Diet and nutrition for pancreatitis and cholecystitis - menus, recipes, fruits, fasting

The pancreas and gallbladder are one of the main organs involved in digestive processes. Therefore, in the presence of any ailments directly associated with them, requires strict adherence to the diet. Without this condition, counting on successful therapy is simply meaningless.

As a rule, with pancreatitis and cholecystitis, a diet regimen is prescribed, which is designated "table number 5".In the event that the patient is experiencing and even some concomitant disease of the stomach or intestines, a diet is prescribed, or table number 5a.

The provisions of this diet are as follows:

  • three times a day must be fully fed, and also allow a couple of non-snacking snacks. In no case should you not overeat or starve;
  • very carefully need to adhere to the temperature of the dishes. Food should not be too hot, or cold. Ideal parameters are +40 degrees;
  • food should be easy to digest so as not to allow additional overload on the inflamed organs. The main enemy in such diseases is foods rich in fiber. Do not include them in your diet;
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  • heat treatment of products can be such: baking, cooking, but definitely not frying. Ideally, if the dishes are ground or crushed;
  • should definitely minimize the consumption of chicken eggs, too strong invigorating drinks. Exclude the alcohol.

When compiling a dietary daily diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The amount of protein foods should be maximized. But fat and carbohydrates are recommended to eat less.

Nutrition for cholecystitis pancreatitis

The diet for this disease should be such as to accompany the restoration of normal functioning of the sick organs. In our case, they include the pancreas and the gallbladder.

For this reason, patients are categorically forbidden to include in the diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis components that cause increased production of digestive enzymes. Definitely should abandon the dishes cooked in fast food chains, as well as not allow any snacks in the dry.

Dietary meals for cholecystitis and pancreatitis are usually selected individually depending on several factors: the patient's age, the stage of the disease, the severity of the illness, and so on. But, universal criteria, should be: the fullness, calorie, rationality of the menu.

Here is the main list of products that are shown for use in the diet:

  • unhealthy bread and pastry with neutral stuffing;
  • vegetable and dairy first dishes;
  • boiled, baked, fish dishes;
  • low-fat meat prepared by authorized methods;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • not more than 15 ml of oils;
  • cereals from cereals;
  • vegetables boiled or stewed;
  • greens.

But the following list of names should be categorically excluded from dietary nutrition in pancreatitis and cholecystitis:

  • freshest bakery products;
  • boiled mushroom and meat first courses;
  • smoked, canned fish, as well as their caviar;
  • fatty meat products and offal, stew;
  • fatty milk, spicy cheese;
  • all grades of legumes;
  • fried egg dishes;
  • vegetables, which contain a large amount of fiber, or are able to have irritating inflammatory organs: radish, cabbage, sorrel, horseradish;
  • any animal fats;
  • sweets;
  • strong invigorating drinks, alcohol, soda.

Menu for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

The estimated diet menu can look like this.

Day one:

  • oatmeal, herbal drink, biscuits;
  • vegetable first course, boiled chicken breast and beets, rose hips;
  • boiled noodles with grated cheese, fruit drink.

Second day:

  • boiled egg, green tea, biscuits;
  • vegetable first, fish product, vegetable salad, kissel;
  • casserole from rice, fruit juice.

Third day:

  • cheese cake, cocoa with milk;
  • soup from rice and carrots, steamed meat, fruit tea.

Fourth day:

  • dietary noodles, green tea;
  • chicken meat, soup with garlic, compote;
  • boiled potatoes, baby sausage, dried fruit tea. Day 5:
    • vermicelli and cheese, milk;
    • the first of a pumpkin, boiled meat with potatoes, berry juice;
    • baked fish product, stewed vegetables, weak tea.

    Day Six:

    • steam omelet, milk drink, crackers;
    • casserole, carrot chops, drink;Boiled rice and fruit, UzDar.

    Day Seven:

    • pudding from rice cereals, tea;
    • carrot soup, pasta in the Navy, berry drink;
    • biscuits and boiled fish, kefir.

    Recipes for cholecystitis and pancreatitis

    Recipe for potato and sausage biscuits

    It is required:

    • potatoes: 7 pcs.;
    • onion: 1 piece;
    • herbs: 150 g;
    • cheese is solid: 150 g;Children's sausage
    • : 300 g;
    • eggs: 3 pieces;
    • flour: 3 large spoons.

    Boiled potatoes are rubbed. Chop the sausage and cheese. We introduce eggs, shallots, greens, flour. We form biscuits, cook in a double boiler.

    Dietary recipe for potato omelette with pancreatitis and cholecystitis


    • boiled potatoes: 250 g;
    • eggs: 4 pieces;
    • milk: 100 ml;
    • spices, herbs.

    Three potatoes. Add all the other ingredients. We cook in a double boiler for at least 30 minutes.

    Fruits in pancreatitis and cholecystitis

    It is known that fruits are the main source of vitamins. Therefore, even pancreatitis and cholecystitis is not at all an excuse for them to refuse. However, with a diet in this case, you need to exercise some caution. In particular, do not consume more than 200 grams.component per day. Taboo is introduced into their acidic varieties, for example, cherries. As for fruits that have a thick skin, they are recommended to clean it before consumption or to grind the whole fruit.

    Fasting with pancreatitis and cholecystitis

    In the remission phase of diseases, it is strictly forbidden to starve. This is also harmful, as well as overeating, or inclusion in the diet of prohibited foods.

    Fasting with pancreatitis and cholecystitis is allowed only in the first two days after the onset of an exacerbation, or at the time of the attack. Only in this case this state is shown and can be of use.

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