a conclusion about the patency of the vessels.
  5. The patient's eye fundus is studied separately. With the help of fundusography you can draw conclusions about the damage to the vessels of the bottom of the eyeball.


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4 Methods of treatment of pathology

Of course, treatment begins with the restoration of the correct sugar content in the blood, because it is necessary to eliminate the source of the disease.

Of course, diabetes itself is almost impossible to cure, but it is perfectly permissible to balance and maintain an uncritical level of glucose in the blood. In addition to sugar, it is necessary to stabilize and keep the mineral substances in the blood, to normalize proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

All this can be done with the help of medicines containing potassium, anabolic hormones, and also hypoglycemic agents, for example, Diabeton. Do not forget about the special diet, from which light carbohydrates and fats are excluded. After all, without a diet developed by specialists, no medication can cope. So only complex treatment can give a positive result. Also in this complex it is necessary to include angioprotectors - drugs treating the vessels themselves, for example, Parmidin, Dobesilat, etc.

It is very important to monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood. After the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of sick vessels will increase the likelihood of a blood clot in the vessels of the legs. In particular, it is necessary to take blood thinning drugs, so that it falls into the most delicate and narrowed by the disease vessels.

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Drugs that are prescribed to a patient are usually tablets or capsules. However, if the disease has developed to necrosis, which is mummified or torn away, then the drugs are administered intra-arterially.

If a patient develops ischemic leg disease, then he is prescribed plasmapheresis. This procedure doctors remove ischemic pain and help to cope with the healing of purulent wounds more quickly.

Well, of course, if necessary, then a surgical operation is performed. For example, a vascular surgeon can perform a reconstructive intervention than help restore a large artery.

The last resort is limb amputation. When the limb is not saved and the blood has begun to be infected, to save a person's life, the leg or arm needs to be amputated.

5 Therapy of Traditional Medicine

Since the disease did not appear yesterday, but exists for a long time, much longer than modern medicine, there are also folk remedies that have been developed for centuries. Of course, compared to modern medicine, they can not be compared in terms of speed and effectiveness, but in a complex of standard treatment can help:

  1. Dandelion medicinal. Normalizes the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.
  2. Chicory, which went through the same treatment as coffee: dried, fried, ground. You need to eat instead of coffee.
  3. Ginseng.

As mentioned above, diabetes is not cure, but if you lead a correct lifestyle, follow a simple diet and monitor your health, you can live a long and happy life. Remember, the more closely you treat your body, the longer and better it will serve you. Be healthy!

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