The color of the feces with dysbiosis, what smell, what does it look like?

Thanks to bile pigments, feces in man have a color from light brown to dark brown. If the color and odor of the feces change, this may indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the human body. What does feces look like with dysbiosis?

Green feces appear due to a large number of reasons. Green feces with dysbacteriosis is considered normal. So, this may be a consequence of antibiotic treatment or failure to follow a proper diet. In addition, irrespective of what color is available, the fecal matter acquires a putrefactive smell, since, in fact, the green tint is evidence of a large number of dead leukocytes gradually accumulating in the intestinal cavity during acute inflammation.

In the case of dysbiosis, the digestion of products is disrupted, which is why the putrefactive and fermenting processes of un-digested food begin, due to which substances are formed that affect not only what shade of stool, but its smell.

What is feces with dysbiosis?

According to the patient's complaints, green color and putrefactive smell of stool, it is simply impossible to detect dysbacteriosis, although these symptoms are the reason to suspect its presence. At the given symptomatology such analyzes are appointed or nominated:

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  • Macroscopic inspection. In this case, we will consider not only the color and smell, but also the shape of the feces. Value is given even to the most inconspicuous details.
  • Microscopic examination. This analysis is required to determine the presence or absence of helminths and parasites in the feces, and also to clarify the degree of digestion of various kinds of food components.
  • Chemical Examination. It is required to find out the reaction to the environment. It will be done with litmus paper.

What should I do if I change the color of the stool?

As it was said, that based only on the data of a symptom, it is impossible to say about the presence of a violation of the intestinal microflora, i.e., dysbiosis. To do this, various examinations are conducted to confirm or deny the diagnosis. In the case of dysbacteriosis, various medications will be prescribed to help change the color of the stool. What does the treatment for this symptom look like? Perhaps the appointment:

  • Laxatives or stapling drugs, if the dysbacteriosis is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation.
  • If a dysbacteriosis is caused by infections, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed.

In addition, do not forget that the treatment of the cause of the disease is required to get rid of the green color and putrefactive odor of feces with dysbiosis. For these purposes, various drugs are prescribed, normalizing the intestinal microflora, and in some cases antibacterial agents.

If the stool color becomes green when certain foods or dietary supplements are consumed, then this is a normal process. However, if a person begins to show other symptoms of dysbacteriosis, for example, fever, deterioration of well-being, signs of intoxication, accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist. Especially dangerous is the green color of the feces with dysbacteriosis and fever, fever, constipation and weight loss. In this case, immediately call an ambulance.

Do not engage in self-medication, as this can only lead to what will be launched, or the course of the disease will be complicated. Timely reference to a specialist is the most expedient solution.

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