Yoga with hemorrhoids against bleeding, can I exercise, exercises and asanas for treatment

The ability of advanced yoga followers to control the capabilities of their body to an uninitiated person seems fantastic and very complex. But this ancient and wise system of life can offer simple enough recipes for healing for those suffering from excesses and the benefits of civilization of organisms.

After all, the main causes of hemorrhoids are well known - infertility and malnutrition. How will yoga help in the treatment of hemorrhoids?

The effectiveness of yoga against hemorrhoids

It can be said for sure that the yoga standing on the head has a good flow from the legs and pelvic organs, and therefore it does not threaten hemorrhoids or varicose veins. And what to do to someone who is not able to perform such a difficult pose?

It turns out that in yoga you can find many useful and simple enough actions to normalize digestion, improve bowel motility, improve good circulation in the lower abdomen, and therefore stop the progression of hemorrhoids and even start the reverse process.

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Separate yoga poses, as well as their complexes, help to achieve good results in the treatment of hemorrhoids, to get rid of stagnant phenomena and constipation, to significantly reduce the risk of bleeding.

Health-improving effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids with yoga strengthens complexes for cleaning the intestines by drinking water with the addition of salt and acidic juices, and the consistent performance of exercises that stimulate the work of sphincters of the gastrointestinal tract.

With proper execution of the poses, it will be possible to eliminate constipation, normalize the motor and absorption capacity of the intestine. With the simultaneous rejection of heavy food, it is possible to significantly reduce the intoxication of the body.

Doing Shank Praxalan is necessary outside the exacerbation of hemorrhoids and other chronic diseases, since this method of rapid cleaning of the intestine is a complicated procedure. The necessary postures for him are mastered in advance, preferably under the guidance of a good yoga instructor.

With prolonged training, you can so learn to reduce the abdominal muscles, which will not only quickly drive the drunk salted water through the intestines, but also draw the clean through the anus.

For the patients, the power postures, capable of increasing intra-abdominal pressure, do not fit, therefore they can not be performed, especially with bleeding. You also need to abandon the lotus position and others, where you need to sit with crossed legs for a long time.

Recommended yoga exercises for hemorrhoids

In yoga, there are asanas, which most people are familiar with from childhood, with the usual physical training. Continuing to regularly perform them, being adults, you can never know what a hemorrhoids are.

The names of the poses sound difficult, and it is not always possible to remember them. It turns out to be easier to execute.

For example, sitting on the floor you need to reach the toes of straightened legs, trying to keep a straight back. Repeat several times, at a slow pace and breathing evenly.

A more difficult exercise - a stance on the shoulder blades or "birch" - also from yoga. It provides an outflow of venous blood from the legs and small pelvis, helps reduce varicose and hemorrhoids. The pose is used in one of the stages when cleaning the intestines with salt water.

Lying on the stomach on the floor, you need to bend your arms in front of you and alternately raise your straightened legs, lingering in the upper position.

Lying on the side, you need to put your lower arm under your head, and bend your upper arm and rest your palm on the floor in front of your chest. The upper leg is bent, bringing the knee to the stomach, and then straighten and retract. After completing 8-10 times, turn to the other side and repeat.

Useful, but difficult for most adults, the "bridge", you can modify, lifting from the floor only the pelvis, while trying to keep the trunk straight. Buttocks need a lot of strain, squeeze the perineum and stay in this position for as long as possible.

To prevent hemorrhoids and bleeding, you can perform compression of the perineum not only lying down, but also sitting and standing. In yoga it is called the "root lock"( Mula-Bandha) and serves to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. It can be performed imperceptibly for others around the world, receiving undoubted benefits not only for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, but also, for example, urinary incontinence and good preservation of sexual function.

Training the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor with the help of yoga and other types of gymnastics has a good effect on the health of men and women at any age. Getting rid of such an unpleasant and painful disease without physical exertion is impossible. Of course, doing yoga with hemorrhoids is much more difficult than simply drinking a medicine and anointing a sore spot. But the result will be better, as not the symptoms are eliminated, but the causes of the disease.

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