Dysbacteriosis of the intestine after taking antibiotics - nutrition and prevention of a strong associated form

Antibiotics are now widely used in the treatment of a large number of diseases. Along with this, they have the property of destroying not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria that inhabit the cavity of the intestine. Thus, there is a strong dysbacteriosis against the background of taking antibiotics.

If antibiotics are not avoided, drugs containing live bacteria will be prescribed and help in the normalization of the intestinal microflora if there is a violation after using antibiotic drugs.

What is associated dysbiosis?

Under the associated dysbacteriosis is understood as a complex pathological state of shifts in the balance of intestinal microflora in the presence of appropriate clinical manifestations. They are due to the appointment of antibacterial agents. Under the risk of infringement of microflora after the use of such funds are people who take them for more than 3 days, children under six years of age or people with immunodeficiency status.

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The clinic of associated dysbacteriosis consists in the dilution of feces, which will mainly be accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen with cramping characteristics, but without the symptoms of intoxication, leukemia and fever.

Treatment of associated dysbacteriosis primarily involves the abolition of medicines, and the appointment of probiotics.

Why does dysbiosis arise from antibiotics?

As reasons for the infringement of intestinal microflora,

  • prescribes the use of medications if this is not necessary.
  • Extension of the course of therapy, if this is not necessary.
  • Disturbed mode of taking medications.
  • Incorrect dosing.
  • Self-medication and treatment.

All this can develop resistance to the effects of antibacterial drugs in the violation of intestinal microflora and also reduce its useful component.

Different groups of antibiotics have different effects on the intestines:

  • The tetracycline group has a disastrous effect on the upper layer and intestinal mucosa, which makes pathogenic microorganisms excellent conditions for the onset of reproduction. Due to the tetracycline group, the growth of clostridia, staphylococcus, and candida can increase.
  • The aminoglycoside group stops the development of the normal state of the microflora.
  • The aminopenicillin group affects the development of staphylococci and streptococcus.
  • The fungicidal group can selectively influence the proliferation of proprietary microorganisms, lactose-negative Escherichia.

Dysbacteriosis against the background of antibiotics can develop even if all the rules and dosage have been observed.

Symptoms of a dysbacteriosis after antibiotics

At infringement of a microflora a symptomatology will be shown in the form of a constipation or a diarrhea, a bloating, an itch in the field of an anal aperture. Symptomatic of dysbiosis from antibiotics can occur both in the first few days of treatment, and in the latter.

If a strong dysbacteriosis after the use of antibiotic drugs appeared in the woman's vagina, there will be a discharge of changed color, odor and consistency, there will be itching in the vagina and external genital area, burning in the urethra, frequent urination, and pain in the abdomen.

If there was a symptomatology of a dysbacteriosis on a background of reception of antibiotics it is necessary to pass consultation with the expert.

Dysbacteriosis with antibiotics is mostly treated with the help of specialized drugs, which contain useful bacteria - pro- and prebiotics.

Prebiotics for the prevention of dysbacteriosis when taking antibiotics are required to provide a normal nutrient medium for beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora. They can be obtained both from products of vegetable origin, for example, from onions, or from dairy products, or be purchased at a pharmacy.

Probiotics from dysbacteriosis after antibiotics are required to deliver beneficial microorganisms to the intestinal cavity. It is worth noting that in this case, in prevention and treatment, they are not colonized, but have the property of suppressing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and restoring natural balance in the intestinal microflora. It is worth noting that in the case of severe dysbacteriosis, such drugs are unlikely to have the desired effect, therefore antimicrobials are used.

Nutrition for dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics

To maintain the natural balance of the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to include in the diet of cereals and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, which include dietary fibers, amino acids, bifido- and lactobacilli.

For successful recovery it is required to adhere to such rules of nutrition, as:

  • Food should be taken in strictly allotted time, at regular intervals.
  • The diet includes dietary fiber and fermented milk products.
  • The diet is made individually, and if the product is not perceived by the body, it is immediately excluded from the diet.

To prevent the normal state of the intestinal microflora, important foods in the diet are poly- and oligosaccharides that are found in vegetables, fruits and cereals. This is due to the fact that such products act as an energy source for bifidobacteria in dysbacteriosis after the use of antibiotics.

Also oligosaccharides for dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics can be obtained from carrots, oatmeal, onions, zucchini, garlic. A large number of berries, apples, bananas and apricots have fructo-oligosaccharides in their composition. Polysaccharides are obtained from chamomile roots, legumes, chicory. To obtain a daily norm of saccharides in case of microflora disturbance after using antibiotics, it is required to include at least five vegetable and fruit portions into the food.

Polysaccharides are required for the intestines, in order to provide nutrition to bacteria, and to improve motor skills. It is worth noting that such substances in violation of microflora after the use of antibiotic agents act as natural enterosorbents.

Dysbacteriosis from antibiotics, over the past few years is more and more common, as the diseases are mainly treated with antibacterial drugs. To reduce the negative effect of such drugs, prevention is required from the first days after the initiation of antibiotics to maintain intestinal microflora with the use of specialized drugs and a balanced diet.

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