Aloe with stomach gastritis, treatment with juice and honey

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The use of aloe in diseases of the digestive system has been known since ancient times. For example, in Arab countries, the condensed juice of this plant was prescribed as a drug that improves digestion, improves outflow of bile, has a slight laxative effect.

Currently, this medicinal plant is also widely known. But than it is useful at disease GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT?

The use of aloe with gastritis

The plant has a number of properties that are manifested in any use:

  • acceleration of regenerative processes in tissues - this allows it to be used for external use, and with gastritis the plant helps in fighting mucosal damage;
  • destruction of bacteria - this is especially true for diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. But here there is a drawback. The oppressive effect extends absolutely to all those present at the site of exposure to bacteria, including useful ones. Therefore, for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, it is important to drink probiotics or special yogurts in the treatment of aloe gastritis to strengthen the normal microflora of the stomach;
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  • strong general strengthening of immunity;
  • excellent prevention of cancer.

Prevention of gastritis with aloe

Aloe is not only used for treatment, but also as a preventive agent with a predisposition to gastric lesions. It helps to prevent the development of erosive changes and the appearance of tumors.

For preventive purposes take 10 drops of juice( always fresh) for half an hour before eating. The course lasts for a month. It is recommended to conduct such a course every six months.

Treatment of aloe gastritis

Each type of gastritis requires a special approach to treatment. The properties of aloe are so universal that it is applicable in every case, you just need to use slightly different reception techniques.

Features of the approach to treatment for different forms of gastritis:

  1. Hypoacid - the role of aloe is to help restore damaged tissues and glands of the stomach, stimulate an increase in secretion, and also help combat symptoms such as bloating and increased gas production.
  2. With increased acidity, astringent action and the ability to eliminate inflammation are important. As a result, the intensity of pain sensations decreases markedly.
  3. Erosive forms - aloe juice with gastritis removes inflammation, promotes tissue repair, and this works even in cases of autoimmune lesions.

Honey and aloe with gastritis

You need to take a plant that already has at least 5 years old, and squeeze out the juice from thick leaves. The juice is not stored, it must be used immediately, so it must be mined just before it is taken. In extreme cases, if you want to have enough for a few hours, the product can be put in the refrigerator.

In addition to the above option, there are several other ways to prepare mixtures for the treatment of gastritis with aloe:

  • mixture of leaf pulp with honey: take a glass of liquid flower honey, warm it up a bit, add pulp from the pulp of 5 large sheets. The mixture can be stored for a maximum of a day and only in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before each meal;
  • flesh sheets + honey + dry red wine: the mixture is first prepared in the same way as described above, then a glass of wine is worn over it. To drink it is necessary on a table spoon, before meal and before a dream.

The course of taking funds for the treatment of gastritis - 2 months, for preventive purposes - a month.

Contraindication to treatment in this way is too early age or pregnancy.

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