Atrophic and hypertrophic polyps

Among various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, polyps occupy a very important place. Their formation is associated with atrophic or hypertrophic changes in the epithelium and is a tumor attached to the wall of the hollow organ with a wide base or thin stem. Basically, the causes of these formations are inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in hypertrophy of the integumentary and pit epithelium and atrophy of glandular cells.

Excessive proliferation( proliferation) and incomplete differentiation in some areas of the mucous membrane of internal organs leads to the appearance of foci of similar changes. According to morphological signs, polyps are divided into:

  • hyperplastic;
  • adenomatous.

Atrophic polyp

The appearance and development of hyperplastic polyps, usually associated with atrophic gastritis, which occurs atrophy of the mucous membrane, so they are sometimes called atrophic. Most often they are diagnosed at the age of sixty years, when the restoration of dead cells of the epithelium is hampered by age and inflammation. Histological features of atrophic polyps are pits of different shapes( elongated, dilated, branched and creased) lined with foveolar epithelium. Emerged against a background of chronic gastritis, education has a great propensity to malignancy. Therefore, surgical methods are used for their treatment.

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Hypertrophic polyp

Adenomatous polyps can be classified as hypertrophic, and they are truly benign tumors. Consisting of a large number of glandular vesicles, papillary( villous) or tubular adenomas, have finger-shaped outgrowths from the mucosal layer or branched glands. They are located mostly unilaterally, but sometimes in several rows.

Epithelial overgrowth, especially in the presence of gastritis, represents a high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor. Malignancy can develop not only in the neoplasm of this species, but also in the surrounding mucosa. Therefore, the most effective treatment is the removal of hypertrophic polyps.

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