How to get rid of dependence on spice: treatment in a hospital, breaking at home

Spikes contain synthetic cannabinoids and along with hashish, anasha, and marijuana belong to drugs. The composition of spice, except for one of the numerous modifications of synthetic cannabinoids, includes herbs that have psychogenic properties. This combination is the reason for the formation of the strongest dependence in a short time.

Treatment of dependence on spice

Smoking spices is accompanied by euphoria, followed by hallucinations, depression, fear. The availability of the drug and the indifference of others lead to an increase in the number of patients among adolescents and even children of 10 years.

Adaptation to the drug occurs with lightning speed. For the emergence of dependence, it is sufficient to make 2 puffs of spice in the circle of fellow smokers. The joyous euphoria of "adulthood to adulthood" can turn into a terrible reality of drug addiction, degradation of the person, loss of health and intelligence.

It is difficult to motivate a spice-dependent drug addict, especially with prolonged use of the mixture. Deep brain damage leads to a disruption in thinking, complete disintegration of personality.

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On the video about the need for treatment for spice dependence in a hospital:

Progression of the disease without treatment

If you do not recognize the onset of the disease, a loved one will degrade irrevocably in 2-3 months.

The stages of degradation correspond to changes in patient behavior:

  1. , the line between what is allowed to do and say and what does not;
  2. character changes, sometimes beyond recognition, a person becomes cold, despotic;
  3. lost interest in the environment, the patient is not interested in previous hobbies, friends, work, study;
  4. a person ceases to follow, degrades, falls into a deep depression, enlivened only when looking for the next dose.

Synthetic cannabinoid does not leave any organ of the body untouched. With a powerful blow, he will knock out the main barrier shield of the body - the liver. Narcotic poisons destroy the kidneys, sexual organs, reduce potency, cause infertility. And it is for this reason, the help of specialists and observation in the hospital and will be the answer to the questions: "How to treat dependence on spice?" And "Can I get rid of it completely?".

Treatment in hospital

The patient needs to detoxify the body from narcotic substances, restore physical health and psychological rehabilitation, which consists in the formation of a new personality.


Preparations for detoxification are selected individually, procedures aimed at removing the breakdown last 3 days. With the help of detoxification, such painful symptoms as aches in muscles, joints, headache, chills, diarrhea are eliminated. The procedure improves sleep, reduces aggression, relieves depression.

Detoxification relieves physical dependence, but the psychological craving for drug use will remain. And the restoration of the body's functions will take time. Sleep normalizes after detoxification for 2 weeks.

Drug Therapy

The complex composition of spices causes a catastrophic destruction of the personality in a short time. The choice of medicines for treatment is extremely difficult because of the resistance of patients to the action of drugs.

To select a scheme for getting rid of dependence through therapy, consultation of a psychiatrist, therapist, cardiologist, neurologist is required. Treatment begins with the setting of a dropper with an individually selected solution of medications.


Dependence on spices to be treated, but recovery is impossible without psychic rehabilitation. The best conditions for the treatment of psychological dependence are created in rehabilitation specialized centers.

The rehabilitation program is made individually, it takes into account the social, emotional characteristics of the patient. At the same time, specialists of the rehabilitation center consult with relatives.

To achieve the result, use:

  • group therapy;
  • training, destroying myths, justifying the use of spice in connection with life circumstances;
  • art therapy;
  • labor therapy;
  • sports.

The former spice dependent tells how he was helped in the narcological clinic:

What to do if the breakdown occurs at home

Doing detoxification when breaking it yourself at home is dangerous. Spice destroys the work of the liver, kidneys, at any time the patient may experience a respiratory spasm, cardiac arrest. The condition of abstinence lasts from 5 to 12 days, and this time the patients call hell.

Suffering from lack of spice, and trying to alleviate their anguish, drug addicts take alcohol, pain medications, sedatives, hypnotics, psychostimulants.

All these attempts to independently relieve the dependence on the spice only complicate the work of the narcologist, who has not been informed either about the attempts themselves or about the number of medicines consumed. For detoxification, there are special medications, but their dosage should be prescribed by a doctor, it is dangerous to take them alone.

Is there a drug addict in the family?

Most spice addicts do not recognize addiction and do not want to be treated. Only a small part of them are able to critically treat their health and realize the threat looming over them.

Family should not hope for a miracle, and if there is a suspicion that a loved one uses spice, you need to seek help from narcologists and conduct a test for the presence of drugs in the blood. With confirmed fears and unwillingness of the patient to be treated, it is necessary to use the service of the narco-dispensary - intervention, because the disease can be cured only under the supervision of specialists.

The method of intervention consists in using psychological influence aimed at motivating the patient to treatment. Intervention is carried out by narcologists in the presence of family members. Participation of relatives is necessary for the patient to understand that from now on no one will pay his loans in the bank, wasted on spices, tolerate scandals, theft.

Attempts by family members to break through to the conscience of a drug addict usually do not succeed. Intervention involving motivators allows for voluntary consent for treatment in 9 out of 10 spice dependent patients.

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