Causes of dysbacteriosis in infants( newborn babies), after antibiotics

A very frequent problem for most parents is the dysbiosis of a newly born babe. Although this pathology of the intestine is not inherently a primary disease, it proceeds with rather unpleasant symptoms. Many are surprised by the reason for the disease in the sterile organs of the newborn. In fact, there are several of them and they appear at the moment of birth. Moving along the ancestral ways, the baby first encounters the microflora of the mother, which can contain an amount of pathogenic microbes that exceeds the permissible norm, but at the same time there are useful microorganisms, such as E. coli, bifido- and lactobacilli. At this time in his intestines begins the formation of his own microflora.

The next causes of dysbiosis in infants are kissing, hugging, feeding mixtures and other environmental factors. At this point, the child "gets to know" with various kinds of bacteria that are located on the mother's skin and in her mouth. For this reason, the baby's gastrointestinal tract can be populated with a healthy or pathogenic microflora. In addition, the cause of dysbacteriosis in a newborn is a prolonged stay in the hospital, where, in spite of the maintained sterility, it is possible the presence of microorganisms that can cause this dysfunction of the intestine. There are several other common causes of dysbiosis in infants:

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  • Congenital malformations of the abdominal cavity;
  • Infectious diseases, dysentery or salmonellosis;
  • According to the testimony of numerous studies in infants, the cause of the appearance of signs of dysbiosis is often poor ecology;
  • Infringements in a mode of a delivery of the newborn also conduct to development of serious symptomatology;
  • The constant stress and stress in which the infants are accustomed to the conditions of our world are also the cause of his dysbiosis;
  • Often the process of childbirth takes place with complications for both the newborn baby and the mother, in this case the baby is put to the breast. As a result, his intestines do not receive timely colostrum, because of which there are problems with it. This also causes the development of dysbiosis in infants.

But the most detrimental impact is the ability to provide antibiotic therapy, and it does not matter whether it was carried out by the child or his mother during pregnancy and feeding. The danger of these drugs is that by killing the pathogenic microflora in the intestines of the baby, they are depressing and affect the positive bacteria, causing a dysbiosis in the baby.

In our time, antibacterial drugs are prescribed to everyone without exception and no newborn is immune from the onset of pathological symptoms of bowel dysfunction after their administration, especially if no prophylactic measures were taken with probiotics.

Dysbacteriosis in infants after antibiotics

When the cause of the development of pathology is the reception of potent drugs - antibiotics, he has the following symptoms:

  • Stool disorders in which there may be both a delay in stool for more than 3 days, and theirdilution. Exercises of the baby take a greenish tinge and may contain mucus;
  • If the cause of dysbacteriosis in infants is antibiotics, anal and itching appears in the anal area;
  • In the tummies appear kolikobraznye pain and increased gas formation.

This phenomenon occurs after antibiotics or at the beginning of treatment, or when it is nearing completion. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to administer restorative drugs.

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