Pilaf with gastritis

A lot of people suffer from gastritis nowadays. After all, this disease occurs due to malnutrition and violation of his regime. It can appear on this background quite simply, but getting rid of it will be much more difficult.

This will require, in addition to drug treatment, also adherence to the strictest diet, in which the patient will require a complete rejection of a large number of products. Therefore, very often the question arises that you can eat with this disease. He touches pilau, because this dish is loved by many.

In this matter patients can be reassured. Pilaf with gastritis is possible. This dish is completely allowed by dietitians to use in diseases of the digestive system. The reason for this is that it is not capable of irritating the inflamed mucous membrane and injuring the affected digestive organ.

The peculiarity of the diet prescribed for patients with gastrointestinal diseases is not only a set of products, but also a way of preparing dishes. All of them should be boiled for a couple, stew or bake, but, in any case, do not fry. For all these parameters, pilaf is completely suitable for a diet for gastritis:

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  • Its composition includes rice, which is able not only to saturate the body very well, but can also act on the stomach with a certain consistency;
  • Prepared dish with carrots, which is very useful in this disease;
  • Pilaf is always stewed and does not contain fried ingredients that are dangerous in this disease;
  • The classic version of this dish does not involve the use of a large number of spices, dangerous for the damaged mucosa.

In addition, a big plus of this dish is that it is very nutritious, and quite a small amount for a person to get enough, which is very important for patients with gastritis.

Recipes pilaf with gastritis

There are 2 versions of this dish: with meat or vegetables. But it is quite possible, if desired, to combine them. Such a combined version will look like this:

Pilaf with chicken and vegetables

You need to take about 500 g of chicken fillet and lightly discourage it. After that, cut into small cubes, put out 5 minutes.in the sink.oil. Add a little salt, and on top of the meat lay 200 grams of washed long-grain rice. All pour a glass of broth( even vegetable, at least chicken), and put the stew on a weak fire for 20 minutes.

While everything is stewed, you need to prepare 300 g of a vegetable mixture from those vegetables that are recommended for use by your doctor. Put it on the rice, mix thoroughly and simmer for another 20 minutes with the lid tightly closed.

This variant of the dish is considered the best for patients with gastritis.

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