Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in adults - the first signs and treatment of drugs of the disease of the thick, thin and rectum

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the composition and quantity of certain microorganisms in the intestinal microflora. In this turbulent time, it is the most common disease among people of different age groups. Much to our regret, at an early stage a dysbacteriosis mainly proceeds without signs, or it is so small that many simply do not pay attention to them. What are the symptoms of the disease? How to treat dysbiosis?

Symptoms of the disturbed state of the intestinal microflora will depend on the stage of the development of the disease. There are four stages of intestinal dysbiosis:

  1. For the first stage, a slight disturbance of the equilibrium of the normal and pathogenic state of the large intestine microflora is characteristic. What are the possible reasons for this? Mostly this condition is caused by a short course of antibiotics or by changing water or food. There is no obvious presence of the first signs of dysbacteriosis in adults, rumbling in the abdomen is possible. After the causes of the disease have been eliminated, the normal state of the microflora is restored primarily independently.
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  2. The second stage is quite difficult not to notice. In this case, the appearance of the following symptoms is characteristic: a decrease in appetite, an unpleasant taste in the mouth appears, there may be a feeling of nausea or vomiting. Patients often suffer from bloating, flatulence, someone may have constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. Certainly, such signs can be and at any other disease of a rectum, however, mainly such signs are the certificate of development of a dysbacteriosis.
  3. In the third stage, serious treatment is required, because the inflammatory processes begin to develop in the intestinal wall of multiple pathogenic microflora. In adults, there are pain in the abdomen and along the bowel, the symptoms that are characteristic of the development of the second stage, begin to progress more. In the stool, impurities and particles of undigested food begin to appear.
  4. The fourth stage of dysbiosis is evidence that the pathogenic microflora has practically completely supplanted healthy bacteria. This state of the intestines in adults leads to disturbances in the absorption process, and also promotes the development of avitaminosis and anemia, so insomnia, constant fatigue, depression and apathy are added to such symptoms. In some severe cases, infectious diseases develop in the intestines that are dangerous to human health.

It should be noted that the level of symptoms of the dysbacteriosis of the rectum will depend on a large number of factors, for example, the state of the body, the immune status of the organ, the way of life. For example, a two-week course of antibiotics in one patient can cause small disturbances in the balance of the intestinal microflora, and in another - it will cause the fourth stage of dysbiosis.

In addition, signs of the development of intestinal dysbiosis is the appearance in adults:

  • Stool disorders.
  • Malabsorption syndrome.
  • Colitis, gastritis, duodenitis, ulcerative disease of the small intestine.
  • Hypo- and hypertension.
  • Acute mesenteric ischemia, which is a circulatory disorder.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis and other diseases of joints and connective tissues.
  • Malignant neoplasm in the cavity of the stomach, large intestine and breast.
  • Signs of menstrual irregularity.
  • Caries.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations.
  • Portal systemic encephalopathy and other liver damage.
  • Endo- and superinfection with different localization.
  • Graft versus host disease, especially when placed in the small intestine cavity.
  • Neonatal anemia, cachexia, gout and other disorders of water-salt metabolism.
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Treatment of symptoms of dysbiosis

Treatment of symptoms of dysbacteriosis primarily involves compliance with the diet. So, meat is allowed to use rabbit, nutria, turkey, veal. It will be useful to take porridge from buckwheat and oatmeal, which are prepared by diluting the water in half with milk. In the event that such symptoms of the disease as rashes appear, then the porridge should be cooked only on the water.

The diet allows the use of green apples, bananas when combined with apples, pears also when combined with apples, black currants, gooseberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries and lemon. With special care in treating the symptoms of dysbiosis, red berries and fruits are used: watermelon, apples, sweet cherry, grapes, raspberries and others. The first few times allowed the use of fruit and berries in fresh form, but if the deterioration began, then the products should be boiled or stewed. When treating the symptoms of large intestine dysbiosis and loosening of the stool in adults, it is also forbidden to eat such products in raw form, it is necessary to cook them with a boiled method or put out.

Potatoes, zucchini, green bell pepper, onion, carrots, carrots in small quantities, parsley, dill, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, Pekin or color, cucumber without crust are allowed from vegetables for intestinal dysbacteriosis. Sometimes you can try to eat vegetables in their raw form, but with an increase in the symptoms of dysbiosis, go to boiled and stewed.

The use of quail eggs in the form of omelettes or boiled eggs is also permitted in the treatment of symptoms of dysbiosis. Instead of sugar, fructose, jam or sugar syrup is used. The use of confectionery products should be limited, however, a small amount of marshmallow, oriental sweets and marmalade are allowed. Of the cheese products, you can eat Adyghe cheese, and from dairy products - cottage cheese with a low fat content. Drinking in the treatment of symptoms of dysbiosis can boil the dogrose, teas white or green.

If in case of intestinal dysbacteriosis such symptoms as diarrhea or constipation appear, then an individual diet is made by a specialist, taking into account the state of the rectum microflora.

Diet for intestinal dysbacteriosis will have proper effectiveness only when combined with official medications, and should be strictly observed during periods of exacerbation of symptoms. To delay the beginning of its observance is not necessary, as the adult body requires a full range of nutrients for full-fledged functioning.

Drug treatment of symptoms of dysbiosis provides for several stages:

  1. The first medicines will be those that will help in the removal of pathogenic microflora in adults. Nystatin, bacteriophages, Enterol, Ersefuril, Bactisubtil can be used for these purposes. Now you need to restore the digestion process. Appointed Mezim-forte, Creon 10000 and Pancreatin. Sorbents - Smecta, Multisorb, Enterodesis and others - are used to remove signs of dysbacteriosis and to remove intoxication. Such therapeutic measures to remove signs of the disease will last for about 3-7 days.
  2. At the second stage, the activities will be aimed at the colonization of normal microflora - probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed for this purpose. To enhance the effectiveness can be added such drugs - Acipol, Bifiform, Lactobacterin and others. The course of therapeutic events is 14-21 days.
  3. At the third stage of treatment of symptoms of dysbacteriosis drugs should "feed" the normal microflora. For this purpose are appointed: Dufalac, Laktusan, Hilak-forte and others. Within 10-20 days, such drugs will selectively stimulate the growth and metabolism of several groups of bacteria that live in the large intestine, thereby ensuring a normal content of the intestinal microbiocenosis.

The process of colonization of the intestine with a useful microflora can be slow enough, so sometimes the course of treatment of symptoms of dysbiosis can be repeated, especially if there is an exacerbation of signs of the disease in adults. In addition, do not forget that you need to adjust the immune status of the body through the use of immunomodulators and vitamins.

Along with all of the above, do not wait until the disease will go away on its own. This is unlikely to happen, and neglected dysbiosis will cause a large number of different complications. It is worthwhile to help your body, and after a short time you will be able to return to normal normal life.

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