Horse chestnut: application

Horse chestnut, the use of which is common in folk and traditional medicine, is a plant that can strengthen the vascular walls of capillaries, dilute blood, normalize their tone. Apply fruit( with and without skin), leaves, flowers, seeds, bark. The tree is ready to give away its ground parts for harvesting all season, but it's better to harvest the bark - May, June, the inflorescence - at the beginning of flowering, nuts - in September, during their full maturation.

Related articles:
  • How to prepare and take horse chestnut tincture
  • How to apply horse chestnut extract
  • How to apply horse chestnut for the treatment of varicose veins - recipes
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How to use chestnut to treat

Horse chestnut is famous for itsmedical properties and is successfully used in folk medicine for healing from ailments. Let's consider, at what diseases it is used and recipes, how to prepare a medicinal potion.

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With joint diseases

Destructive-dystrophic joints tend to appear with age. They limit the mobility of the person and cause aching pain. It is impossible to cure the disease, but to take measures that facilitate physical and moral suffering really with a horse chestnut medicine.

For joints, in folk medicine, use tincture. To prepare it you need a little more than a kilogram of crushed fruits( in a blender, grinder, coffee grinder), which are poured into 1 liter of vodka. The medicine is brought to the ready, setting it aside for 2 weeks in a dark place, after which it is used not only for internal use( 40 caps after meals daily), but also external( pounded with aching joints).

How to apply for varicose veins

To brittleness and widening of veins leads to excess weight, wearing uncomfortable shoes, active way of life, and also the hereditary factors. As a consequence - the formation of blood clots, which can come off and wander through the body.

From varicose veins, medicine recommends tinctures and decoctions prepared at home or purchased at a pharmacy. There are a lot of recipes and all of them differ from each other by different components.

Chestnut fruits

50 g of nuts, together with the peel, are ground to a powdery state and filled with vodka until the raw material is completely immersed. Future drops insist, put in a dark place for 2 weeks and after a time take 10 drops 2 times a day.

It's interesting to know! The healing effect of horse chestnut on the walls of the vessels is determined by the members of its esculin and escin. Complex compounds have angioprotective, venotonic, anti-edema, and also exclude the possibility of blood clots due to the dilution of blood and the improvement of the synthesis of antithrombin.

  1. Chestnut flowers. Collect them at the beginning of their flowering and pour vodka. Alcohol tincture is prepared for 1 month, after which they take 50 drops before meals.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice from chestnut flowers. It can be used as a medicine for internal reception, and for external, using as a basis for the preparation of ointment.

Juice is squeezed out of flowers and taken a few drops after meals morning and evening.

Suspension for the treatment of vessel walls is made of the following ingredients: 5 pcs.crushed fruits of plants and flowers, 0.5 oils( vegetable, peach, almond, olive to choose from).The ingredients are mixed in a bowl and placed on a water bath for 2 hours. After, filter, pour into a glass jar and put in the refrigerator on the door.

Green peel plants

From it they prepare a decoction: pour in 2 liters of water, boil for about 10 minutes, put in a cool place at night. You can use it in the morning to 1 tbsp.spoon once a day for 2 weeks.

You can also prepare a highly concentrated preparation from the fruits and leaves of the plant. The ingredients are ground, poured with vodka and insisted for several days. Compresses from this infusion are good for varicose veins.

How to get rid of excess weight

Effective composition of horse chestnut for weight loss due to the existing property to remove slags and accelerate the metabolic processes in the body. You can use the following recipe:

  1. 25 pcs.peeled nuts cut in half, put in gauze and put a bag on the bottom of a 3-liter jar. For weighting, you can put another small stone.
  2. The capacity is filled with warm, boiled water in a volume of 2.5 liters, add 1 tbsp.l.sugar and 1 tbsp.sera, put in a dark place for 2 weeks( preferably near the battery).
  3. The tincture is applied 2 times a day for 1 glass per month.

To ensure that the next portion does not have to wait another two weeks, you should drain the tincture immediately after cooking, and in the remaining cake again add water, sugar. In a day she will be ready again. Every two weeks you should add 4 more fruits.

Horse chestnut against cancer

The plant can also help with oncology, but it is not used as an alternative to clinical drugs. At home, prepare according to the following recipe: 1 tbsp.l.dried flowers + 200 ml of water. But you should calculate that the medicine is 1.5 liters. The liquid is brought to a boil, set aside for 8 hours and filtered. Take a small sip during the day all 1.5 liters.

Horse chestnut with hemorrhoids

Tincture based on the bark of the plant quickly removes irritation, itching, promotes tissue regeneration and prevents swelling. Ingredients of the dosage form are: bark, sage, chamomile, powdered fruits with skin. They are put in a ratio of 5: 2: 3: 3 to 1 liter of water. The container with the future tincture is boiled on low heat for 10 minutes, set aside for the night and used for baths for 10 days.

Treating inflammation of the maxillary sinuses without puncture

Genyantritis is a common disease in which the damage of the maxillary and frontal sinuses is noted. To avoid unpleasant consequences and not to run to the pathological condition leading to puncture, it is recommended to prepare a medicinal mixture based on horse chestnut. It will be able to kill viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses. Also, a remedy based on this plant component can cause sneezing, which will result in the cleansing of the nose from mucus and purulent clots.

Important! Use for medicinal purposes with sinus or prolonged sinusitis is recommended only in the absence of contraindications.

The healing properties of chestnut are used and in raw form. The fruits are soaked in water for several hours so that the brown peel easily leaves. How to apply? The white contents are crushed and pushed into the nostrils( not too far), helping the earwax. You can also mix with honey. Leave the medicine for 1.5-2 hours. But the effect of its action can be observed after 15 minutes. The course of treatment - up to 5 days, with chronic form - up to 9 days.

Horse chestnut oil for respiratory organs

An oily substance with a characteristic odor is made from chestnut seeds by extracting nutrients with the help of absorbents. What is the treatment of chestnut oil? Its action is aimed at the elimination of inflammation and stagnant processes in the respiratory organs. Applied as an aromatherapy and with cold and hot inhalation. Add 5-10 drops of oil to the aroma lamp or the capacity of the air humidifier and turn on the machine for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Like any other plant, horse chestnut has contraindications. These include: pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases, atonic constipation, a constant decrease in blood pressure( the plant also reduces it), breastfeeding, irregular menstrual cycle, children's age. Therefore, before using infusions, decoctions, and other medicinal forms, you need to consult a doctor.

Application in cosmetology

Horse chestnut extract has found its application in cosmetics for the face, hair, hands, feet. The wide spread of the plant is due to its vitamin and mineral composition, which can fight inflammatory processes of the skin, and also enrich the cells with useful substances, preventing aging.

It's interesting to know! Triple cologne on horse chestnut - a unique hygienic tool for men. It can remove the inflammation after shaving or just clean the pores from clogged up in them dirt.

For bleaching, quick regeneration of the face skin, you can prepare a cream at home. This requires a flower( 5 tablespoons) and vegetable oil. Ingredients to mix and put to languish in a water bath for 30 minutes. After, the suspension is cooled, filtered and poured into a glass container with a lid.

For hair use, enriching them with shampoos, balms. Such a cosmetic:

  • will strengthen the hair bulb;
  • will give a healthy shine to the curls;
  • will relieve dandruff and irritation of the skin;
  • will saturate the hair shaft with nutrients.

Useful composition( tannins, tannins, fatty oils, saponins) promotes healthy growth of curls that will be easy to comb and fit.

Chestnut treatment can not be the main one. Despite the high concentration of components useful for the body, the plant is used only as an auxiliary at the main course of treatment. If a specialist has discovered only the initial stage of vascular or venous disease development, he prescribed treatment in folk ways, then the article offered the best recipes. They are simple in preparation, effective and tested by many patients on personal experience.

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