Treatment of beer alcoholism at home: features, recipes, folk remedies

The problem of treating alcoholism affects many. And if busting with strong drinks immediately alarms the relatives of the patient, then a bottle of beer in the evenings is not always perceived as evil. And meanwhile, the earlier the beer dependence is treated, the more prosperous and happier the family will be.

Treatment of beer alcoholism

It will not be possible to rid the patient of beer dependence without his consent. It is impossible to do without consulting a psychiatrist-narcologist. His recommendations are needed to make a correct idea of ​​the state of health of the patient, the degree of his dependence on alcohol.

The patient needs professional medical supervision, which is provided by specialized services that carry out at home the withdrawal from drinking-bout, detoxification of the body, carrying out all necessary tests. It is possible to conduct home treatment with acupuncture, laser, coding. If the patient asks himself how to get rid of beer alcoholism on his own, the treatment can be done at home.

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Stages of

It is not always possible to persuade a patient to be treated at a specialized center and they have to be treated at home on their own. Before treatment, you should always contact a narcologist and get advice.

Treatment of physical dependence

After the decision to be treated, and the person left the drinking-bout, it is necessary to cleanse the body, make up for the deficiency of vitamins, minerals. It is useful to eat foods with a high content of nutrients, to eat sea-buckthorn, apricots, sauerkraut, eggs, pumpkin, cowberry, citrus, lean meat.

Will help with sports, walks, water procedures. The physical need for beer disappears 2 months after stopping.

Treatment of psychological dependence

To recover from mental dependence, you need to make an effort and take the necessary steps:

  • decide to give up beer;
  • change the circle of friends, part with drinking friends;
  • get advice from an expert in narcology;
  • tune in to the possibility of seeking help from a narcologist-psychiatrist.

Psychological dependence is persistent, lasts a lifetime. The possibility of relapse must always be remembered and avoid situations that can provoke it. But not unimportant is the question of how to get rid of beer alcoholism.


Elena Malysheva:

"Is Alcoholism Cured? Yes! Use an effective home remedy. .. "

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Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are chosen so as to disgust alcohol. To do this, use herbs, rhizomes of plants, fruits, flowers, in a word everything that can be used at home for the treatment of beer alcoholism. They brew, drink broths, add in the form of powdered powder for food.

Advantages and disadvantages of

Advantages of treatment according to folk prescriptions include naturalness of medicines, and to drawbacks:

  • impossibility of exact dosing;
  • lack of constant medical supervision;
  • unpredictability of the patient's response - the response to medicinal plants varies from hives to anaphylactic shock.

Herbal Collection

To calm a person, to cure and help to easily transfer the lack of habitual doses of beer, make up the collection of plants. Vegetable components are ground, then brewed a pinch of boiling water, insisting 15-20 minutes.

Collection number 1

To compose the collection take one part mint, St. John's Wort, wormwood, yarrow;half of the part - the roots of Angelica, aura of marsh, juniper berries.

Gathering number 2

Mix thyme, wormwood, centaury in a ratio of 4: 1: 1.15 g of the mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for 3 hours. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Collection number 3

This soothing remedy can be used both as a sedative and for self-treatment of beer alcoholism. Brewed a mixture of plants in the morning with a liter of boiling water, drunk half the glass in 6 receptions.

To prepare the collection requires:

  • on a teaspoon angelica, letter;
  • 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort and hawthorn fruit;
  • 5 horseshoes of hops.


Folk remedies for beer alcoholism include decoctions, water infusions of diuretics, aromatic herbs. Brew and drink a day to 10 glasses of tea, observing a strict diet.

Restrict greasy, spicy, smoked, fried foods. It is useful to eat sour-milk products, cereals, vegetable soups in order to defeat alcohol dependence.

Brewed teas from plants taken in mixtures or separately. Most often they use cowberry, black currant, dandelion, birch leaves, nettle, burdock root.

Infusions, tinctures

For the treatment of beer dependence, tinctures, decoctions are made. Vodka contains the same ethyl alcohol as beer. Aversion to alcohol is caused by a white-clay, cheremitsa, thyme, plaun, acorn, baranas, barberry, and hoof.

Decoction of the plum

The decoction of the placenta-barantz causes an aversion to alcohol. Treatment is carried out after several days of abstinence, there should be no alcohol in the blood. Plune is boiled for 20 minutes, then drunk hot. Then they drink alcohol, which causes a vomiting in the patient, an aversion is formed to him.

Bay leaf on vodka

Beer alcoholism is treated with a laurel leaf infused with vodka. To make the tincture, you need 10 leaves of laurel, 2 glasses of vodka. The medicine is infused for 3 weeks. Use, pouring into food, into beer, until the craving for alcohol weakens.

Insect infusion

Disgusting alcohol drunk after decoction of dry leaves of the hoof( 6 tablespoons), brewed with 2 cups of boiling water and infused 2 days in a dark place.

Broth of Bogorodskaya grass

15 g of Bogorodskaya grass( thyme, thyme) 25 minutes insist with a glass of boiling water. The patient is given 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. This is quite an effective means for fighting beer alcoholism.

Tincture lovage

To prepare the tincture take a glass of vodka, a spoonful of dry roots lovage, insist 2 days. Then drink, after a while the patient will vomit, the taste of alcohol will be associated with aversion to the tincture. The action of the lover is intensified by the laurel leaf, they are often used at the same time.

Treatment without the knowledge of the patient

Adding various herbs to food without obtaining permission from the patient is dangerous and incorrect. But sometimes circumstances just leave no choice.

Mushroom dung

Mushrooms dung( koprinus, ink fungus) are edible, have a delicate taste. Gather them young, cook or dry immediately, as they are poorly stored.

The peculiarity of dung fungi is that they can not be consumed with alcohol, even if mushrooms were eaten on the eve of drinking alcohol, a person will have symptoms of poisoning.

Dried mushroom dung is poured in the form of powder in food, fresh mushrooms are served in fried form.

After consuming fried mushrooms, alcohol causes symptoms of poisoning:

  • , purple spots appear on the body;
  • the patient feels fever, nausea;
  • the lobes of the ears pale.

The patient is impaired vision, it seems that the heart is jumping out of the chest. All these changes after a while pass, but the patient connects them with the intake of alcohol. And next time he is afraid, he does not drink.

Photo of the fungus of the dung

Tinctures on alcohol

30 g salt insist 3 days per 100 ml of alcohol in a dark place. Add 7 drops of food, beer.

Add to the food drop by drop tincture on 60% alcohol red pepper. For its preparation, take 0.5 liters of alcohol and a tablespoon of dry red pepper. Insist 2 weeks, mix 2 drops per 1 liter of beer.

Fumigation with smoke

The patient is not only fed with various tinctures, but also is treated with a shish kebab cooked on birch firewood sprinkled with sugar. When cooking shish kebab it is well fumigated with smoke.

After the patient has eaten this dish, and drinks a portion of alcohol, he has nausea and aversion to alcohol.

Wild ginger or hoof European

Without the knowledge of the patient can be cured and decoction of the European clapper, which is also called wild ginger. This plant is completely poisonous, it is necessary to handle it with extreme caution.

To prepare a decoction:

  • is steamed with a glass of boiling water a tablespoon of a dry shredded moss;
  • is insisted for 30 minutes in a water bath;
  • removed from the fire, wait another 20 minutes;The
  • is filtered, the squeezes are removed;
  • add water to the initial volume.

To cure alcoholic beverages, honey, sea buckthorn, lemons, raw potatoes, eaten on an empty stomach in the amount of 150 g.

To suppress the craving for alcohol from 5 lemons squeeze out the juice, add sugar or salt to taste, water and drink during the day.

On the video folk recipes for alcoholism:

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