Digital audio drugs: the mechanism of action, effect, harm, consequences

Science knows many varieties of narcotic substances. They are smoked, inhaled, injected, resorbed sublingually, etc. But more recently, a new type of drugs that you need to listen to, so-called.audioversion.

Digital audio drugs - what is it?

About ten years ago a program was created, through which various digital audio files simulating the action of real drugs are reproduced, so-called."High".Its creators spread advertising that listening to specific compositions, a person gets an effect comparable to the use of real drugs. Audionokorotiki, which are also called digital, appeared on the network in the form of audio files of various formats, for example, flv, mp3, etc.

It is quite difficult to call them musical compositions. People who have tried these drugs say that the sound heard when they are reproduced is a messy noise of unpleasant content, gnashing and knocking. However, distributors of digital drugs argue that the effect of listening should be enjoyable. They offer for a relatively small fee to choose any feeling that you want to experience. Even the names of these audio tracks say, for example, "Orgasm", "Hashish", "LSD", "The Hand of God", "Lust for Life", etc.

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Principle of operation of the

What is the effect of digital drugs and what effect do they have? Creators offer to listen to these sound files in headphones. In this case, different sounds are sent to each ear - binaural beats that cause a binaural effect:

  • The essence of this effect is that each speaker receives sound of different frequencies, and in the brain they are superimposed on each other and a third kind of frequency is created, which changescerebral work due to the impact on the human psyche.
  • In fact, people listen to a rhythmic repeating sound signal, which is fed at different frequencies. As a result, synchronization of the activity of both cerebral hemispheres, a similar effect is observed during meditation and hypnosis. The third frequency that forms in the head corresponds to the frequency of brain waves characteristic of certain states such as pleasure, pleasure, anxiety, etc.
  • Audionarkotiki synchronize brainwaves with sound, which leads to mental effects. Experiments of scientists have proved that by imposing different binaural beats one can cause certain brain activity, in other words, to make a person feel certain feelings.

The binaural effect has long been studied by scientists. It is used in psychiatry and other medical fields. And now they have entered the open access in the form of digital audio drugs.
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The effect of

The binaural hypothesis certainly takes place. But the brain soon enough notices that the sources of different-frequency sounds are acting from the outside, and press them.

As a result, the patient may have different feelings: :

  1. Intensive headache;
  2. No effect;
  3. Sensation, comparable to listening to good and high-quality music.

Undoubtedly, the creators of such a "drug" thoroughly prepared and thoroughly studied the physics, supporting the action of their product with scientific facts. But most scientists say that there is no real evidence of the effect attributed to "audio doses".With a mass run, you can not get a drug effect. Only in isolated cases, digital narcotic sounds can affect a person, otherwise the placebo works. Especially characteristic is auto-suggestion for persons who have an hysteroid psychotype of personality.

Harm and consequences of

If you look at the reviews of digital drugs, you can trace a certain pattern that most users of such a product does not cause any effect, or provokes the appearance of clouding of the mind and headaches, which little resemble euphoria. The creators and distributors of these audio drugs assure that their product is absolutely safe, however, the sound-wave effect can be very dangerous.

There is no direct evidence that such auditory drugs are harmful to health, however, it is clear that these effects change the state of the brain structures:

  • Each organ fully functions at a certain frequency, but if the body adopts the frequency of another structure, then its activity changes.
  • Researchers have determined that under the influence of audio drugs there is a change in the cerebral electroencephalogram. In a person listening to audio files, it takes the form of an electroencephalogram of an epileptic.
  • Similar studies prove that digital drugs cause an artificial pathology in the brain that causes suppression of memory functions, cognition, thinking and leads to dangerous mental disorders.
  • Such experiments, as practice shows, can cause in man an irresistible desire to receive real drugs.

But even with such a threat, thousands of users download programs, purchase discs with audioconautics, and then on the Internet forums describe how they allegedly "covered" after the usual half-hour listening to the noise.

The fact is interesting, that the sale of air, called "digital audio drugs" is produced on quite legitimate grounds. Even with a very great desire, producers and distributors can not be legitimately called to account, because they sell their audio recordings and do not violate the law. But they can themselves bring charges against those who illegally distribute their records. Here is a paradox.

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