Instructions for the use of candles from hemorrhoids, how to correctly insert( insert, enter), how to apply( use)?

Often, when treating hemorrhoids, patients are prescribed suppositories. Rectal suppositories are popular, as they relate to fast-acting agents. Application of them with exacerbation or inflammation of the hemorrhoids at the initial stage allows you to quickly remove unpleasant, even painful symptoms, to calm pain and itching in the hearth of the disease.

Rectal suppositories are produced with one or more active substances aimed at alleviating the condition of the patient. Active components not only act locally on the inflamed parts of the rectum, but also absorb into the bloodstream. According to the vessels, which are rich in the area of ​​rectum, medicinal products spread throughout the body, affecting it as a whole properly. To all preparations of this type of application, an instruction is attached where it is indicated when to apply this type of remedy against hemorrhoids. But not all patients know exactly how to insert the wax cylinder correctly to get the maximum effect from the therapy.

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Using candles from hemorrhoids

Indeed, if the use of rectal means for hemorrhoids requires careful study and impeccable adherence to instructions, is it not easier to replace them with other means, the use of which is more understandable? Do not rush to give up candles, even if you do not know how to enter them. Learning to insert suppositories following the instructions is not difficult, and the effect obtained from their correct administration is very high. Candles directly affect the inflamed zone, and, absorbed into the blood, affect the causes of its occurrence. Other advantages of their application include:

  • ease of use;
  • minimal risk of side effects if followed by instructions;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • high therapeutic effect.

How to insert a candle from a hemorrhoid?

Candles are best used in the early stages of hemorrhoids and with internal hemorrhoids. In other cases, they can have only a short-term effect. Also, this dosage form is used in preparation for surgical intervention in the area of ​​rectum or after surgery during the rehabilitation period.

In any of these cases, it is important to follow the instructions and use the suppository correctly. How to insert a candle from hemorrhoids? Despite the simplicity of manipulations, the preparation should be prepared for the administration of the medicine:

  • The instruction clearly specifies that it is necessary to inject a candle from hemorrhoids after a defecation or purifying enema.
  • After emptying the bowels, you must perform the necessary hygienic procedures: thoroughly wash with warm water and soap the anus, dry it with a soft towel.
  • To enter a candle, you need to lie on your side. This provision is the only correct one, although many people, in violation of the instructions, try to put the medicine in the standing position.

According to the instructions, the suppository should be removed from the plastic packaging just before the introduction. This is because an open candle at room temperature can begin to melt. The use of such a drug is not recommended. To enter a candle it is necessary quickly for the same reason: in a hand it can melt, lose the form and become soft. In this case, its use will cause difficulty:

  • If the candles in the package for some time were outside the refrigerator, before placing the suppository, place it in the refrigerator chamber so that the wax base freezes.
  • Do not inject the candle too deep, since its active substances should affect the hemorrhoidal nodes located in the rectum.
  • To properly place a candle, slightly open the buttocks. Insert the suppository with a pointed end into the anus using the finger. Do not forget to wear sterile gloves before handling.
  • The use of rectal suppositories from hemorrhoids is recommended by the instruction before going to bed, as in the state of rest the body achieves the maximum therapeutic effect.
  • If you need to put a candle in the active time of the day, you need to lie down after the procedure on your stomach for half an hour. This time will be enough to wax base melted, and the drugs began to act.

Some candles from hemorrhoids after their introduction can cause a sense of the need for bowel cleansing. If there is no possibility to suffer, it is possible to commit an act of defecation, and after a quarter of an hour, re-enter the suppository. In the event that you went to the toilet after twenty or more minutes after applying the candle, re-use the drug is not necessary.

If the doctor correctly picked up the drug, if you do not have contraindications, and the side effects described in the instructions do not appear, after a couple of minutes you will feel the effect of the medicine, which is explained by the excellent circulation of organs and pelvic system. But in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic result, you should not jump off the couch right after the medication is inserted. The wax base should completely melt in the rectal zone.

Features of application of candles from hemorrhoids

In any instruction to rectal forms against hemorrhoidal manifestations, one can find a list of possible side effects. Carefully read this section of the manual, as well as the "Contraindications" section. As side effects often occur:

  • irritation of the mucosa and skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • burning in the anus;
  • diarrhea;
  • intestinal cramps and colic.

If you experience these symptoms, you should stop taking the drug as directed. Also, you can not insert a suppository into the anus, which has expired. The candle should be properly packaged, otherwise it can cause poisoning, which is due to the property of medicinal products to oxidize to toxic structures under the influence of external factors.

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