How can I quickly remove a headache without drugs?

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1 Doctors' advice

There are a number of simple ways to help relieve a headache without pills. For example, a head massage. The main cause of the above described unpleasant phenomenon are spasms caused by a violation of the circulation. You can normalize it with the help of massage movements. Massage helps the body to relax. As practice shows, if a person who is prone to frequent headaches, at least 2-3 times a week will do a head massage, then the frequency of attacks will be halved. In addition, do not forget that head massage is a very pleasant procedure.

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To conduct a relaxing massage is easy enough - you just need to make smooth circular movements from the occipital area to the forehead. Under the occipital hill is a biologically active point, which is responsible for the normalization of pressure. She should pay special attention. In most cases, headaches go through 15-20 minutes after such a procedure.

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Make yourself a massage preferably sitting. All active points should be pressed for 1.5 minutes with medium strength. Quickly remove the headache can be, if you press on the following points:

  1. Forehead: the first point is located between the eyebrows over the bridge of the nose. It is necessary to arrange the finger so that the nail looked down. In this position, push the active point for 1.5 minutes.
  2. Whiskey: you need to find a "sunny point", which is located in a dimple on the temple. Massage should be done simultaneously on both the pads of the middle finger pads. Then find a place that is located behind the upper point of the ear and press on it for 1 minute.
  3. Nape: properly stretch the muscles of the shoulders and neck, pay special attention to the point under the occiput.

2 What can serve as an alternative to medicines

You can get rid of a headache without tablets with cold and hot compresses. The method of treatment directly depends on how the pain is expressed. So, for example, if it is pressing, experts advise you to put something warm on the back of your neck. Heat in this area will ensure the outflow of blood, which will cause the normalization of pressure.

But if there was a throbbing headache, then warm compresses should be discarded. In this case, the ice will come to the rescue, which must be applied to the temples and held until relief comes( ice wrapped in a towel).The thing is that in the region of the temples there are important arteries supplying blood to the cerebral cortex. The decrease in temperature will help in a short time to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

Stretching helps. Experts warn that often pain syndrome in the head arises from the stagnation of blood in the collar zone. This is due to the fact that the muscles for the whole day are numb and "stone".Quickly to remove a headache in this case it is possible by means of a kneading of a neck. First you need to raise and lower your head, and then gently and leisurely make turns and tilt left-right. And finally carry out several circular movements. During each of the exercises described at the end point, you need to fix the head and neck for 10 seconds. After that, allow yourself to rest for no more than 5 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.

Often the head hurts because of ordinary hypoxia. In this case, you can normalize your condition by airing the room. You can also just go out into the fresh air and take a walk in the park for about half an hour.

In most cases, these simple tips help cope with headaches in 15-20 minutes.

3 Phytotherapy

Many people, prone to frequent headaches, are interested in how to calm the headache with medicinal plants and herbs. Currently, there are many home remedies from plants that can help cope with the above problem in a short time. Take on the following recipes:


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  • For the next recipe, you will need flowers and leaves of oregano, which must be ground to a powdery state. Then, if necessary, you should inhale its odor. You can also use oregano to make not only useful, but also very tasty tea. To do this, 1 teaspoon dried oregano, pour 500 ml of boiling water, wrap it with a warm towel and insist 30 minutes. Ready drug strain and drink 200 ml three times a day.
  • Fresh mint leaves are an excellent remedy for the above problem. A few fresh leaves to grind up to a mushy state and rub into the temples, crown and back of the head with gentle movements for 10-15 minutes.
  • Cope with headaches for colds can be with tincture of raspberries.100 g raspberry ripe berries pour 700 ml of dry red wine, insist in a dark place for 21 days, then strain. If you have headaches, drink 120 ml of this liquid three times a day before meals.
  • Tincture from lettuce leaves: pour 0.5 liters of the plant with hot water, cover with lid and wait 2 hours. Obtained infusion strain and drink 1 glass for 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  • Everyone who often meets with the above problem, should know how to cure a headache with the help of juice of chokeberry. Specialists recommend drinking this juice 50 ml three times a day. This drug will help to cope with low blood pressure and poor sleep.
  • 150 g of crushed marjin root pour 350 ml of boiling water, wrap with a warm scarf, put in a warm place for 60 minutes, then strain and drink 1 spoonful three times a day before meals. Positive results appear the next day.
  • Replace the tablets can the following recipe: 1 spoon of finely chopped willow bark pour 500 ml of cold water, wait 8 hours and drink in small sips throughout the day. Many believe that the willow bark can replace aspirin.
  • 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort, soak in 400 ml of hot water, simmer 15 minutes, insist 40 minutes, and then drink a quarter cup three times a day. Very soon the pain will pass away.
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4 Other folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many more remedies that relieve pain in the head region. For their preparation, you can use not only medicinal herbs, but also other home ingredients.

For example, a massage with olive oil is very popular.500 ml of oil heat on low heat( it should not be hot) and then lubricate the skin of the occipital fossa.

Very effective is a mixture obtained from 1.5 spoons of chamomile flowers and 250 ml of sunflower oil.

Chamomile flowers fall asleep in a glass jar, fill with oil, cover with a dense lid and leave in a warm place for 14 days. A ready mix to filter and use for massage of a neck and a forehead.

Many patients are interested in how to remove the above-described discomfort with valerian. The recipe is quite simple - a small piece of gauze bandage to moisten a few drops of valerian. After that, gauze is placed between two paper napkins moistened in cold water. The resulting compress is put on the forehead.

Crust the lemon, pour 1 glass of hot water and wait for the mixture to cool down to room temperature. In this medicated medicine, moisten a piece of gauze or cotton wool and wipe the temples and forehead.

How to quickly remove headaches with red wine, lemon and honey, should everyone know who is not alien to the previously described problem. Of these three ingredients, you can prepare a very effective home remedy. To do this, finely chop 1 lemon, pour it with 500 ml of red wine and mix with 1 spoon of natural honey. Drink the resulting mixture of 100 ml twice a day.

5 Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is another effective remedy against frequent headaches. The aromas of various plants and essential oils have been used since ancient times to treat many ailments. To solve the above problem, lavender oil is recommended. It helps to fall asleep, calm down and relax. This oil should be rubbed into the scalp for 10-15 minutes. Positive results appear almost immediately.

  • If there was no lavender oil at hand, then you can use mint oil in exactly the same way. This tool perfectly fights with stress and overexertion. These factors are often the cause of headaches.
  • Treatment of headaches with oils can be done in a different way. For example, a small bottle of mint or lavender oil should always be carried in a bag, and as soon as unpleasant symptoms appear, open it and inhale a pleasant aroma of 1-2 minutes of each nostril.
  • If you have pain, you can breathe a mixture of 50 ml of ammonia and the same amount of camphor oil. This tool will help to expand the blood vessels and relieve pain.

From all of the above, we can conclude that it is quite possible to relieve a headache without drugs at home. You just need to choose the most appropriate tool and use it every time you need it. However, do not forget that some home ingredients can cause an allergic reaction, so before starting self-treatment consult your doctor.

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