Ring-cell carcinoma( cricoidal) gastric cancer, prognosis and treatment

Ring-shaped( cricoidal) gastric cancer is characterized by endophytic tumor growth. It develops from the glandular epithelium and grows deep into the wall of the organ. This type of neoplasm is dangerous for its transient invasive growth and early metastases.

Causes of development of cricoid gastric cancer

The development of cricoid carcinoma can occur for the same reasons that other malignancies of the stomach also occur. The main of them are:

  • bad habits;
    cyst-cell carcinoma of the stomach 249
    cricoid stomach cancer 91
    cyst-cell carcinoma of the stomach 56
    cell-mediated stomach cancer 40
    cyst-cell carcinoma of the stomach treatment 24
  • disturbed diet;
  • addiction to spicy and fried foods;
  • presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract( peptic ulcer, gastritis).

Among the reasons for the appearance of malignant formation may be hereditary predisposition.

A ring-shaped cell carcinoma is capable of affecting any part of the stomach. It develops rapidly, metastasizes and worsens the general condition of the body. The timing of the course of the disease depends on the degree of organ damage and the way of life that leads the patient.

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Ring-cell carcinoma of the stomach: symptoms of

In the initial stage, cellular gastric cancer is asymptomatic. Neoplasms can be accidentally detected when examining a patient with chronic forms of gastritis or stomach ulcers.

The development of the cricoid tumor of the stomach is most often accompanied by the appearance of dyspeptic disorders. Patients feel:

  • rapid saturation even after taking a small amount of food;
  • discomfort and localization of epigastric pain;
  • soreness when swallowing, heartburn.

Patients may lose weight quickly and often experience a lack of appetite. It is possible to observe a stool with bloody impurities and vomit in the form of "coffee grounds", which occurs when blood elements and gastric juice interact. With the spread of cricoid-cell carcinoma of the stomach, the fluid inside the abdominal cavity can accumulate and the liver can grow.

Cystic cell carcinoma: Forecast

With late detection of the transsticarcellular cancer of the stomach, the prognosis may be unfavorable. This type of tumor is able to rapidly infect the lymph nodes and tissues of nearby organs. The prognosis of treatment will depend on how timely the patient is diagnosed.

For the diagnosis of malignant stomach formation, histological and cytological analyzes are performed. They allow to recognize tumor cells containing a large number of mucin( normally this protein protects the body from viruses), under the pressure of which the squeezing of the cell nuclei occurs. In this condition, they are pushed back to the shell, resulting in atypical cells take the form of rings.

After revealing the features of the microscopic structure of the tumor, its prevalence, the degree of lesion of lymph nodes and metastasis in surrounding tissues, treatment of a patient with a cellular tumor of the stomach is prescribed.

Cystic cell carcinoma: treatment of

The chances of long-term survival of patients with ring-cell carcinoma of the stomach increase cytoreductive operations, in which the focus of malignant formation is eliminated and lymph nodes are cut off to stop metastasis and damage to other organs.

When a form of cricoid formation is launched, the patient is prescribed palliative surgery to prolong life and relieve suffering. From the size of the tumor and the area of ​​its spread in neighboring tissues, the degree of surgical intervention will depend.

Only with the timely detection of cellular cancer of the stomach and the appointment of an adequate treatment appears hope for recovery. After the termination of treatment the patient should be periodically observed by the oncologist, pass control inspections, adhere to a diet and eat properly.

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