Angiofibroma of the skin and nasopharynx: causes, symptoms, photo, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

This type of tumor may not signal its presence for a while. Since the earlier the problem is identified, the easier it is to eliminate it, then when forming incomprehensible nodules on the skin or discomfort in the nasopharynx, you should consult specialists for diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment.

The concept of

If education is benign in nature and includes fibers of connective and vascular tissue, the specialists define this phenomenon - angiofibroma.

More often the pathology is revealed after forty years. At boys at the moment of sexual development also there can be a youthful angiofibroma. In these cases, education sometimes disappears when the youth reaches a period of maturity.

The tumor is disposed:

  • in rare cases on the face,
  • in the area of ​​the respiratory tract on the mucous membranes,
  • on the skin surface, more often in the limb zone,
  • in the kidney.

A tumor that forms in the nasopharyngeal region, often chooses such a dislocation:

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  • pharyngeal fascia,
  • sphenoid bone,
  • latticed bone.

Causes of the disease

Angiofibroma on the skin is found mainly in patients of adulthood. Experts believe that the appearance of the described pathology on the skin occurs because the dermis undergoes photoaging.

The photo shows multiple angiofibromas on the face of a youngster

. A tumor in the nasopharynx is observed in young men when they have puberty.

It is believed that this process has an effect on the mutation of cells in the nasopharynx. And the basis for the onset of the disease is the remains of embryonic tissue, which are preserved in this area in an undeveloped state.

Clinical picture

When the formation in the nasopharynx appears, the picture of the disease can undergo four stages:

  • In the first stage, the presence of a localized tumor is observed.
  • The second stage-pathology begins to expand into the zone of the sinuses of the nose. Nose bones may show signs of curvature.
  • The third stage is characterized by the fact that the tumor process captures the orbital region and approaches the brain.
  • There is a proliferation of education in the brain.

Symptoms of skin angiofibroma

Externally, the formation is a convex single knot. Surface has color:

  • brown,
  • pale pink,
  • pale yellow.

The top cover of the tumor looks transparent. Under the skin, capillaries are visible. To the touch the formation of a dense consistency, but at the same time retains its elasticity.

Pathology is not particularly disturbing. A sign of angiofibroma is a slight itch in the field of education.

Symptoms of angiofibroma of the nasopharynx

When angiofibroma appears in the nasopharynx, depending on the direction of its spread, one or more of the following symptoms may occur:

  • the eyeball undergoes a shift, this situation may affect visual acuity;
  • nasal congestion is observed in the chronic nature,
  • the person becomes asymmetric,
  • facial tissues look edematous,
  • breathing through the nose is difficult,
  • appear signs of insufficient blood supply to the brain,
  • often worries headaches,
  • sense of smell is weakened,
  • near the tumor, bone tissue undergoes deformation,
  • nasal,
  • , nosebleeds appear,
  • , hearing loss is observed,
  • nerve endings fall into a squeezing situation with a growing tumor.


To investigate a neoplasm on the skin resembling angiofibroma, the following actions are performed:

  • Visual examination of the tumor. For a detailed study of the site use a dermatoscope. The device gives an increase in the object hundreds of times.
  • To determine the nature of the malignancy in regard to malignancy, the material is taken for histological examination.
  • A general blood test will show the condition of the body and determine if there is anemia.

In the case of dislocation of education in the nasopharynx, there are still such studies:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to study the tumor to the smallest detail.
  • Computed tomography same can give a lot of information about the formation:
    • what kind of tumor spread,
    • determine the exact boundaries of the growth,
    • to clarify the pathology localization.
  • Radiography is conducted to determine the space occupied by pathology and its dimensions. The method is not accurate and perfect. Sometimes it turns out only to confirm the presence of a tumor, it is better to get the detailed information in a different way.
  • Rhinoscopy is carried out front and back - gives the opportunity to see the surface of the tumor and its color. Also, if the probe touches the angiofibroma, it begins to bleed, which is important in determining the diagnosis.
  • Nasal endoscopy allows you to perform a detailed examination of the condition of the nasopharynx and identify existing problems. It is performed with the use of anesthesia.

Treatment of neoplasm

  • An effective method of solving the problem in the detection of angiofibroma is its removal by laser. The method of excision of the neoplasm is also applied. The tumor is removed to healthy tissues. In the area of ​​the nasopharynx, access to the neoplasm is hampered by the physiological features of the localization of pathology. In addition, the area of ​​the nasopharynx has a large number of blood vessels, arranged in the form of a grid. These types of operations are applied:
    • Intranasal endoscopic method is the most modern and atraumatic.
    • From the traditional methods:
      • if the pathology has developed no higher than the second stage - lateral dissection,
      • when the tumor spreads more than the second stage - cross-section dissection.
    To avoid bleeding during surgery, the carotid ligation is often performed before surgery. If, however, blood loss has occurred, it is possible that the volume of blood in the body is replenished by introducing a donor material.

    Surgery has a postoperative period. Assignments are made:

    • often after the operation, radiation therapy is performed,
    • to remove the risk of infection using antibiotic therapy,
    • measures are taken to increase blood clotting.
  • Radiotherapy is the irradiation of pathology with the help of special equipment. The method is applied with caution. Experts recommend that only the area with pathological cells be affected by irradiation and a precisely calibrated dose of radiation should be applied. This approach is called stereotaxic technique.
  • Hormone therapy uses testosterone for the treatment of pathology. Studies have shown that this method leads to a halt in the growth of the tumor and a decrease in the size of the formation almost twofold.

Complications after removal of

When the pathology has germination in adjacent tissues, there are difficulties in its excision that can lead to some consequences:

  • tissues surrounding the tumor can be injured;
  • possible bleeding.

Radiation therapy is also fraught with consequences, can happen:

  • skin atrophy,
  • loss of appetite,
  • decrease in blood red blood cells and leukocytes,
  • manifestation of dermatitis and skin edema.


After the removal of the tumor, its renewal is rare. It also rarely happens that relapse leads to the fact that the tumor formed acquires the signs of malignant formation.

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