Fistula of the pancreas and its treatment

If there is a violation of the integrity of the pancreatic ducts, fistulas may appear in it. Among the pancreatic fistulas, external or pancreatic-dermal ones predominate. The reasons for their appearance are different. This can be a closed or penetrating injury, surgical intervention in the pancreas or organs located nearby, acute pancreatitis and its complications.

When injuring the pancreas, as a rule, other abdominal organs are affected. In this case, an urgent operation is necessary. As a result of acute pancreatitis or pseudocysts of traumatic origin, fistula can develop, through which pure pancreatic juice will flow - without active enzymes. In many cases, it is closed after drug treatment.

An important factor provoking the appearance of fistulas is other acute pancreatic pathologies - abscesses, pseudocysts and their complications. Fistula appears when the gland juice is released to the skin for more than two days( approximate volume - 100 ml per day).Diagnose this pathology by analyzing the flowing liquid to the content of amylase, the content of which in pancreatic juice is several times higher than in the blood.

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Treatment of pancreatic fistula

As a rule, the treatment of fistulas, which are incomplete, is conservative. The main condition - the maintenance of adequate nutrition. In addition, the introduction of plasma and blood into the body is medically administered. This is necessary in order to replenish the water balance, as well as the amount of proteins and electrolytes.

In the treatment of the pancreas a special medical diet is used, which was called "fatty".Its main task is to reduce the exogenous secretion of the diseased organ. In addition, the doctor prescribes the use of such a drug as the inhibitor of Trachylol. It has a valuable property to inhibit the secretion of trypsin secretion.

Immediately before eating, the drug atropine is prescribed. In addition, injected Ephedrine, ganglion blocker. The juice that is released from the fistula is concentrated in a special container, then, by means of a probe, it is transported to the stomach.

Also for the treatment of the fistula of the pancreas, apply and local therapy. It is to protect the skin from maceration. For this purpose, Lassar paste is used, as well as gypsum powder.

Such procedures are also performed with complete fistula. They also bring a healing effect. But in particularly severe cases resort to surgical intervention.

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