Cal at gastritis - black, blood in it

Black stool with splotches of blood can be a very dangerous symptom of a variety of disorders in the body. Some of them may be, of course, not dangerous, but in most cases such a symptom as the unusual color of stool indicates the need for immediate treatment. In this regard, it is extremely important to promptly consult a doctor, and a quick diagnosis. The causes can be very different from hemorrhoids and polyps to peptic ulcer and cirrhosis of the liver, this is not counting oncology and other terrible diagnoses.

Can such a symptom appear with gastritis? Can. Few people know that like other diseases, it can be of different forms and types. Most likely, you have heard that gastritis can be acute and chronic. However, few know about the erosive form of this disease. This means that the amount of digestive glands decreases. Also, the possible cause of such a disease can be the occurrence of erosion. That is, not stomach ulcers, but erosions.

In this development, the symptoms are not limited to the onset of pain, but also include a disruption in the integrity of the epithelium of the stomach. Because of this, bleeding occurs, the blood from which can penetrate into the feces. Because of what it takes a black color. The black color of the stool with gastritis, as well as the interspersion of blood in it, is one of the first symptoms of an erosive form of the disease.

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Unfortunately, erosion in gastritis can be, as in the upper layer of the gastric mucosa, and in deeper layers, which significantly aggravates the situation. In order to find out this the doctor will necessarily prescribe to you an extensive diagnosis, including the analysis of feces. However, even with complete cure of erosions, a relapse may often occur. He will manifest himself with the same symptoms( characteristic stool color).

As a rule, the causes of this gastritis are persistent stress and irregular or irregular nutrition. Than it is dangerous? If you have ulcers, it is quite possible that a peptic ulcer can develop soon. To treat it is much more difficult.

Unfortunately, with erosive gastritis, blood appears in the feces. Another reason for this may be infection. With any of the options, medication is required, which is prescribed and controlled by a qualified specialist.

The main symptoms of this disease, in addition to feces with blood, can also be blood in the vomit. Although sometimes even with an erosive gastritis of vivid symptomatology may not be monitored.

External manifestations of this form of gastritis can be flatulence, a feeling of heaviness, bloating, arising after eating. There is also heartburn and eructation, an unpleasant odor from the mouth without any special reasons. Therefore, you should not wait for bright symptoms, because the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the better the result of treatment will be obtained. And remember that any even the greatest erosion is cured much easier and better than the smallest sore. Therefore, you should not run this problem at all.

So, if you notice that the color of the stool has become unusual - it means that you urgently need to pass a stool test and find out the nature of the origin of this color in order to avoid possible consequences in the form of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, one should immediately consult a specialist so that he can diagnose the disease as soon as possible and prescribe the necessary treatment. Only in this case you can count on a quick and full recovery.

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