Cytomegalovirus in children and adults: treatment, symptoms, drugs

This disease can remain unnoticed for the infected person. It is useful to know when the defeat of the body by a virus is of great importance and requires close attention. About the symptoms and treatment of the herpes virus cytomegalovirus in children, adult men and women talk today.

Features of the disease

Viral infection has a wide prevalence: in middle age, 50% of the population is infected with this virus, and by the age of 50 the number of infected population is approaching 100%.

It is revealed that the disease is dangerous in such cases:

  • When a person's immunity is weakened. For men and women, the situation may create obstacles to procreate. In women, miscarriages are possible, in men - a weakened sperm virus. Under the threat can be important for the life of the body organs.
  • During gestation of the fetus , there are also serious threats related to the health of the unborn child. If the active period of the virus is in the first trimester of pregnancy, then this is the worst case, it is usually recommended to terminate pregnancy. In other trimesters, there is a hope for maintaining the child's health to a greater or lesser extent. The exacerbation of the virus in the mother's body, the infection of which occurred long ago, is more favorable than the primary infection. In the first case, the mother's antibodies weaken the virus, preventing it from developing strongly.
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  • For infants , infection with cytomegalovirus may cause problems:
    • hearing impairment,
    • speech retardation,
    • retardation,
    • muscle atony,
    • cerebral palsy,
    • , cerebral edema,
    • internal disease.

There are eight types of herpes viruses known among which are common, genital, chicken pox, shingles, Epstein-Barr virus, etc. Cytomegalovirus refers to herpes simplex type 5.

The manifestation of the disease is possible in such forms:

  • cytomegalovirus,
  • cytomegalovirus pancreatitis,
  • congenital cytomegalovirus infection,
  • cytomegalovirus pneumonitis,
  • other diseases associated with the virus;
  • cytomegalovirus hepatitis,
  • is a disease caused by the virus nonspecific;
  • cytomegalovirus mononucleosis.

Causes of

Virus infection occurs from a person who:

  • is a carrier of the virus,
  • is in the stage of exacerbation of the manifestation of the virus in the body.

Infection methods:

  • for close communication with an infected person:
    • by airborne droplet,
    • with kisses,
    • if you use household items that were used by a sick person:
      • utensils,
      • handkerchief,
      • washcloth,
      • toothbrush,
      • towel
      • and other personal items;
    • with sexual intimacy;
  • during fetal gestation there is a possibility of its infection from the mother,
  • when organ transplantation.

The person who is the source of the infection can transmit the infection through the body fluids:

  • saliva,
  • blood,
  • sperm,
  • in the nursing mother - breast milk,
  • also contains the virus or its traces in such secretions:
    • is secretedcervical;
    • in feces,
    • in urine.

Symptoms of

Many people do not even guess that they are carriers of infection. The disease often occurs without pronounced symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in different ways. There are three typical variants of the course of the active phase of infection:

  • The first case is similar in manifestations to ARI:
    • general malaise,
    • muscle pain,
    • high temperature,
    • headache,
    • runny nose,
    • skin rashes possible,
    • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck,
    • pain in the joints,
    • chills.
  • The generalized form of the manifestation of infection is expressed in the defeat of the organs:
    • of the liver,
    • of the pancreas,
    • of the eye,
    • of the kidneys,
    • of the spleen,
    • of the digestive system,
    • possibly a disruption in the functioning of brain structures,
    • paralysis.
  • Viral infection can affect the functioning of the genitourinary system. Women have a threat of inflammatory processes:
    • in uterine tissues,
    • of the ovaries,
    • in the vagina.

Men with infection with cytomegalovirus may have health problems of the genitourinary system.


The disease is asymptomatic or its manifestations do not have bright features on which it is possible to diagnose infection by external signs. Therefore, the definition of the problem in the body is carried out with the help of laboratory research.


  • In the blood, the searches for the response of the immune system to the action of the virus. As soon as the infection enters the body, its protective reaction is activated - immunoglobulins are produced. This method is carried out by carrying out an enzyme immunoassay. In individuals with significantly reduced immunity, antibodies may not be detected. There are two types of antibodies in the blood.
    • If a variety of IgM antibodies is detected, specialists are informed that the body is currently fighting either primary infection or exacerbation of an already infested virus.
    • In the case where the analysis shows antibodies that are designated IgG, it indicates that the virus is in a latent state and the person has transferred the infection some time ago.
  • The virus is being searched for during its active development of in biological media( this method does not work at the time when the virus becomes inactive):
    • sperm,
    • saliva,
    • vaginal discharge,
    • amniotic fluid( if examined by a pregnant woman).
  • Sowing - method provides for the creation of conditions for the test material, when microorganisms in it are able to develop well. The blood and the same biological media are used for analysis as in the previous methods. The method takes a sufficient time interval: more than a week. Provides a diagnostic accuracy of up to 100%.

DNA Diagnostic Method

The cytomegalovirus is a DNA-containing. Therefore, it is possible to use the DNA-diagnostics method, which refers to the exact methods. In biological isolations, the DNA of the virus is searched. This method includes, among other things, the polymerase chain reaction method.

The PCR method has an increased sensitivity. He can identify the infection of the patient in the early stages. The disadvantage of the method is that there is no way to understand the disease in the active stage or at rest.

The material of the study are:

  • urine,
  • discharge from organs:
    • of the vagina,
    • of the urinary canal,
    • of the cervix.

On how to treat cytomegalovirus in children, men and women during pregnancy, we will tell below.

Treatment of cytomegalovirus

Special methods of treatment of cytomegalovirus, able to overcome it, currently does not exist. The virus after the passage of the active phase continues to be in the body in a dormant state. The immune system produces antibodies as soon as it detects an infection.

It is these antibodies that are engaged in reducing the activity of the virus, until exacerbation is extinguished. Therefore, no special treatment is often required.

Elena Malysheva in her video report will talk about how to treat cytomegalovirus:


The main way to help with a viral disease is to reduce the strength of the virus and maintain the immune system of the patient.


  • forming a healthy diet,
  • walking,
  • positive attitude.

The scheme of treatment of cytomegalovirus with preparations will be considered further.


Do not use special medications if the virus manifests itself in a mononucleoside-like form of the disease. But with a severe form of the disease, support is provided to the patient with the help of medicines.

Specialists say that some effect can have an anti-cytomegalovirus hyperimmune human immunoglobulin. Many drugs that are used for viral diseases do not give the expected result. Medication can weaken the life of the virus. Therapy is also aimed at strengthening the body's own strengths.

  • For newborns infected in the womb, and for severe forms of the disease, ganciclovir is used. The drug has side effects and requires an attentive approach. It is able to interrupt the cycle of reproduction of the virus.
  • Women with gynecological problems can be recommended immunomodulators:
    • t-activin,
    • levamisole.
  • Some specialists practice the use of antiviral drugs with interferon. This combination enhances the effect of antiviral agents and reduces their toxicity( example: a-interferon and acyclovir).
  • Also used are agents that weaken the action of viruses of different types of herpes:
    • valaciclovir,
    • valganciclovir,
    • foscarnet.

Do not treat cytomegalovirus with folk remedies, even if they have positive reviews! This can cost you health.

Prevention of the disease

Measures that help avoid infection with the virus are related to hygiene issues:

  • to avoid unprotected contact with infected persons,
  • after public places to wash your hands well,
  • use a condom when you are sexually intimidated.

A good recommendation is to strengthen immunity:

  • healthy food,
  • the correct mode,
  • to give up bad habits,
  • do dousing with cold water.

Such measures will make prevention of acute manifestation of the virus( in case of a virus).

Complications of

Consequences of the acute phase of the course of the disease can be different:

  • encephalitis,
  • pleurisy,
  • arthritis,
  • myocarditis.

Also for some time a patient with an acute phase of the disease may experience a breakdown in the vegetative-vascular system.


If a person has a strong immune system, then he has the likelihood of being infected with the virus, not even know about it and have good health. People with very weakened internal forces may suffer from various severe lesions, and in rare cases a fatal outcome is possible.

On the prevention of cytomegalovirus will tell this video:

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