Beer alcoholism in men: effects, symptoms and signs, treatment

Men do not tend to stop there. None of beer alcoholics is not limited to beer. This carbonated low-alcohol drink paves the way for stronger drugs, destroying incidentally the physical and mental health of both the man himself and his family.

Beer alcoholism in men

For beer alcohol, ritual action is important. The patient develops a mental need to inhale the smell of beer, to feel its taste, to feel relaxation, pacification.

Male alcoholism, unlike the female, is not concealed, formed in the company. Mental dependence is supported by pleasant communication outside the family. Over time, this creates an opposition of interests, serves as a ground for the emergence of conflicts.

Drinks practically do not stop, the daily dose of beer does not give the body respite from alcohol, and the person - rest.

Symptoms and signs

Mental dependence on beer is accompanied by a loss of interest in the work, their usual interests. In the character there are uncharacteristic irritability, a sharp change in mood.

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And the main application for beer dependence can be considered drinking a can of foam drink in the morning, before the start of the work day. At this stage of getting used to alcohol, others should make every effort to cure a person. Further drinking will only exacerbate the situation, the degradation of the personality will begin, when a person's intellect decreases and dementia develops.

The formation of beer alcoholism is the same for men and women from mental addiction to physical dependence. At men beer alcoholism develops more slowly, but inevitably destroys health.

The beer dependence is manifested:

  • by the appearance of drinking bouts, withdrawal syndrome;
  • brain damage, loss of intelligence, memory;
  • occurrence of problems with health - the appearance of tachycardia, pain in the heart, increased blood pressure, blood sugar, impaired kidney function.

Symptoms and signs of beer alcoholism:


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Consequences of

Abuse of beer leads to metabolic disorders and the occurrence of chronic diseases, causes:

  • fatty liver degeneration, cirrhosis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • infertility, feminization;
  • osteoporosis;
  • muscle atrophy;
  • renal failure.

The destructive effect of alcohol and food fermentation of hops leads to the death of nerve cells, disruption of the brain, the emergence of:

  • neurasthenia;
  • of dementia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • epilepsy.

All these diseases occur not at the same time and not from the first mug of beer. Changes are increasing for a long time, and if you stop drinking at the stage of the formation of mental dependence, you can completely recover from beer alcoholism.

But the feature of beer dependence is precisely that a person does not realize himself sick. He continues to use beer, but in the meantime, physical dependence is gradually developing, diseases appear.

Effect on the digestive system

The digestive system serves as the first barrier that overcomes alcohol on the way to the brain. Taste sensations mask the harmfulness of beer, a person experiences the pleasure of a drink. For the mucous membrane of the stomach, the sensations are not so rosy, irreversible changes occur in it.


Increased acidity under the influence of beer leads to gastritis, digestion, development of ulcers. The walls of the stomach in response to irritation thicken, the production of gastric secretions increases.

Gastric cancer is one of the most frequent cancers among men, and is second only to lung cancer.


Beer lovers often suffer from obesity, and in combination with alcohol this increases the risk of fatty hepatosis - a disease that causes the degeneration of liver tissue, leading to cirrhosis.

Fatty hepatosis develops gradually, painlessly, is manifested by an increase in liver size. A person can not even guess at the changes taking place. To detect them, you need to undergo ultrasound of the liver.
In addition, the effect of beer components on the liver leads to the development of compounds that inhibit the production of the male sex hormone methyltestosterone. As a result, there is a shortage of male sex hormones.
The degeneration of liver tissue under the influence of alcohol can cause ascites - a congestion of fluid, most often in the abdominal region."Beer belly" can be not only a consequence of the accumulation of fat, but also the result of the accumulation in this area of ​​the body to 20 liters of fluid.

Heart Disease

Beer harms the cardiovascular system in two ways:

  • with the volume of the drunk fluid;
  • presence in a drink of alcohol.
In the photo, the effects of beer alcoholism on the heart of

Beer are drunk in amounts significantly exceeding the daily norm of the liquid. To cope with such a volume of alcoholic beverage, blood pressure rises in the circulatory system, and the load on the heart increases. It significantly increases in size, but loses its contractility, becomes flabby. This is a direct path to coronary heart disease, heart attacks.

Hormonal changes

Drinking beer will not turn a man into a woman, but will change his appearance to a female type, will cause a decrease in the synthesis of testosterone. The use of beer leads to the degeneration of the parenchyma of the testicles, adrenals.
The presence of phytoestrogens in the beer leads to a change in the hormonal background, a decrease in hairiness, augmentation of the breast, fat deposition on the female type on the hips, buttocks, abdomen.

Abdominal obesity

A dangerous consequence of prolonged use of beer is the "beer belly".This ornament, unusual for the male figure, arises as a result of abdominal obesity.

Among alcoholic beverages, the maximum risk of fat accumulation in the waist area of ​​beer and wine, and the risk of obesity for this type of beer lovers is 3 times higher than those who prefer wine.

The greatest danger with abdominal obesity is not even subcutaneous, but visceral( internal) fat. It accumulates under the muscles of the press, covering the entire free space between the internal organs, rising to the heart.

Accumulating, visceral fat acquires all the qualities of an additional body organ and begins to synthesize female sex hormones estrogens, as well as leptin hormone, directly suppressing male testosterone. The increase in female hormones in the blood increases the risk of developing breast cancer in men by 5 times.

Inner fat compresses the heart mechanically, makes it difficult to move the diaphragm during inspiration, literally does not allow easy turn around, disrupts their function. The inability to straighten the lungs and inhale completely, without transmitting the lungs with fat, leads to a deterioration in lung ventilation and general hypoxia.

The deterioration of oxygen transport in the blood adversely affects the condition and functions of the brain, causes changes in the psyche, disrupts the functioning of the autonomic nervous system that innervates the organs of the body.

Visceral fat


The glycemic index( GI) of beer is maximal, which means that it contains "fast" carbohydrates, instantly absorbed by the body. If you do not spend carbohydrates that have arrived with beer on physical work, they are sent to the liver, where they are deposited in the form of glycogen, and redistributed as fat under the skin.

The standard for comparing GI is glucose, its index is equal to 100. Beer with GI 110 leads, overtakes the rate of sugar glucose uptake.

All this applies to non-alcoholic beer. It, although it contains less ethyl alcohol, is not inferior in any other way to alcoholic beverages. The systematic use of beer of any strength depletes the independent production of insulin and leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Growth of cancer cells

There is always some cancer cells in the body of a healthy person. Strong immunity copes with the altered cells, destroying them with the help of T-lymphocytes.

The immune system of a beer alcoholic is unable to carry out a barrier function, does not cope with spontaneously formed cancer cells in various body tissues. Most often beer alcohols are affected by the intestines, pancreas, stomach.

On the video the consequences of beer alcoholism:


From beer dependency usually young men suffer. If others do not respond in a timely manner, then beer alcoholism outgrows, as a rule, into alcoholism alcohol.

It is impossible to get treatment for alcoholism, it is more reliable to try to convince the patient to undergo a full medical examination with the delivery of tests and the doctor's conclusion about the state of health.

The family should help its man in every way to recover from dependence. It is necessary to completely eliminate the use of alcohol-containing beverages. No alcohol drops, kvass, kefir in the house should not be.

Having been treated for beer dependence, a person should not consume alcohol in any form. A glass of wine, a glass of vodka will lead to a breakdown and the need to start treatment again.

And you can not expect that it will be possible to easily cope with a "light" alcoholic beverage. Treatment of dependence on beer requires no less attention and effort than treatment of other drug addictions. The desire to recover and appeal to the expert in narcology are the only means that can relieve addiction.

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