Bacteriological seeding( seeding tank, bakposev): on flora, feces, urine, sputum

Bacteriological seeding( tank seeding) - a method for studying the bacteriological component in a natural human fluid( urine, ejaculate, etc.).To determine the type of microorganisms, the material is placed in a special medium, which has a beneficial effect on their growth. If they multiply rapidly and create large colonies, the result will be positive.

Further measure is the determination of the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, which will allow the patient to prescribe rational antibacterial therapy. Today we will tell you where it is possible to pass bacteriological culture of urine, feces, semen, sputum, etc., how to properly sow the seed in pregnancy and about such nuances.

What is bacteriological seeding

The seed tank is one of the most universal procedures by which it is possible to determine with exactness the nature and extent of infection, to select a specific medication. At the same time, for the analysis, no special equipment is required, which significantly affects the cost, making such a method of research available. It is also characteristic that the diagnostic technique yields accurate results.

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Of particular importance is the determination of the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to a specific type of antibiotics. Such a measure helps to accurately select medications, shorten the treatment period and the negative impact of antibacterial drugs on valuable flora and immunity. The tank is seeded before antibiotics are used or after the break between courses.

It is important, in addition to revealing the sensitivity to medicines and researching the characteristics of microflora, and quantitative evaluation. Thus, the doctor determines the approximate duration of treatment, puts a prognosis or adjusts the dosage of funds.

The video below will tell the story of this bak-sowing:

To whom it is assigned

Most often bacteriological sowing is assigned to women, which is associated not only with various infections of the genito-urinary organs, but also with pregnancy or conception planning. In men, this method of diagnosis also helps to identify the infection and determine the cause of infertility.

During pregnancy the tank is sown twice, which prevents not only the probability of infection of the woman herself, but also of the child. More often, the analysis can be performed if there is a large amount of leukocytes or protein in the blood, kidney pathology.

Control seeding is carried out after treatment. As a rule, 2-3 weeks pass from the initial stage of therapy.

About why you should take bacteriological culture from the cervical canal, throat, vagina and other places, read below.

Why do such an analysis

The most common bacteriological culture is used to diagnose infections such as:

  • candidiasis,
  • ureaplasmosis,
  • chlamydia,
  • mycoplasmosis,
  • trichomoniasis.

The procedure is necessary to determine a number of infections and inflammations. About the testimony for sowing is described in detail below.

Types of procedure

There are many species of sowing, and the disease that is to be identified plays a special role. So, sowing is carried out on:

  • mycoplasma,
  • ureaplasma,
  • dysbiosis,
  • yersiniosis,
  • flora,
  • anaerobes,
  • sterility,
  • meningococcus,
  • hemophilia,
  • gonococci,
  • yeast-like fungi,
  • Listeria,
  • Staphylococcus aureus,
  • Trichomonas,
  • intestinal group,
  • pseudomonas,
  • hemolytic streptococci,
  • opportunistic pathogens,
  • typhoid paratyphoid group.

For the seeding tank take different types of detachable:

  • cal,
  • scraping,
  • secret prostate,
  • breast milk,
  • discharge from the wound,
  • sperm,
  • synovial fluid,
  • bile,
  • smear,
  • urine,
  • sputum,
  • blood,
  • pus,
  • punctate.

About why bacteriological seeding is used for analysis in women and men, read on.

Indications for carrying out

  • antibiotic selection;
  • diagnosis of genitourinary infections;
  • preparatory procedures for conception;
  • prostatitis;
  • vulgar impetigo;
  • itching in the intimate area;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • black coating on the tongue;
  • anthrax;
  • resistant flora;
  • abscessed perifolliculitis,
  • treatment quality control;
  • onychomycosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • oral, exfoliative, infectious, purpurea, bullous dermatitis;
  • differential diagnosis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • mycotic, microbial eczema;
  • gonococcal infection;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • urethritis;
  • elevated white blood cell count;
  • inflammatory processes.

On whether it is safe to take a smear for bacteriological culture, read on.

Preparing for a seeding tank

Any material is examined only before antibiotic therapy begins. An exception is the re-sowing necessary to control the quality of the treatment.

When taking the sowing from the pharynx, it is necessary to discard the sprays, nasal and rinse ointments within a few days, so as not to distort the result. On the day of the procedure, do not brush your teeth, do not eat and, if possible, refuse to drink. Before taking material from the genitals a few days before, exclude sex, do not conduct intimate hygiene with special gels, stop douching.

It is recommended to conduct standard methods of sexual hygiene before surrendering urine or ejaculate.

3-4 days before the seeding tank is better to give up alcohol, cucumbers, cabbage and other food that can affect the normal functioning of the intestine.

Contraindications and safety

No contraindications. Is the procedure safe? Completely safe.

How to pass the tank to the urine culture of the child, this video will tell:

How the procedure passes

The correct sampling of the detachable for studying plays a special role, as this directly affects the effectiveness and informative capacity of the tank.sowing. Taking microorganisms is done only by a sterile instrument, used once, directly from the lesions.

After receiving the material required for the study( urine, mucus mucosa, another discharge), it is placed on a nutrient medium. Further for bacteria favorable conditions are created, they are placed in a thermostat. After a short time, when they multiplied, the study of microorganisms begins. Evaluation is subject to different characteristics - density, shape, quantity, their reaction to certain types of antibiotics.

In microscopic examination, it will be necessary to differentiate the microflora. To do this, evaluate its ability to decompose some biochemical compositions. Sometimes microorganisms are placed on a strictly defined medium, when the task is to identify only a certain type of bacteria. For example, you can identify chlamydia if you place the material on McCoy's medium.

The antibioticogram can be carried out according to any of 3 scenarios:

  1. Diffusion method. Special strips of paper are impregnated with an antibacterial composition and placed in pathogenic microflora in a favorable environment. The degree of sensitivity is determined by the extent to which the growth of the colonies slows down.
  2. The standard disk method. The nutrient medium is in the cups, the bacteria are populated here. Special disks are impregnated with a different concentration of antibiotics and placed on top. After penetration of the medication into the medium, the level of sensitivity of microorganisms is studied.
  3. Method of serial dilutions. Sifting of microflora is carried out in test tubes with nutrient medium and biomaterial. To them antibiotics in different quantities are added.

Not always a seed tank yields accurate antibiotic results. Some antibacterial agents that have shown high effectiveness in fighting infection in vitro are less effective in admission. This is due to the degree of bioavailability of the drug.

Next we will tell you about the decoding of bacteriological planting on the flora, etc.

Decoding of the results of

It takes about a week to decipher the analysis - this period allows to carry out a qualitative and correct procedure that allows estimating the concentration of the pathogen in the body, its susceptibility to drugs, etc.

Ultimately, the lab technician determines the degree of seeding. There are only four of them:

  1. I degree. Characterized by a meager growth, which is noted exclusively in a liquid medium.
  2. II degree. Grow bacteria can already on a dense medium, only up to 10 colonies appear.
  3. III degree. There is an increase in the growth of colonies of microorganisms to 100 pieces.
  4. IV degree indicates a strong infection. In this case, the number of colonies exceeds a hundred.

The first two forms of seeding exclude the fact of the presence of the disease, but only talk about the contamination of the material. This happens when taking smears, when the patient did not pay proper attention to hygiene. On the III and IV degrees it is already possible to reveal the origin of the pathology.

Average cost of procedure

An important point is the price of bacteriological culture of urine and other materials.

The cost of the seeding tank depends on the type of microflora being determined. The price ranges from 500 to 1800 rubles.

How the tank analysis is done, the video below will tell:

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