How to take medications for Giardiasis: makmiror, nemozol, ornidazole, enterol, metronidazole, reviews

To lamblis belong simple parasites from the bacterial group that settle in the human intestine and provoke the development of giardiasis, accompanied by diarrhea, abdominal pain, exhaustion, etc.

Parasites multiply quickly enough, colonizing their colonies with larger areas of the intestine. To eliminate giardiasis or giardiasis( as also called lambliasis lesions), patients are often prescribed medication.

Indications for use of medicines

Giardiasis infection is a common pathology, often called a disease of unwashed hands.

Many believe that if the parasite has already entered the body, then it will not be possible to get rid of it completely.

But doctors warn that it is quite possible to cope with such parasites by taking modern medications, the selection of which is made so that the remedy is safe, most effective and has a minimum of adverse reactions.

The main indications for taking giardiasis tablets are:

  1. The appearance of greenish liquid bowel movements;
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Increased stool;
  4. Occurrence of emetic reactions;
  5. Presence of mucous impurities in feces;
  6. There are signs of anorexia;
  7. Disturb painful manifestations in epigastrium;
  8. Skin rashes appear;
  9. Febrile symptoms appear.


There are a number of contraindications to the use of drugs for the treatment of Giardiasis, which require mandatory consideration when prescribing therapy. To those include:

  • The state of pregnancy and lactation. In such cases, drug therapy is prescribed strictly individually, pregnant women are selected drugs that have a minimal adverse effect on the fetus and are prescribed only if urgently needed;
  • Vascular pathologies and organic nervous system lesions;
  • Alcoholism, Parkinsonism;
  • Liver pathologies, renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • Increased patient allergenicity;
  • Coordination violations.

For each patient, the doctor develops an individual therapy regimen, because one drug for different patients can act differently. Not only the above conditions are taken into account, but also individual organic features, as well as the overall health of the patient with giardiasis.

Side effects of

Any medicine, whether it is a drug or a remedy for people's treatment, has side effects. And with regard to drugs for Giardiasis, and do not do without such effects, because such drugs have increased toxicity.

Therefore, self-administration of antiprotozoal agents is unacceptable, they should be prescribed only by a qualified gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist.

As far as the side reactions are expressed, it is difficult to say, because different organisms react differently to the action of such drugs. In addition, the immune status, the presence of concomitant pathologies, the general condition of the patient's body and other factors are also important.

In general, as a result of taking gambliasis drugs, patients begin to experience nausea and vomiting, sleep disorders, stool problems, migraine and dizziness, dry mouth or olfactory disorders.

Also a likely side effect is itching on the skin, visual disorders or convulsive reactions, the development of candidiasis and irritation on the vaginal mucosa( it turns red, burning sensation is felt).Laboratory abnormalities, such as a change in the blood composition, can also appear, which is manifested by a drop in platelet and leukocyte levels.

Types of preparations for Giardiasis and how to take them?

Patients with giardiasis are prescribed a complex of drugs, which can include antiprotozoal and antibiotic agents, immunostimulants and probiotics, prebiotics and nitrofurans, nitroimidazoles, acridine-containing drugs, etc.

All this requires a doctor of relevant qualifications and years of experience.


Preparations of choleretic action with giardiasis are usually appointed in the chronic course of the pathological process at the first stage of therapy. Usually used:

  • Cholekinetic agents like Holosas, Magnesia, Sorbitol, Cormagnezin, Cholemax, etc.;
  • Cholespasmolitic preparations such as Papaverine or No-shpas, Duspatalin and Platifillin, Odestona, Metazina, etc.

The administration of cholagogue preparations relieves pathological symptoms and improves the overall well-being of patients.

Improvement of well-being is associated with the elimination of the gallbladder and the elimination of toxins that are metabolized from the products of the vital activity of parasites. Usually these drugs are prescribed for one and a half to two weeks, this is how much the first stage of anti-amliasis therapy lasts.


It is considered to be the most low-toxic drug among all those prescribed for giardiasis invasions. Thanks to this relative safety, McMiore is assigned to even women in the situation and small children.

The agent is distinguished by a powerful antiprotozoal effect, and a sufficiently broad spectrum.

The drug has antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antifungal action. The duration of therapy is a week, take adults 400 mg twice three times a day, children 15 mg per kg twice daily.


Metronidazole has long been known as a drug often used in the treatment of gastric ulcers, as it actively fights Helicobacter pylori.

But thanks to the wide-spectrum therapeutic effect, it is successfully used in anti-amliasis therapy.

The exact dosage depends on the age of the child, the adult should take the drug twice a day for 0.25 g for a week.


The active substance of the drug is the above described metronidazole, only Trihopol refers to more modern medicinal generations. The course of treatment lasts 5 days, the dosage for adults is two pills twice a day.

For children under 7 years of age, taking the drug is indicated on a single pill once a day, for children 7-10 years of age, taking in a similar dosage only twice a day.


This drug has also positively proved itself in the treatment of Giardiasis invasions or giardiasis. The active component of the drug acts on the DNA of the parasite, causing a genetic malfunction, as a result of lamblia cease to multiply and die.


The action of the drug is associated with genetic malfunctions in the DNA of parasites, which leads to their destruction. The drug should be taken after a meal, without violating the integrity of the pill. Adult drug is prescribed once in an amount of 1.5 grams, and for children 25-35 kg weight, the dosage is calculated at 40 mg per kg.

The total duration of treatment should not exceed 2 days. After taking the medicine, you can not drive or engage in activities related to increased concentration of attention.

Video about the drug ornidazole:


This is a highly effective anthelmintic medication that has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Usually it is indicated for a lambliasis complicated by some kind of helminthiasis.

The drug literally breaks the genetics of parasites, provoking their death. Although the body gets some of this negative effect, it is difficult to call Nemosol safe for patients.

Although the therapeutic effect of it is several times higher than that of conventional antiprotozoal drugs. Therefore, when prescribing a drug, you need to carefully study the history and history of the disease.


A drug of similar effect, take 50-70 mg per kg of body weight for children and 4 tablets a one-time admission for adults. But the drug is contraindicated for hematopoietic disorders and nervous systemic lesions, pregnancy( 1 trim.) And breastfeeding, as well as when there is individual intolerance.


Enterol belongs to the group of prebiotic drugs, it is prescribed already at the last stage of therapy, when the patient underwent antiparasitic treatment, and the infection is practically eliminated.

The main purpose of Enterol for giardiasis is the complete restoration of the digestive system, whose activity is significantly disturbed by the influence of Giardiasis invasions.


An antimicrobial drug whose action is directed at inhibiting dehydrogenase activity and blocking cellular respiration.

The drug disrupts the activity of all systems of the simplest organism, which leads to the death of the latter.

The drug is prescribed only by a doctor, the dosage is determined individually. With special care, the drug is used in the therapy of premature and newborn babies, as well as pregnant patients.


The drug, derived from nitrofurans, affects parasites by analogy with Enterofuril, that is, it depresses respiratory cellular activity, inhibits the synthesis of DNA, which leads to the death of parasitic colonies.

Also, under the influence of the drug, the isolation of the simplest toxic substances that poison the patient's body is inhibited. One of the additional effects of the drug is the activation of the immune structures of the body.


The agent is a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug. Under the influence of its components in the cell of the parasite protein synthesis is blocked, which causes genetic disorders, and then the death of pathogenic microorganisms.

But tetracycline and its derivatives are usually prescribed not for the treatment of basic therapy, but as a treatment for concomitant pathologies, for example, developing on the background of giardiasis of cholecystitis.


This remedy blocks the neuromuscular tissues of lamblia, causing the death of parasitic colonies, after which they are gently removed from the intestine.


An excellent anthelmintic agent that fights most of the most common simple parasites and bacteria. Active components of the drug prevent parasites from absorbing glucose, which is the basis of their diet, which leads to the death of Giardia and the elimination of giardiasis.

The duration of therapy is a 5-day course. Vermox is forbidden to take babies up to 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating.


A drug from the group of enterosorbents, which helps the GIT structures to restore full-fledged activity.

Polysorbent is usually prescribed after the main therapy to speed up the elimination of toxic substances and to establish intestinal activity.

The length of the course depends on the degree of complexity of the parasitic lesion, but usually takes about several weeks. You can use other enterosorbents, but it's better to pick them up with the doctor.


The drug is effective against most parasitic infections, including and Giardiasis. Active ingredient of Decaris is levamisole, a powerful anthelmintic substance that paralyzes the muscular structures of parasites and leads to their destruction, after which the lamblias die out with feces outward.

The dosages of the medication are determined by a specialist individually, but the administration is carried out once, on a full stomach, the medicine must be drunk abundantly.


A complex action medication that disrupts metabolic processes in parasite organisms has a high efficacy against giardiasis. Intetriks should be taken before meals, with plenty of water and not chewing.

Duration of therapy is 10 days, reception in the mornings and evenings. The product is practically devoid of contraindications, except for gestation and breastfeeding, as well as with individual intolerance of the components of the medication.


The drug is administered with giardiasis in order to restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Enterosgel absorbs toxins and massively removes them with feces.

The agent effectively eliminates toxic effects, favorably affects the activity of intraorganic structures such as kidneys, liver, intestines, immune system, etc.

Enterosgel is endowed with enveloping properties that provide protection of the gastrointestinal mucosa from erosive and ulcerative lesions.

Scheme of treatment with

tablets Giardiasis therapy is performed in three consecutive stages.

  1. The first phase of treatment is aimed at eliminating intoxication, stimulating enzymatic intestinal activity and strengthening immunity. At this stage, sorbents( Enterosgel, Polysorb, Smecta, etc.), cholagogue( Holosas, Duspatalin, Sorbitol, Magnesia, etc.), as well as enzyme drugs like Festal, Creon, etc. are assigned to the patient. The second phase of therapy involves the provision of a powerfuleffects on parasitic colonies, for which patients are prescribed antibiotic, anthelmintic and antiprotozoal medicines such as Macmiore, Tibural, Nemosol, Furazolidon, etc.
  2. The final step in the treatment of giardiasis is to strengthen the immune reserves of the organLow. For this purpose, it is recommended to eat properly, take prebiotics( Enterol), probiotics and enzymatic agents such as Mezima, Bifikola, Lactobacterin, etc.


Giardiasis( giardiasis) is considered a fairly common infectious parasitic disease, therefore, the drugs used for its therapy are popular and oftenpurchased in pharmacies funds. Patients leave a lot of feedback regarding these means.


When the daughter confirmed lamblia, I faced a serious question - than to treat a child. Appealed to a private specialist, who recommended McMiore. We were treated, as expected, in three stages. Just during the second stage, McMiore took 10 tablets a day and a half. The treatment was calm, without any pobochek, skin reactions, etc. The medicine is very good, there is no trace of lamblia, but it's expensive.


I have been prescribed for treatment of lamblias Ornidazole, a broad-spectrum antibiotic with antiprotozoal effect, as stated on the package. Given that his price is relatively low, I was pleased, because the purchase of a list of drugs prescribed by the doctor flew in a fairly round sum. Drank them strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The remedy is generally good and effective, but I had side reactions( heaviness and painful discomfort in the stomach), although after a couple of days of taking these symptoms disappeared. And so a good tool.


I heard about Tiberal before, but I never took it myself until I was diagnosed with lambliasis. The doctor decided that this tool would suit me better. I took it once, but immediately in a shock dose - 3 pills. I did not have any reactions to it, maybe because the treatment is short-lived. But the expected effect was achieved, so I'm happy, although the price of it is slightly biting.


When there was another medical check for the sanitary book, I was unpleasantly surprised - I had lamblia. Whence this muck could get into me, it is still not clear to me, but there is nothing to do, it is urgent to be treated. The doctor prescribed a lot of expensive drugs, the purchase of which could have a significant effect on my budget. Familiar in infektsionke works, she told me and recommended Furazolidon. As a result, I was able to save money and quickly recovered.


Recently, my son was given scheduled tests and the doctor gave us a shock, saying that we have a lambliasis. I began to think frantically how it could have happened, why the baby fell ill, I did not notice, and all that. The doctor calmed, appointed Nemozol in suspension. Drank the instructions, after which about four hours later my son had diarrhea, twice. And that's all. No more reactions. After the test, the parasites were no longer there.


I found lamblia, for the treatment of which the doctor stopped using Tinidazole. I had to run around pharmacies, because not everyone had it, but when I got the medicine, I started to get treated. Actually, the treatment consisted of a single admission of four tablets, there were four in the package. I drank it and forgot it. I thought that the treatment, probably, was ineffective, because nothing special after taking Tinidazole did not happen. On the appointed day I took the tests, the results were clean. The drug coped with the treatment.

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