Inflammation of hemorrhoids( hemorrhoids and nodes) and rectum, the symptoms, why it is very inflamed, how long does it last?

The question of why hemorrhoids is inflamed is of interest to many, as this pathology develops in people very often and always proceeds in chronic form, bringing a lot of excruciating feelings to the patient during the relapse of the disease. Practitioners who deal with this problem note that the following several factors may provoke this pathological phenomenon:

  • Sedentary, low-active lifestyle;
  • Obesity;
  • Insufficiently adjusted nutrition with a large number of errors in the diet;Excessive physical exertion and weight lifting.

In addition to this complaint that unexpectedly a lot of hemorrhoids have inflamed, you can often hear from women who are "in position" or from women who have just given birth to a child. In these cases, the development of hemorrhoids is due to the fact that the enlarged uterus exerts excessive pressure on the blood vessels in the small pelvis, or it provokes a strong stretch of hemorrhoidal veins, which usually occurs during labor due to prolonged attempts. All these conditions, which cause an increase in pressure inside the abdominal cavity, are the cause of the inflammatory process in the hemorrhoidal nodes. In order to prevent this from happening, patients at risk for developing this pathology should take certain precautions recommended by the attending physician.

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Symptoms of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes

In order to get rid of severe signs of hemorrhoids inflammation as soon as possible, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time and start an adequate timely treatment. But most often the patients pull to the last, hoping that the blood-clogged nodes will dissolve themselves, and the negative symptomatology will disappear. Usually people who fall ill with the disease into a neglected stage get to the proctologists and it's quite difficult to cope with it at this stage. To prevent this from happening, any person at risk for this disease should know the main symptoms characteristic of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins and nodes:

  • In the area of ​​the anus, there are itching, soreness and burning that are felt not only during defecation,and at rest;
  • Often occurs mucus from the anus. It also causes irritation and discomfort;
  • Beginning to develop inflammation of hemorrhoids is always accompanied by a feeling that there is a foreign body in the rectum;
  • Traces of blood on toilet paper or underwear indicate that a lesion of the pathological node or the stretched venous wall has occurred.

Some patients who have experienced an exacerbation of this pathology, unreasonably state that one of the signs that appear in inflammation of hemorrhoids may be nausea. This is not entirely true, for this disease, nausea and abdominal pain are almost not characteristic. In the event that such a symptomatology has arisen, it is a serious complication of the disease, which is associated with intoxication of the body. Thus, nausea usually occurs when purulent inflammation or tissue necrosis occurs in blood-filled nodes. You can also distinguish this state by a significant increase in temperature.

This symptom, like inflammation of the lymph nodes in hemorrhoids, is also controversial for many patients. This symptomatology, according to most experts, is unlikely in this disease. Usually, the increase in lymph nodes occurs when the pathological process occurs not only in the rectum, but also touches the organs of the small pelvis, and is also not associated with the expansion and weakening of the venous walls.

It is very important to detect inflammation in the rectum of the hemorrhoids and veins in a timely manner, as treatment will be adequate only when it begins with the appearance of the first symptoms. Alarm and push to seek the advice of a specialist should even the most minor signs. If the patient ignores them, the disease in the near future will be complicated by thrombosis, which can not be cured without surgical intervention, as the pathological process will affect subcutaneous tissue and nearby tissues.

Inflammation after operation of hemorrhoids

Operative intervention, carried out in neglected cases, should be supported by correct behavior during the rehabilitation period. It is compliance with all the prescriptions of the attending physician to avoid the development of an inflammatory process in the rectum after an operation to remove hemorrhoids. The recovery period for each patient passes individually, all appointments are made by a specialist in direct dependence on how complicated the operation was and at what stage of the disease it was conducted. In connection with the fact that the course of the healing process of the rectal mucosa after carrying out surgical procedures on it is very often accompanied by a severe inflammation of the tissues, the therapeutic measures must be continued even after the hemorrhoids have been removed. Usually the following measures are prescribed:

  • Daily baths with decoction of chamomile or manganese prevent the development of a relapse of inflammation and accelerate the healing process of hemorrhoidal scars;
  • Rectal Natalside candles with a hemostatic effect promote the rapid scarring of tissues.

This treatment in the absence of complications is enough. But you should pay attention to the diet. All recommendations for correcting nutrition in the postoperative period for the removal of inflamed hemorrhoids are given by a specialist. If you follow them, you can forget about a possible relapse of pathology for many years.

It should be noted in more detail on the very frequent question of patients about how long the inflammation of hemorrhoids lasts. Usually it depends on the stage at which the disease was detected, and how accurately the patient complied with the recommendations of the specialist. So at the initial stage of the disease, the pathological process, provided adequate treatment can last from 2 weeks to 1.5 months, and in neglected cases, when surgical intervention is required, the rehabilitation period often lasts much longer than two months.

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