Dysbacteriosis and atopic dermatitis

In almost 90% of cases, atopic dermatitis will be accompanied by a dysbacteriosis. This is due to the fact that the intestinal microflora with a large functional load, simply can not help taking part in the process of the emergence and maintenance of a pathological disorder with dermatitis. Dermatitis over the past decade has acquired a very large medical social significance, as the prevalence rate is greatly increased.

To date, it is still not clear exactly why dysbiosis starts to develop along with atopic dermatitis. The medical community assumes several indirect or direct factors that lead to this:

  • Dysfunction. In adults, these are quick snacks or non-compliance with a rational meal regime, while children have early lure and the introduction of foods that do not match the age of the child.
  • Digestive enzyme deficiency. Such a reason can lead to the fact that undigested remnants of food begin to wander, because of what begins the development of pathogenic microorganisms and, as a consequence, dysbiosis.
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  • Decreased tone or spastic condition of intestinal muscles.
  • Deficiency in nutrition of sour-milk products and cellulose of vegetable origin. This aspect can deprive the beneficial intestinal microflora of the medium for normal nutrition.
  • The presence in the intestinal cavity of the dysbacteriosis of various parasitic microorganisms, which have a harmful effect on the state of the beneficial microflora.
  • Admission of modern medications that lower the level of gastric secretion, as well as having the ability to indirectly reduce the resistance of natural intestinal microflora.
  • Use of glucocorticoids and cytostatics, which lower the body's immunity.

Treatment of dysbiosis and dermatitis

Due to the appointment of an adequate diagnosis, an opportunity is provided for rational treatment of atopic dermatitis and dysbacteriosis, as well as correction of microecological disorders. This can lead not only to an increase in the chances of a positive outcome of treatment of diseases, but also reduces the cost of treatment, as well as avoid polypharmacy.

The modern principles of treating dysbacteriosis and dermatitis include more procedures than the simple administration of medications. Particular attention is paid to diet and diet.

Thanks to the diet, it is possible to restore normal digestion with dysbacteriosis caused by dermatitis, after a few months. It is required to carry out functional nutrition with a large number of foods that are enriched with living bacterial cultures. To completely get rid of dysbacteriosis, you need to consume as much as possible food of plant origin, as well as products that have the ability to suppress putrefactive processes in the intestinal cavity. It should be noted that it is necessary to include those products that do not cause an allergic reaction in a patient with atopic dermatitis.

In addition, in order to prevent the emergence of dysbiosis in atopic dermatitis, it is required to take pro and prebiotics, which give the body substances that create conditions for the normal development of beneficial microflora, as well as possessing regenerative properties. As an ideal option, drugs that contain pre- and probiotics along with adsorbents are used.

Thanks to the use of adsorbents, toxic substances are eliminated from the body and the flatulence that can be observed with dysbacteriosis with dermatitis decreases. In addition, prescribed drugs that improve the digestive process.

To normalize the contractility of the intestinal wall with dysbacteriosis, acupuncture, specialized massage systems are used. Simultaneously with dermatitis, putrefactive infestation and digestive process disorders are treated.

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