Herpes in pregnant women: methods of diagnosis, treatment methods, prognosis

During pregnancy, sometimes there is such a violation in the body, which manifests itself as pronounced rashes. Externally, the elements of the rash are similar to herpetic eruptions, which gave the name of the disease. About that, whether herpes for pregnant women is dangerous, that it is possible to accept thus how to cure it, we will tell below.

Features of the disease

The disease occurs during pregnancy, and sometimes after the delivery. During pregnancy, the disease manifests itself after 12 weeks.

The disease has other names:

  • gestational herpes,
  • pemphigoid pregnancy,
  • autoimmune dermatitis in pregnant women.

There is a very rare disease, according to statistics for 1,000,000 women bearing a baby, 1 case of pathology. It is noted that in women belonging to the race "negros", the disease is less common than in women with white skin. Also there is an observation that the problem is more likely to visit older women( during pregnancy).

Why herpes is dangerous during pregnancy, this video will tell:

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Causes of occurrence of

Why there is a violation in the body of a pregnant woman, which manifests itself in the form of a rash on the body, there is no full understanding among specialists. It is clear only that there is a conflict, the body mistakenly produces antibodies that resist the body's own tissues.

The disease is of an autoimmune nature. Often, women who have had herpes of pregnant women already have other autoimmune disorders:

  • Graves' disease,
  • autoimmune thyroiditis Hashimoto,
  • pernicious anemia.

There is an assumption that the prerequisite for the appearance of the disease creates and the presence of hormonal abnormalities in a pregnant woman. This is indicated by the fact that patients are sometimes diagnosed with hormone-active tumors, and that some ill women have taken oral contraceptive preparations.

Symptoms of herpes in pregnant women

Symptoms of the disease:

  • The main symptom is a peculiar rash.
  • Places where there are formations on the skin are prone to severe itching.

Localization of rashes: first the rash appears in the navel area. After this bubbles very quickly spread to the area:

  • palms,
  • abdomen,
  • stop,
  • thighs.

The process of forming the elements of the rash:

  • Blisters appear that look like hives.
  • The second stage is a modification of the rashes on the bubbles filled with liquid. These formations have the characteristic: intense bubbles.
  • If the formation burst, then there are sores.
  • Bubbles often pass by themselves, some time after pregnancy.

Elements of the rash that may be present on the patient's skin:

  • vesicles and papules are the basic elements,
  • intense large-sized blisters,
  • crusts, erosion,
  • blisters of red of different sizes.

The general condition does not have significant changes, but the following symptoms occur:

  • pain of a neuralgic nature,
  • fever,
  • indigestion.

Diagnosis of herpes in pregnant women in the first, second, third trimester is described below.

How herpes affects future pregnancy, this video will tell:


To confirm the diagnosis, examine the skin particles taken by biopsy. The analysis finds the presence of antibodies in the patient's skin.

On how to treat herpes pregnant, read below.


Therapeutic activities are directed to:

  • to exclude the possibility of infection of wounds,
  • to counter the spread of rash, that is, the appearance of new blisters;
  • to relieve the condition associated with discomfort from the manifestation of itching symptoms.

The following describes the treatment of herpes in pregnant women in the early and later periods.

Therapeutic method

If the manifestation of the disease has an easy form, then the therapy is carried out:

  • to ill women recommend taking cool baths,
  • the affected areas are lubricated with formulations containing corticosteroids.

Now we learn what to do and how to smear herpes on the body of pregnant women, including the responses of the pregnant women themselves.

By medicamentous method

When a disease of mild form is complemented by therapeutic measures by taking antihistamines.

If skin damage has already taken on an extensive character, then corticosteroids are given in the form of intravenous injections, it is permissible to take the drug in tablet form. The doctor correlates the reaction of the body and the necessary doses to the reception, and the duration of treatment is also determined. In addition, preparations of this type may be prescribed:

  • antibiotics,
  • sulfonamides,
  • vitamins,
  • ointments from herpes for pregnant external use with glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics.

Preventing herpes in pregnant women is described below.

Prevention of the disease

If during pregnancy, a violation of health in the form of symptoms of herpes pregnant, then you should be under the supervision of a doctor, do not delay the appointment of a specialist treatment. When planning future pregnancies, it is necessary to pay special attention to the examination of the health condition and to be in the field of view of the attending physician so that he can monitor all changes and, if necessary, give recommendations.

About the consequences that herpes has in the pregnant woman for the child and herself, let's talk below.

Complications of

As far as pregnant women are concerned, it is necessary to tell about possible complications for a woman and a future child. For a woman, the disease is not dangerous, except for discomfort. Symptoms of the disease may reappear under such circumstances:

  • during the menstrual cycle,
  • application of contraception in the form of drugs,
  • the onset of the next pregnancy.

Specialists sent fragments of the infant's skin for analysis and found that in areas where the rash, as well as in healthy areas of the skin, there are complement deposits( C3), which creates a conflict on the skin of a pregnant woman, initiating herpes pregnant.

These are the possible consequences if the pregnant woman has had herpes.


For the mother, the forecast is favorable. Most experts agree that for a future child, a mother's disease during pregnancy does not pose a serious threat to health.

There is still no consensus on the more serious consequences for the fetus in the presence of herpes pregnant women in his mother, during the carrying of the child.

There is also such a point of view of specialists about the dangers for the bearing child:

  • premature birth is possible,
  • is involved in the increase of perinatal mortality.

Treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women - topic of next video:

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