Intensive and infusion therapy of acute pancreatitis

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Inflammation of the pancreas and the disruption of its functioning caused by this process lead to the development of such a disease as acute pancreatitis. To successfully block the inflammatory process, it is necessary to put a reliable diagnosis on time and begin intensive treatment.

The basis of treatment for pancreatitis is intensive therapy, which is carried out in a hospital and includes a whole range of intensive activities and procedures aimed at maintaining the patient's life and eliminating negative consequences for his body. First of all, acute pancreatitis therapy is aimed at removing the patient from a pain shock and removing hypovolemia and circulatory insufficiency. To this end, during intensive treatment, the patient is given a solution of albumin, a solution of starch, plasma or protein. Further intensive procedures are aimed at improving microcirculation and preventing the transition of the edematous state to the hemorrhagic stage. In some cases, a patient with an acute form of the disease can be assigned a blood transfusion( with a drop in hematocrit).

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Usually, in a hospital setting, patients with an acute form of the disease, along with intensive procedures, are prescribed maintenance infusion therapy. Depending on the severity of the patient, the negativity of his water balance and blood condition, the composition of the infusion means may vary. When carrying out infusion therapy, the patient's diuresis and his hemodynamics are strictly monitored. If necessary, diuresis of a patient with acute pancreatitis is stimulated during the infusion treatment.

On average, the amount of infusion therapy is about 50 ml per kilogram of body weight of the patient. Infusion means are injected into the patient's body with an acute form of pancreatitis by a drop route at an average rate of 50 drops per minute. With a very severe form of pancreatic disease in a patient with acute pancreatitis, the total daily volume of infusion therapy can reach five liters.

Along with intensive and infusion therapy in the treatment of acute forms of pancreatitis, conditions of special rest for the pancreas( refusal of food, cold) are created.

Currently, with the timely treatment of a patient for medical care, intensive and infusion therapy is a sufficiently effective treatment for even severe forms of the disease.

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