What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, characterized by its inflammation. The pancreas secretes lipocaine and glycogen in our body, as well as insulin, takes an active part in the digestive process, producing gastric juice, which neutralizes the acid in the stomach most. In the inflammatory process, any of the above functions of this organ can be disrupted. Pancreatitis is of two kinds - acute and chronic.

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by a pancreatic disease, in which it begins to digest itself. If the treatment is not started on time, an infection will begin in the pancreas, which will lead to a fatal outcome - the patient will begin severe intoxication accompanied by nausea and vomiting, the consciousness will break, right up to the shock and collapse state. The acute form of the disease is characterized by severe pain in the left hypochondrium, which later acquires a girdling character. What is the acute pancreatitis:

  • purulent with foci of purulent fusion;
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  • interstitial with pancreatic edema;
  • hemorrhagic with hemorrhages;
  • pancreatic necrosis with foci of decay.

When an acute attack requires urgent hospitalization, and, sometimes, and surgical intervention, so you can not delay the examination and treatment in an attack.

If acute pancreatitis has not been cured completely, then it can go to chronic. He can torment a person throughout his life and arise at the slightest violation of diet and healthy lifestyle. There are four types:

  • painful - in the upper abdomen aching pain;
  • is asymptomatic - without any manifestations;
  • pseudotumoral - characterized by an increase in the head of the pancreas;
  • relapsing - all the symptoms are only with exacerbation.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by atrophy of the tissue of the gland itself and the proliferation of connective tissue. Inflammatory process in the gland, with a permanent character.

In chronic pancreatitis, in addition to pain, the patient feels nauseous, sometimes, vomiting occurs, belching and loss of appetite. A person can dramatically lose weight. This type of disease does not require inpatient treatment. Cope with it at home, strictly following the advice of a doctor.

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