Multiple uterine fibroids: causes and signs, photos, features of pregnancy, treatment of nodes

Uterine fibroids today are not uncommon and in various forms are found in half of patients of reproductive age.

These are benign lesions that localize on the internal or external surface of the uterine body or form within its muscular layer.

Myomatous formations are single, when only one node is formed, or multiple, when the tumor process is manifested by several nodal formations.

Multiple fibroids are detected more frequently and may have different predictions depending on size, location, growth and development, etc.

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So, multiple uterine fibroids are the formation of a benign nature that grows from the muscular tissues of the organ and has several nodal formations.

Pathology can develop secretly, and the patient will not even suspect anything until the formation reaches a decent size and provokes the appearance of a characteristic symptomatic pattern.

Photo of Multiple Myoma of the Uterus

Nodes on multiple myomatous formation have different numbers, parameters and forms.

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According to statistical data, multiple myomatous formations are found in 85% of cases of all uterine myomas. Similar tumor processes require compulsory treatment.

Reasons for

Precise factors that cause the formation of multiple myomatous uterine nodes, it is difficult to determine. Most specialists tend to believe that the multiple myomatous process begins to develop from the previous cell, the mechanism of its occurrence is controversial.

Absolute majority believes that under the influence of certain factors, damage to mature cells occurs, which further leads to their anomalous growth.

A significant role is also played by hormonal instability, manifested as an elevated level of estrogen hormones.

In addition, stimulates the accelerated development of increased content of progesterones. Uterine cells under the influence of these factors begin to divide uncontrollably, which subsequently leads to the formation of myomatous nodes.

As provoking factors experts call:

  • The presence in the history of a large number of abortions, curettage and other interventions in the uterine cavity;
  • Traumatic injuries of low-tidal organs;
  • Hard work in terms of physical activity;
  • Psycho-emotional overload, stress;
  • Inflammations "in a female way", infectious diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive system;
  • Predisposition of hereditary character;
  • Obesity, etc.

Specialists also refer to factors of a provocative nature later on the onset of regular menstruation, abuse of oral hormonal contraception, real metabolic disturbances, long wearing of the intrauterine device, endocrine disruptions, etc.

Symptoms of

Among the main symptoms of multiple uterine fibroids are:

  • Painful grip syndrome, which occurs during menstruation, but with the development of the tumor process, soreness begins to disturband between monthly;
  • If node localization is characterized by muscle tissue, the tumor squeezes adjacent tissues and disrupts blood supply;
  • Menstrual discharge becomes more abundant, intermenstrual secretions appear;
  • Growth of the abdomen;
  • Increased urge to urinate;
  • Problems with defecation processes;
  • Feeling of heaviness and discomfort.

Sometimes large nodes lead to compression of the inferior vena cava, which contributes to the development of tachycardia, dyspnea, etc. But in general, the symptomatology differs in its individual character, depending on the size and number of nodes, concomitant pathologies, etc.


Multiple myoma is interstitial, subserous, with submucous character. In addition, these tumors are divided into small, medium and large.

Multiple myoma develops rather long and unevenly. Therefore, multiple myomatous processes are characterized by the simultaneous detection in the uterus of nodes with different stages of development. In this case, the symptomatology is formed from the totality of the characteristics of each individual node.

The asbestos node

Submucous multiple myomatous tumors of the uterus differ submucosally. For a similar form of fibroid, the most typically rapid increase in nodes, a strong symptomatology.

A similar pattern allows detection of a tumor in the early stages of formation, which favorably affects the treatment prognosis.

Interstitial and interstitial-subserous

With multiple interstitial uterine fibroids, the nodes are localized primarily within the muscle tissue. Tumors of this nature differ in different characters, and the predictions depend on the specific localization, the size of the nodes and other factors.

Multiple uterine myoma and pregnancy

Multiple myomatous nodes in the uterine cavity can make pregnancy difficult, as they prevent passage through the fallopian tubes.

If the nodes are small, they can not affect the conception and course of pregnancy.

If pregnancy occurs in the presence of multiple myomatous formations, complications can occur in the case of close localization of at least one node to the placenta.

Small nodes can not harm the fetus, but if they start to grow, the risk of premature birth, complications in fetal development and delivery increases.

In addition, according to statistics, myomatous formations often provoke abruption of the placenta.

Complications of

Myomatous tumors can develop asymptomatically in the uterine body for a relatively long time, and after the menopausal period it is self-resolving. But in the presence of multiple submucosal formations, if there is no treatment, then the probability of severe consequences and removal of the uterus is high.

Persistent bleeding leads to persistent anemia with critically low hemoglobin levels. Against this background, a woman constantly feels weak and dizzy, can often lose consciousness and remain in a weakened state, experience symptoms of chronic fatigue.

If the disease is started, you may need to remove the uterus, which permanently deprives the lady of the possibility of motherhood. In addition, large nodes can disrupt the functionality of the intestinal and urinary structures.

Diagnosis and treatment tactics

As diagnostic procedures, the most commonly used are:

  • ultrasound;
  • Laparoscopy;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • MRI;
  • Hysterosalpingography;
  • Laboratory diagnostics, etc.

Treatment of multiple uterine fibroids is often surgical, but in the initial stages the disease can be defeated by medicinal methods through hormonal therapy.

The intake of hormonal drugs allows to reduce the size of myoma nodes, stop their growth, prevent the development of consequences.

Surgical methods are based on the removal of nodes( myomectomy) through a cut on the peritoneum( laparotomy) or through several punctures in it( laparoscopic myomectomy).

If the situation is complicated, then removal of the uterus with appendages and a tumor is shown simultaneously. Sometimes the evaporation of nodes by means of ultrasound( FUS ablation) is used.

Treatment with folk remedies

As an additional therapy for multiple uterine fibroids, patients often refer to folk techniques, the most popular of which are:

  • Decoctions based on potato color;
  • Tincture of a golden mustache;
  • Douching with soda solution;
  • Infusions of herbs, etc.

Before calling for help with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult the leading specialist beforehand.

Prognosis and prophylaxis of the disease

Forecasts of multiple fibroids are usually favorable, but if a woman delays a visit to a woman's consultation for a long time, then a number of complications are likely to develop. Therefore, for a favorable forecast, it is recommended that you immediately contact specialized specialists.

Video of laparoscopic myomectomy for multiple myomatous uterine nodes:

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