Effect of the drug Ibuprofen on headache

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1 Properties of

  • medication with ease to be absorbed, getting into the stomach, and then into the intestines;
  • for a short period of time relieves the headache, providing a long-lasting effect of the drug.

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If any side effects are observed, then they are quite insignificant, because it is fearlessly prescribed for course treatment.

Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the level of safety for the body.

It was used by 8677 people. After the experiment, it was found that various side effects in ibuprofen are lower than in acetylsalicylic acid. Patients were not found to have gastrointestinal disorders, as with other drugs.

2 Permissible dosage

Thanks to medical research, physicians were able to find out which doses and for which category of patients are most harmless and optimal.

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The dose for minor pain is usually 200 mg 3-4 times a day. This dose is calculated for adults and children after 12 years. If the pain worries more, it is allowed to increase the dose to 400 mg and three times within 24 hours. The patient should strictly observe the interval between taking the drug at 6 o'clock.

When appointing a doctor, the allowable dose is up to 1200 mg, daily - 2400 mg.

3 Indications for use

Indications for the use of this medication are mainly for neurological diseases.

According to statistics, the headache as an episodic syndrome comes out on top among the general ailments. It is unlikely that in the world there is a person who has not experienced a gay at least once. And, it turns out, about 50 different diseases have such a symptom.

There is an international classification of headache, it is divided into 14 categories.

The first four included primary pain. This included a tension headache, trigger cephalgia and migraine.

The next seven are symptomatic diseases that can be caused by:

  • by non-vascular intracranial pathologies;
  • physical trauma to the head;
  • by taking various medications or by canceling them;
  • changes in the vessels of the brain;
  • pathologies of various parts of the head - the eyes, ears, nasal sinuses, etc.

The 12th group is a headache that affects mentally ill people.

The following two are considered to be those with cranial neuralgia. In this case, the person experiences facial pain.

This classification is convenient for everyone - both physicians and patients. Having determined the form of pain, the patient can always be sent for an additional examination.

Safe and effective drug Ibuprofen in the treatment of headaches will always help, whatever origin it did not have.

It is used even if the headache is caused by:

  • inflammatory diseases, especially colds;
  • influenza;
  • hangover;
  • combined pain.

4 Types of headaches

There are various pathologies of headaches that Ibuprofen can take off.

Tension headache. It occurs after the transferred stresses, strong emotional tension. Can be short-term from a few minutes to two hours a few times a month, and can take a chronic form. That is, continue, without stopping for half a month. Patients complain that they experience monotonous pain, tension, the head is pulled together by an invisible hoop.

In this case, relief of pain and treatment is necessary. All these measures are necessary to eliminate seizures, both those that occur rarely, and in the case of chronic form. In these cases, the treatment of headaches by Ibuprofen is irreplaceable. It is with his help that a complete relief of the pain syndrome is achieved.


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How migraine manifests itself. This disease has poisoned life for many, because it takes a protracted character and is repeated paroxysmally. Its symptoms:

  • is localized in one place;
  • occur with painful sensations nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness and increased sweating;
  • the pain takes the form of a pulsating character.

In such cases, this drug is one of the most effective in fighting the disease.

Already after taking 200 mg, pain relief is seen, the duration of painful sensations is significantly reduced. There is no need to take more complex medicines that adversely affect other organs.

Abusotic headache. Symptoms of this kind of headaches can be caused by such reasons as:

  • taking drugs of a certain group, to which the patient's body reacts in this way. Usually this happens in a few months;
  • prescribed doses of various medications, and a combination thereof that promote the development of headaches;
  • after discontinuation of treatment with certain drugs.
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For all forms of this type of headache, Ibuprofen is usually prescribed.

Cervicogenic headache. This type of disease is different in that it was caused by:

  • myofascial pain syndromes;
  • changes in the region of the cervical vertebrae,
  • suffered craniocerebral injury;
  • sharp turn of the head and tense uncomfortable pose.

The pain arises abruptly and is pulsating. Attacks acquire a lasting character.

In this case, the patient experiences such symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constant tinnitus;
  • hearing impairment;
  • dizziness;
  • pain gives in the temporal or occipital part, painful syndromes in the forearm, arm can be felt.

And again the faithful assistant Ibuprofen will come to the rescue. In this situation, it is taken in large doses.

Combined headache. This is one of the most difficult types of headaches. It is difficult to determine, so migraine can grow into another form of the disease. Often the symptoms of different types of headaches go from one to the other. Here the doctor will help. With such pains doctors recommend Ibuprofen.

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