Black cumin with gastritis

The variety of folk recipes allows a person suffering from gastritis to choose the most relevant remedy for themselves. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis affects people of any age, they are united by one - long-term nutrition of harmful food. Such a diet can quickly lead to stomach ulcers or other intractable diseases.

A popular method of fighting gastritis is the use of medicinal prescriptions based on black cumin. Even in Ancient Egypt, rulers used tinctures from a particular plant to strengthen the work of the esophagus. So it is today. Its seeds are the basis of many medicines, and the oil from this plant is an effective remedy for improving metabolism.

Recipes based on cumin with gastritis

Cumin oil contains a set of useful abilities. It can improve the digestive system, relieve the severity of the stomach, heartburn, flatulence, is distinguished by its choleretic action. Oil is recommended to use one teaspoon( about twenty grams) three times a day. This method will help prevent the development of unwanted processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

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The following recipe from cumin for gastritis is also able to withstand the stomach ulcer, to heal wounds on the mucous membrane. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix twelve drops of caraway oil with 200 grams.honey. Add a tablespoon of dried pomegranate to the resulting mass. This medicine should be taken approximately 10 grams before meals, washed down with warm milk. So continue for two months.

Often, people with gastritis suffer from attacks of nausea. In order to get rid of them, you need to prepare the next drink. One teaspoon of black cumin, chop and add to the menthol broth. Drink tea three times a day.

Spice in the fight against gastritis

Black cumin can not only be added to a variety of tinctures, but also used as a seasoning for everyday eating. The spice contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, which provide an effective life of the stomach. This addition to food improves the production of gastric juice, relieves bloating and flatulence. Spice serves as the prevention of various diseases of the stomach.

It is important to know that before any use of folk remedies, it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist specialist. Only he is able to prescribe an effective treatment that can overcome the ailment.

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