Chronic and acute calculous pancreatitis - symptoms, treatment, surgery, diet

The cause of development of calculous pancreatitis is a violation of the chemical composition of the pancreatic juice, caused by inflammatory processes in it or by stagnation phenomena. As a result of these processes, the formation of concrements in the excretory duct of the pancreas.

As a rule, they consist of carbonic lime, have a porous structure and can be presented in the form of sand or small pebbles that clog the duct, which invariably entails its expansion, as well as a violation of the integrity of tissues. As a consequence, in the parenchyma of the pancreas inflammatory processes are formed, leading to the appearance of abscesses and ulceration.

The manifestation of the disease begins with an attack of acute pain, similar to an attack of cholelithiasis. Distinctive features of calculous pancreatitis are absence of jaundice and diarrhea.

It is possible to diagnose correctly with the help of X-ray, endoscopic and ultrasound. As a rule, you can clearly see one or several stones that look like champagne spray. It is important not to confuse concrements with lymph nodes. To confirm the diagnosis of chronic calculous pancreatitis or, on the contrary, to refute it, it is possible with the help of an endoscopic study.

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The severity of the patient's condition and the tactics of his treatment for chronic calculous pancreatitis depends on the location of the stones in the pancreas. So, for example, when they are directly in the body of the gland or in its head, there is an acute pain syndrome, soreness in the large intestine and its dyskinesia. At laboratory research of a blood the amylase increase, and also acidity of a gastric juice is observed.

If the stones are found in the entire pancreas, diabetes mellitus develops. In this case, the pain syndrome can be expressed weakly or absent altogether.

It should be noted that calculous pancreatitis is relatively rare and in most cases is chronic. The disease has an unfavorable prognosis, the main cause of which is malignant transformation of pancreatic tissue.

The main method of treatment is based on surgical intervention. In diabetes mellitus caused by calculous pancreatitis, substitution therapy is indicated.

Symptoms of calculous pancreatitis

Symptoms of such a disease as calculous pancreatitis depend, first of all, on the location of the stones. If they are located on the head or body of the pancreas, the main symptom is the feeling of pain in the pit of the stomach or in the right upper abdomen. In the case where the stones are located near the tail of the pancreas, painful sensations occur in the left hypochondrium. In all other cases, the pain will be shrouded in nature.

Symptoms of calculous pancreatitis include not only a feeling of pain, but also changes that occur in the stool. Its consistency becomes mushy with inclusions of particles not digested food and foamy substance. The stool has an unpleasant characteristic odor.

Surgery for acute calculous pancreatitis

Acute calculous pancreatitis is one of rather serious dangerous diseases, the treatment of which is mainly performed surgically. In cases of detection of intrasecretory external insufficiency, insulin injections are shown to the patient.

The prognosis for such a disease is most often unfavorable, that is, in most cases the process of malignant degeneration starts. With other forms of the disease, the frequency of this process is several times lower.

After the operation, patients with acute calculous pancreatitis should undergo rehabilitation in one of the special sanatoriums, on the basis of which the necessary procedures and observance of a sparing diet will be organized.

Diet for calculous pancreatitis

Like all other forms of this disease, this also requires patients to comply with a certain diet. There should be nothing fried and sweet in the menu of patients. All meals should be served in a warm form( hot or cold food will only aggravate the condition of the pancreas).Eating should be done according to the rule "often, but not enough", the ideal option will be five or six meals a day.

The diet menu for chronic calculous pancreatitis can be represented by dry bread and cookies, ground soups prepared on the basis of low-fat meat broth, lean fish or poultry meat in a boiled form. In the diet can be present low-fat dairy products, casseroles, omelettes from proteins.

The ideal option for morning meals can be a porridge made from buckwheat, oatmeal or mango. It should be noted that even porridge should be served on the table in a frayed form. As for vegetables, you should use them after pre-baking. Fruits can also be included in the menu, but they should be non-acidic.

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